khiladi;2579716 said:
Ah, so it isn't in his nature to call out TO, but it is in his nature to call out Garrett, the nice-guy who is innocent, and being forced a bad hand. So how is it smart to call out Garrett?
I stated:
"I sincerely doubt that Romo will EVER call out Owens. It's seemingly not in his nature. And while Jerry Jones is paying Owens, it would be neither prudent nor smart for him to do so."
There may be a misunderstanding, so I'll try to clear it up.
When I was politically correctly saying,
"It's seemingly not in his nature", I was stating (for lack of a better word) that Tony Romo isn't frakking (again, for lack of a better word) stupid enough to piss off Terrell Owens. He's a very intelligent young man (shut up Vintage!
). I'm certain that he is fully aware of the possible ramifications of pissing off Terrell Owens based on Terrell Owens previous "professional working relationships" with other quarterbacks and will not say or do something... well, you know... to jeopardize their working relationship.
On the other hand, Tony Romo should have the general understanding that Jason Garrett does not share Terrell Owens' "emotional" track record. Nothing in Garrett's background would preclude Romo to be the slightest bit apprehensive of a possible backlash by criticizing his offensive coordinator.
Was it smart for Romo to publicly criticize Garrett? In my opinion, he shouldn't have done so publicly.
No one should. Internal "strife" should be kept in-house, but you ask me whether it was smart? I don't know. I'll leave that for you or others to decide.
khiladi;2579716 said:
Like I said, no matter how you spin it, you will not find a single player who has come out publicly and criticized Owens.
~for my opinion concerning players publicly speaking about Terrell Owens, please see the comment above concerning Romo as a reference~
khiladi;2579716 said:
People may attribute anonymous sources all they want, but when it comes down to it, Roy Williams, Tony, Romo, Terrell Owens and even Newman have called out specifically the play-calling. Not to mention the opponents of the Cowboys, which include premier HOF player's like Ray Lewis and Ed Reed.
I'm fully aware of your opinion concerning Garrett's effectiveness as an offensive coordinator, but are we (you and I) discussing:
who is publicly criticizing Garrett's coaching abilities
who is publicly criticizing Garrett's coaching abilities
AND who will receive
vastly different levels of media commentary based on their criticism of Garrett?
Gotta go for a meeting. I'll check back after I return to my office.