Sources Say Goodell Will Suspend Vick for 2007

For those who think one year would be excessive, think about this:

Innocent dogs were involved. Dogs are icons in our society.
The only thing more heinous would be hurting little kids.
So a year seems really reasonable, if I were Mikey.
Falcons gonna lose their best running back boo hoo see ya loser
DallasEast;1586084 said:
My money's on 600 replies minimum--with 50% - 55% of the replies made by lawyers.

Lawyers that have enough time to spend EVERY DAY on a Cowboys site. Must be from Harvard:laugh2:
This is a good move and the NFL is smart.

This could be what steroids has been to baseball in some small way.

Severe penalty cuts the NFL off from Vick and whatever happens to him.

I bet Vicks pulls a Pacman and gets in more trouble and the NFL never lets him back in. If they have proof of gambling on dogs I can see him getting banned for life once convicted.
Teague31;1586093 said:
way too excessive IMO- first off he has not been convicted of anything.. second, how many players get slaps on the wrist for domestic assault or as the earlier poster pointed out manslaughter. goddell is bowing to public pressure.

Yup, that's EXACTLY what he's doing... unfortunately for you and Ookie, though, Goodell warned everybody that from this point forward, he was putting some teeth in the player conduct policy, and that would mean more severe punishments...

So it's pretty weak to now whine when the punishment handed down IS more severe... Vick needs to be worrying more about keepin' his ignorant *** out of jail, anyway...
HopeCowboyFan;1586151 said:
This is wrong....

So wrong to suspend a player before legal due process has happened.

Not when there's gambling involved... ask Hornung and Karras about that...
ThreeSportStar80;1586165 said:
How can you suspend a guy for the year for a 1st time possible offense, there's no conviction or even a trial yet... Boy talk about jumping the gun if indeed these "sources" know what they're talking about.:rolleyes:

The Player Conduct Policy does not depend on convictions, or even arrests... any conduct the commissioner deems to be damaging to the interests of the league may be cause for suspension...

You might personally think that's wrong, but it's written into the agreement between the league and the players, and as such it's quite legal...
I understand both sides of the opinion coin here, but does anyone remember the name Richard Jewel. If you do, you know what I mean.
LowTech;1586292 said:
I understand both sides of the opinion coin here, but does anyone remember the name Richard Jewel. If you do, you know what I mean.

Richard Jewell has absolutely nothing to do with this situation... there are no comparisons to be drawn between Michael Vick and him...
GimmeTheBall!;1586223 said:
For those who think one year would be excessive, think about this:

Innocent dogs were involved. Dogs are icons in our society.
The only thing more heinous would be hurting little kids.
So a year seems really reasonable, if I were Mikey.
What about hurting fat kids?
I've never cared for Vick the football player. I always thought he was overhyped. And after some of the stunts he has pulled over the last couple of years, I saw that I don't really care for Vick the person.

If he is responsible for the acts that have been revealed, I've got a couple of Dobermans that would love to have a little talk with him.

But am I going to be judge, jury and executioner because he has been accused of something and the media is milking it for everything it's worth? No.

I just don't share that mob mentality like most. But I will be the one with a rope if he is responsible.
lspain1;1586167 said:
This was an obvious move. Something had to happen and Goodell is definitely doing the right thing. I will note for some on this forum that this is the right move regardless of the guilt or innocence of Vick.

I personally think Vick is involved. But NO WAY can you take away his pay for a year especially if later he is exonerated...

Think about granted this a bit far fetched but it is still in the realm of reality...

lets say that it happened just like Vick said and later his Defense attorneys can prove that these cooperating witnesses had tried to extort money from Vick and when they didn't get it made up their stories...

So vick not only lost a year of playing time but his salary and his endorsements because someone lied.

How in the world can someone say that the NFL made the right move...Vick violated neither the personal conduct or broke any law...

now you might say he should have never helped out a family member... agreed if he knew he was shady but if he had no idea how can you hold him responsible he is not his brother's keeper...

now again granted... I do not see the above scenario as plausible but it is still possible.

The NFL would be just as guilty as those that tried to extort and use Vick and that would be the bigger blackeye than having waited till due process took place
Zaxor;1586306 said:
How in the world can someone say that the NFL made the right move...Vick violated neither the personal conduct or broke any law...

Your argument seems to miss the forest for the trees. I am not a Vick hater but I simply don't see any other practical alternative:

1. It is my understanding that in a meeting with Goodell, Vick stated that nothing happened on the property he owned. Vick did not say "I don't know".....or "Not to my knowledge".....He said "Nothing happened." This was clearly a lie. Regardless of whether or not Vick was involved....bad things happened on the property. I believe Goodell has all of the ammuntion he needs to make a determination in the best interests of the NFL right now. He does not need to wait.

2. The argument over the money CAN wait until tomorrow. Right now, Michael Vick must not take the field in the NFL until the case is adjudicated. Suspend Vick and keep him off the field. If he is proven him some or all of his money and move on.

This seems the only practical solution and the courts will decide the eventual outcome. I have no idea if this approach is "just," I just don't see any other alternative.
lspain1;1586331 said:
Your argument seems to miss the forest for the trees. I am not a Vick hater but I simply don't see any other practical alternative:

1. It is my understanding that in a meeting with Goodell, Vick stated that nothing happened on the property he owned. Vick did not say "I don't know".....or "Not to my knowledge".....He said "Nothing happened." This was clearly a lie. Regardless of whether or not Vick was involved....bad things happened on the property. I believe Goodell has all of the ammuntion he needs to make a determination in the best interests of the NFL right now. He does not need to wait.

2. The argument over the money CAN wait until tomorrow. Right now, Michael Vick must not take the field in the NFL until the case is adjudicated. Suspend Vick and keep him off the field. If he is proven him some or all of his money and move on.

This seems the only practical solution and the courts will decide the eventual outcome. I have no idea if this approach is "just," I just don't see any other alternative.

While I agree with this... it should be with pay as I can see no justifyable way to suspend him without pay
Zaxor;1586335 said:
While I agree with this... it should be with pay as I can see no justifyable way to suspend him without pay

Wouln't be a suspensions if it was paid. It would be a vacation.
And its all about image. This guy flipped off the fans and had a little funkity funk in a water bottle, gave out an STI and now is a known dog fighter.

Hes trash and any employer who wouldn't sperate themselves from a person of that low quality is just asking trouble.
the mouthpieces and wannabe's just never get it. Most people now are smart enough to realize the chances that someone like Vick is innocent of all things is just about ZERO. Does not matter what joke of a verdict the screwed up legal system comes up with-the COURT of PUBLIC OPINION will rule. And THAT is what the NFL has to worry about.
GimmeTheBall!;1586223 said:
For those who think one year would be excessive, think about this:

Innocent dogs were involved. Dogs are icons in our society.
The only thing more heinous would be hurting little kids.
So a year seems really reasonable, if I were Mikey.

on top of that and all the executions were the really really sick disclosure of "warming up" or "training" the pit bulls with golden retrievers

this clown and his cohorts are some of the sickest scum of the earth

LowTech;1586292 said:
I understand both sides of the opinion coin here, but does anyone remember the name Richard Jewel. If you do, you know what I mean.

yeah I know who he is and no, this has nothing to do with that nor is it similar in anyway


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