Spears working with the "Manster"

Tobal;2735867 said:
Well that wasn't a defense of TO in my opinion... He said they weren't as bad as people made out. He didn't say there was no issue and to me he gave the front office a pat on the back without alienating the guys let go.

That was well played Marcus

Hey, it's a contract year. :)

Actually, if Spears is looking at what Canty got paid and expecting to receive a similar offer, he might as well have his bags packed at the end of the season, too.

If he's willing to accept an offer similar to what Olshansky received, then I would think that's possible depending on how he plays and how the other linemen competing for playing time do.
I'm glad to see Spears doing some work with Randy White, if you can get advice or tricks of the trade by a player of Randy White caliber then you would be foolish not to take advantage of it.
CowboyMike;2736354 said:
I believe Marcus actually started it doing it last off season, if I'm not mistaken. Ware did it last season I know for sure, and he turned around and had a 20 sack season after "spending one off season using karate."
Most of that had to do with Wade taking over the defense, not the karate...
ndanger;2735938 said:
I coached wrestling for many years and found that Shoalin Kempo was worthless to a guy when I had him in a bow and arrow, a figure four, chicken wing or a variety of moves that my parents never paid someone to teach me. Take out the arms and legs and the mind will follow.For what it's worth, I never got into fights when I was a kid.

Well, jujitsu is a great way to keep out of holds or get out of them. You just have to be pretty good to do it at speed. It won't hurt at all and my guess is it will help with balance, hands, and keeping the opponent off balance and hands off you.
No matter how things end up with respect to Spears being in Dallas long term or not, I have always respected his demeanor and straight forward approach to interviews.

He never makes excuses or tries to skirt responsibility. I admire that quality in a person regardless of what the final evaluation of his effectiveness as a player is.
Tobal;2735867 said:
Well that wasn't a defense of TO in my opinion... He said they weren't as bad as people made out. He didn't say there was no issue and to me he gave the front office a pat on the back without alienating the guys let go.

That was well played Marcus
God-forbid we defend satan.

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