"You can't mail days in in this league," Spencer told me in a phone interview Thursday. "And I definitely found I was doing that last year."
Spencer told me he was reviewing game tapes from last season and spotting mistakes he'd made that didn't make any sense to him. In the pass rush, he'd take the wrong angle or attack the line at the wrong spot -- little detail things he knows not to do but was doing anyway. So he decided to investigate further, and he dug up some practice tapes. What he saw there was a guy wearing his uniform but not always working very hard on those little detail things in practice.
"So this year, definitely been focusing more in practice," Spencer said. "That's been my big thing, and I think it's going to make a big difference."
Don't know if that proves your point or mine but there it is for what its worth. Either way, not a good thing on his part. But I think he has grown from that and is really a great player now.