If true, Key just regained some respect in my book.
Of course, we all know you jump on board from player to player like bandwagon fans jump to championship teams, sooo yea. lol
You were the one who supported your stan TOxic all those years. Predictable. Feeble.
look at this clown tim hasslebeck.
Not sure if you are implying it was scripted but it was not. It was very raw and everyone's opinion was based more on personal experience.
i love that...it's about time someone put those morons in their place. and what was that BS about Dez still being pissed after TW scored....all we saw on TV was him celebrating with TW. i wish they'd bring them all back now that we've heard the audio and actually let Key feed them both an actual crow
look at this clown tim hasslebeck.
I didn't understand that bs about Dez being upset after the T Will td either. He was celebrating.
there's a tiny clip of dez talking to romo and dooley (the same one with line audio from nfln) Jaws and Hasselbeck think he's still complaining about touches even after terrance williams scored the touchdown when it was pretty obvious based on the nfln audio that they were just talking about coverages.
I want the four of them to go back and revisit this conversation now that the audio has come out. THAT would be responsible sports journalism. I won't hold my breath on that follow up. Jaws and Hasselbeck are the two poster boys for media sensationalism.
The audio hasn't come out. The early game recording was fake and meaningless. When they dish the late-game dialog...then we can talk. But they won't. And you've got to ask: why not?!