Sportscenter: Heated exchange between Key, Hasselbeck, Jaws over Dez...vid Post #26

DCFanatic is the biggest D-Bag on the internet. And that is no lie. No hyperbola. No BS.

DCF will never, ever, ever, ever, admit when he's wrong. Ever. He is completely incapable of doing so.

It is impossible for me to dislike anyone more than I dislike DCFanatic.

I feel your pain, I worked with someone ate up with the dumb*** like your boy. With him it was easier to scapegoat and blame than to man up and accept his own stupidity. I didn't jump for jolly when he got ###canned but I didn't reach for a Kleenex either.
DCFanatic is the biggest D-Bag on the internet. And that is no lie. No hyperbola. No BS.

DCF will never, ever, ever, ever, admit when he's wrong. Ever. He is completely incapable of doing so.

It is impossible for me to dislike anyone more than I dislike DCFanatic.

I don't know him well enough to know.

I generally like to follow his stuff on twitter during the week and during games. We have some exhanges now and again but it's always been pretty respectful, I thought anyway, on both parts.

I just found it funny how he was raging out so much about Dez on Sunday and then when he's show audio evidence that his rage was completely off base and wrong he went into spin control and tried to start making things up out of the audio that weren't there.
I don't know him well enough to know.

I generally like to follow his stuff on twitter during the week and during games. We have some exhanges now and again but it's always been pretty respectful, I thought anyway, on both parts.

I just found it funny how he was raging out so much about Dez on Sunday and then when he's show audio evidence that his rage was completely off base and wrong he went into spin control and tried to start making things up out of the audio that weren't there.

That sounds pretty typical for that guy.
Refresh me, is DCFanatic = Shango?

Was it??? I don't recall?? I remember that was a topic sometime back?? But don't recall if it's fact?

I have no idea, the DC show and DCFanatic has me confused on who yall are talking about is all.

Was gonna say this guy you are describing doesn't sound like him, heh.

No. completely different people.

I honestly don't have any idea why people hate on Shango. I have always enjoyed his videos. I don't always agree with everything he says, such is life, but I have always liked his videos.

As for how DC treats people that was my only real complaint with him when he was here because he's that online tough guy who automatically wants to go to name calling and talking big because he's behind a keyboard.

I am 100% positive he does not respond or act like that in real life because he'd get his butt handed to him on a regular basis, an no I don't care how many times he or anyone else tells you that they're big bad dudes online. I'm not buying it. If you're really a big, bad dude, then you don't feel the need to defend that you're a big bad dude. So it's ********.

But other than that I actually though DC had some great content he brought to the forums and I do enjoy his twitter stuff the majority of the time.

I like Shango 110% better though. I like that guy a lot.
I was listening to Mike & Mike this morning and they said that even though the audio was out that, that didn't make them change their minds. They both thought he was childish and that he went on way to long yelling and that he was a distraction on the sidelines. I don't have audio on it or anything so if anyone can help.
Dez didn't do a damn thing wrong either.

ESPN needs to get a grip. Dez was simply frustrated and knew he could be doing more to help the team.

Yelp and he also knew that he'd been preached to by his coaches to do a certain job and things go certain way. But when you take one for the team 60 times and it's finally your time do more and you know in your mind that that could be your turn score points for your team and you don't get it it's like a slap in the face. It makes you think, do they not trust me? did they not see the same thing I saw?Am I being BS'd by the coaches?
I was listening to Mike & Mike this morning and they said that even though the audio was out that, that didn't make them change their minds. They both thought he was childish and that he went on way to long yelling and that he was a distraction on the sidelines. I don't have audio on it or anything so if anyone can help.

Here's some sideline sound (and video) from
Yelp and he also knew that he'd been preached to by his coaches to do a certain job and things go certain way. But when you take one for the team 60 times and it's finally your time do more and you know in your mind that that could be your turn score points for your team and you don't get it it's like a slap in the face. It makes you think, do they not trust me? did they not see the same thing I saw?Am I being BS'd by the coaches?

It's just media overkill, like everything else that happens with the Dallas Cowboys.

Still frustrating, I know... but we are used to it by now.
WHOA! Did anyone else watch it?! Key was really getting into with Tim and Jaws over Dez on the sideline. Key was 100% on Dez's side. He went so far as to tell both Tim and Jaws a couple of times that he was glad neither of them was his QB. The tension was HIGH! Never seen anything like it on ESPN.

Hopefully someone recorded it and will post it.

Good for Key, he was man enough to take a stand and tell the others they don't know what they are talking about, and I for one find that very refreshing.
No surprise Keyshawn didn't have a problem with Dez's actions seeing he created such a distraction with the Bucs during the 03 season he got deactivated for the final 6 games. When Keyshawn was in Dallas he and Bledsoe almost came to blows on the sidelines during a game after Bledsoe threw a pick due to both not being on the same page.

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