Sportscenter: Heated exchange between Key, Hasselbeck, Jaws over Dez...vid Post #26

Ill lose a lot of respect for Hasselbeck if he listened to that audio and came away even more convinced of his stance.

I think he is just getting attention for his stance so he's going to ride the wave.
You realize that at 6'1 and a flabby 215 pounds that numerous posters on this board could give Hasselbeck that work right?

LOL, What I realize is we have a bunch of internet tough guys on here who have a narcissistic vision of themselves. Please don't begin to tell me how numerous posters (whom you've never met) would "work" an ex professional athlete. I personally could take on this entire forum from behind my terminal in another state. I'm bad though!
LOL, What I realize is we have a bunch of internet tough guys on here who have a narcissistic vision of themselves. Please don't begin to tell me how numerous posters (whom you've never met) would "work" an ex professional athlete. I personally could take on this entire forum from behind my terminal in another state. I'm bad though!

So what you're telling me is, if you played in the NFL..excuse me, were a reserve player in the NFL and started 10 games in your career, that you're exempt from getting your *** kicked on the street? Do I have this correct. Sounds like you're living in the dark age where you think everybody that uses the internet is some 100 pound square lol
The real heated exchange was between Key, Chis Carter & Tom Jackson. Carter called Key a liar, several times. Jackson said Dez now needs rehabilitated.
The real heated exchange was between Key, Chis Carter & Tom Jackson. Carter called Key a liar, several times. Jackson said Dez now needs rehabilitated.

I saw that last night. Tom Jackson is a toolbag. He kept trying to make it out that Dez called out CJ so he was throwing a fit. BS.

Good for Keyshawn taking up for him.
There was a part that that was inaudible ..

Here's the translation.

Keyshawn, "I am glad neither one of you loser quarterbacks were my quarterback"
So what you're telling me is, if you played in the NFL..excuse me, were a reserve player in the NFL and started 10 games in your career, that you're exempt from getting your *** kicked on the street? Do I have this correct. Sounds like you're living in the dark age where you think everybody that uses the internet is some 100 pound square lol

No, I don't picture everybody as a 100 pound square. Yes, I do picture a guy who named himself after a interdimensional wizard from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as one. Sorry...
No, I don't picture everybody as a 100 pound square. Yes, I do picture a guy who named himself after a interdimensional wizard from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as one. Sorry...

Why dont you meet up with him and shoot the fair one, then come back and tell us about it
This is turning out to be much bigger than Dez. You are seeing a lot of former players and coaches in the media vent their biased opinions which ever side they are on. This is turning into a political and possible social debate.
I saw that last night. Tom Jackson is a toolbag. He kept trying to make it out that Dez called out CJ so he was throwing a fit. BS.

Good for Keyshawn taking up for him.
Tom Jackson acts so "holier than thou" his hate for the Cowboys over the years is so obvious. Cris Carter had the same type of personality as Dez so for him to call Dez out is remarkable. And Berman should be off the air already...what a blowhard...
Why dont you meet up with him and shoot the fair one, then come back and tell us about it

Okay, we'll arrange that. I'll let you know a time and date. We'll need somebody there to wear pom poms and a mini skirt and you fit the bill.
Because Black athletes like Key, Irvin, and T.O. see the clear double standard at play here. When guys like Brady/Manning show emotion on the sideline, they're called leaders and portrayed positively. When it's a Black athlete doing the exact same thing, they're demonized. Now that the audio is out, I want every commentator that came down on Dez to apologize with the same ferocity that they criticized him with.

There is the fact that the white guys you mention happen to play QB....
Both sides brought up valid points. This isn't "Black and white" here. I love Dez's passion and don't want him to change that, but you can improve your communication skills (ie sit down with Romo and look at the stills while the D is on the field) without losing his fire.

THat said... sometime people need to be freakin' yelled at on the sidelines, but if it's done it's gotta be more about "HEY, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING OUT THERE?! WE NEED to blah blah blah" It's got to be about team. I don't want to see him on the sidelines yelling "I'M OPEN! GET ME THE BALL! ME ME MEMEMEMEME!"

If that makes any sense. I'm not saying that's what he did on sunday, just saying in general.
this situation is not difficult to decipher. Megatron was having a monster game (built up all week) and Terrance Williams was getting majority of the pass attempts (he lead Dallas with 10 attempts). That game was probably hard for Dez to watch because CJ was establishing himself as best in the league.

I respected Key before this. Now? Even more.. Nice job.. Of course those two hacks at QB aren't going to get it or understand.

You target your MAIN WR 6 times. He scores on 2 of those attempts? Dude is gettin the ball a heck of a lot more if I am the QB or coach. But, it's all a process, I forgot...
There is the fact that the white guys you mention happen to play QB....

Perhaps. But I bet if Cam Newton did what Dez did, then all hell would break loose. Just my opinion, I have no way of knowing.
Hasslebeck just tweeted this:

"After hearing the dez Bryant sound its even more clear that he was both wrong and out of control."

Wow, just wow!

On Twitter DC Fantatic is doing pretty much the same thing. He went CRAZY over Dez on Sunday, which I'll admit I agreed with him as I said in another thread when I just saw it happen, about him doing that on Sunday.

However yesterday when the audio came out I admited that I was wrong but DC was on Twitter trying to still make comments about how Dez was being negative and even made a comment that was suggesting Dez refused to run a certain route, that they were telling him about during this exachange, because he was afraid to get knocked out by the linebacker sitting on the route.

He took Dez saying the linebacker was sitting on that as Dez saying he was afraid to get KO'd by the LB.

So it's not real surprising there are people out there who are still trying to spin it like Dez was an animal if they were the people raging out over his actions. IT was pretty funny cause DC was absolutely raging out on Twitter while trying to tell others how pathetic Dez was for losing control.
Text me if that happens. I'd love to watch what Hasslebeck would do to you.
i'm 6'3, 200lbs, 7-8% body fat. i guarantee you i am top 5 most athletic people on this site. don't be stupid, i would crack that wimps jaw in 2 minutes.

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