Sportscenter: Heated exchange between Key, Hasselbeck, Jaws over Dez...vid Post #26

Dez didn't do a damn thing wrong either.

ESPN needs to get a grip. Dez was simply frustrated and knew he could be doing more to help the team.
DCFanatic is the biggest D-Bag on the internet. And that is no lie. No hyperbola. No BS.

DCF will never, ever, ever, ever, admit when he's wrong. Ever. He is completely incapable of doing so.

It is impossible for me to dislike anyone more than I dislike DCFanatic.

I'd rather listen to a recording of a long turd than that D-bag. It would have more substance.
The audio hasn't come out. The early game recording was fake and meaningless. When they dish the late-game dialog...then we can talk. But they won't. And you've got to ask: why not?!

You sound dude said...go drink some milk. Then go to bed.
Wow, was just able to watch this clip. Can't believe I was watching a clip from ESPN. I agree with keyshawn for the most part.
I'd rather listen to a recording of a long turd than that D-bag. It would have more substance.

I have actually never listened to him, not even once. I can't imagine him having anything to say that I didn't already know or that would be even mildly entertaining.

My complete disdain for him is from reading his posts on here and seeing how he interacts with other posters. He would consistently act like a complete jerk to everyone he conversed with, and I never failed to side with whoever he was arguing with... even posters who I typically didn't like or agree with.

I have never encountered anyone with as little people skills as DCFanatic has, and I likely never will. He has a remarkable talent for douchbaggary, the like of which we may never see again. His online persona is, frankly, repulsive.

He thought he was funny. He wasn't.

He thought he was clever. He wasn't.

In arguments he would act like the entire forum was behind him. We weren't.

He acted like people from NY were smarter than those from the South. They aren't.

He belittled people any time he got the chance. For instance calling a guy who had admitted to belonging to Alcoholics Anonymous a drunk (among other things) because they disagreed about a football point. He would use anything he knew about someone's personal life against them in any argument, no matter how small or trivial the disagreement was. Any personal picture in your signature was fair game for DCF. Tell him he was wrong about a player and you better be prepared to defend your daughter if you had a picture of her in your signature.

He was that bad.

Even without that fingernail-on-chalkboard personality, his propensity to think he is a member of the media because of his reprehensible little "radio show" is so off-putting that I think he would still be my least favorite person on the Internet. It was simply infuriating to watch him talk down to respected members of this forum as if he knew more than they did simply because he thought he was a member of the media. He was probably some middle aged, overweight guy, living in his mom's basement while taking her food and Internet service. Maybe he was or maybe he wasn't... but what we could all be sure of is that he was most definitely not a member of the media. Yet he would defend any form of media as if he were part of it.


Take that abrasive personality, his holier-than-thou attitude, his fantasy that he was media, and throw in the the fact that he never, ever would admit to being wrong or give any credit to anyone when they were proven correct, and what you have is, well... my least favorite person on the Internet.

At the risk of sounding like an Internet tough guy... frankly, I'd love to meet DCF on the street and introduce myself. If ever anyone deserved it, he surely does.
I love how they show the same clip over and over without the audio, which is available.
I have actually never listened to him, not even once. I can't imagine him having anything to say that I didn't already know or that would be even mildly entertaining.

My complete disdain for him is from reading his posts on here and seeing how he interacts with other posters. He would consistently act like a complete jerk to everyone he conversed with, and I never failed to side with whoever he was arguing with... even posters who I typically didn't like or agree with.

I have never encountered anyone with as little people skills as DCFanatic has, and I likely never will. He has a remarkable talent for douchbaggary, the like of which we may never see again. His online persona is, frankly, repulsive.

He thought he was funny. He wasn't.

He thought he was clever. He wasn't.

In arguments he would act like the entire forum was behind him. We weren't.

He acted like people from NY were smarter than those from the South. They aren't.

He belittled people any time he got the chance. For instance calling a guy who had admitted to belonging to Alcoholics Anonymous a drunk (among other things) because they disagreed about a football point. He would use anything he knew about someone's personal life against them in any argument, no matter how small or trivial the disagreement was. Any personal picture in your signature was fair game for DCF. Tell him he was wrong about a player and you better be prepared to defend your daughter if you had a picture of her in your signature.

He was that bad.

Even without that fingernail-on-chalkboard personality, his propensity to think he is a member of the media because of his reprehensible little "radio show" is so off-putting that I think he would still be my least favorite person on the Internet. It was simply infuriating to watch him talk down to respected members of this forum as if he knew more than they did simply because he thought he was a member of the media. He was probably some middle aged, overweight guy, living in his mom's basement while taking her food and Internet service. Maybe he was or maybe he wasn't... but what we could all be sure of is that he was most definitely not a member of the media. Yet he would defend any form of media as if he were part of it.


Take that abrasive personality, his holier-than-thou attitude, his fantasy that he was media, and throw in the the fact that he never, ever would admit to being wrong or give any credit to anyone when they were proven correct, and what you have is, well... my least favorite person on the Internet.

At the risk of sounding like an Internet tough guy... frankly, I'd love to meet DCF on the street and introduce myself. If ever anyone deserved it, he surely does.
tell us how you really feel.

i agree with everything you said. that dude is the biggest jerk i've ever encountered on twitter. he'll spend the next 3 days dissecting the Dez audio to try to find anything that will defend his stance that Dez is a selfish diva...instead of just admitting being wrong and moving on.
You sound dude said...go drink some milk. Then go to bed.

I told him to eat a donut drink some milk and watch the Disney channel last night since he can't handle the emotional side if football. I figured Mickey and Goofy were better suited for his emotions
I have actually never listened to him, not even once. I can't imagine him having anything to say that I didn't already know or that would be even mildly entertaining.

My complete disdain for him is from reading his posts on here and seeing how he interacts with other posters. He would consistently act like a complete jerk to everyone he conversed with, and I never failed to side with whoever he was arguing with... even posters who I typically didn't like or agree with.

I have never encountered anyone with as little people skills as DCFanatic has, and I likely never will. He has a remarkable talent for douchbaggary, the like of which we may never see again. His online persona is, frankly, repulsive.

He thought he was funny. He wasn't.

He thought he was clever. He wasn't.

In arguments he would act like the entire forum was behind him. We weren't.

He acted like people from NY were smarter than those from the South. They aren't.

He belittled people any time he got the chance. For instance calling a guy who had admitted to belonging to Alcoholics Anonymous a drunk (among other things) because they disagreed about a football point. He would use anything he knew about someone's personal life against them in any argument, no matter how small or trivial the disagreement was. Any personal picture in your signature was fair game for DCF. Tell him he was wrong about a player and you better be prepared to defend your daughter if you had a picture of her in your signature.

He was that bad.

Even without that fingernail-on-chalkboard personality, his propensity to think he is a member of the media because of his reprehensible little "radio show" is so off-putting that I think he would still be my least favorite person on the Internet. It was simply infuriating to watch him talk down to respected members of this forum as if he knew more than they did simply because he thought he was a member of the media. He was probably some middle aged, overweight guy, living in his mom's basement while taking her food and Internet service. Maybe he was or maybe he wasn't... but what we could all be sure of is that he was most definitely not a member of the media. Yet he would defend any form of media as if he were part of it.


Take that abrasive personality, his holier-than-thou attitude, his fantasy that he was media, and throw in the the fact that he never, ever would admit to being wrong or give any credit to anyone when they were proven correct, and what you have is, well... my least favorite person on the Internet.

At the risk of sounding like an Internet tough guy... frankly, I'd love to meet DCF on the street and introduce myself. If ever anyone deserved it, he surely does.

100% accurate! Good lord that idiot was a douchebag! You think some of the posters here are bad? Oh boy this dude takes the cake! He can have his little "podcast" oops radio show and shove nobody here cared for him he was a pompous prick! I would love to meet him with you and spit in his face.
Was it??? I don't recall?? I remember that was a topic sometime back?? But don't recall if it's fact?

I have no idea, the DC show and DCFanatic has me confused on who yall are talking about is all.

Was gonna say this guy you are describing doesn't sound like him, heh.
I'm over it already... This team is seriously flawed. We have no real leaders and the ones claiming to be are frauds!
One would think all 3 of them would be able to keep their cool on national, what a distraction this will be to ESPN
I told him to eat a donut drink some milk and watch the Disney channel last night since he can't handle the emotional side if football. I figured Mickey and Goofy were better suited for his emotions

Lmao at Disney channel
Heh, Irvin wasn't "exactly" in Dez's corner either last night. He said he was going to have to give him a talking too :D

Fact of the matter, Dez did not really "face" anybody disrespectfully and he certainly did not go as far as Manning did against Saturday.
So what you're telling me is, if you played in the NFL..excuse me, were a reserve player in the NFL and started 10 games in your career, that you're exempt from getting your *** kicked on the street? Do I have this correct. Sounds like you're living in the dark age where you think everybody that uses the internet is some 100 pound square lol


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