Sportscenter: Heated exchange between Key, Hasselbeck, Jaws over Dez...vid Post #26

Both sides brought up valid points. This isn't "Black and white" here. I love Dez's passion and don't want him to change that, but you can improve your communication skills (ie sit down with Romo and look at the stills while the D is on the field) without losing his fire.

THat said... sometime people need to be freakin' yelled at on the sidelines, but if it's done it's gotta be more about "HEY, WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING OUT THERE?! WE NEED to blah blah blah" It's got to be about team. I don't want to see him on the sidelines yelling "I'M OPEN! GET ME THE BALL! ME ME MEMEMEMEME!"

If that makes any sense. I'm not saying that's what he did on sunday, just saying in general.

I agree. Both sides make valid points... But...

The problem is: if it was Brady they would all be in agreement on only one point ... unanimously.
Perhaps. But I bet if Cam Newton did what Dez did, then all hell would break loose. Just my opinion, I have no way of knowing.

It'd be interesting to see, huh? I honestly can't guess how that would be received.
I do think there are differing standards between races about how passion is perceived. And I think those perceptions affect both the person emoting, and the person observing it.

Either way, the people criticizing Dez her are the same that wanted to expected problems from him from the get-go, and none of those problems ever materials. I dismiss categorically the stories about his friends pants at the mall, payment disputes over jewelry, and the very personal family stuff that's absolutely nobody's business in the first place.
i'm 6'3, 200lbs, 7-8% body fat. i guarantee you i am top 5 most athletic people on this site. don't be stupid, i would crack that wimps jaw in 2 minutes.

Yeah...well I'm 6'4, 201lbs, 6-7% body fat, in the top 4 most athletic people on this site. I floss my teeth with my lighter brethren. See...mine is almost as believable. Now back to your Minecraft and Dungeons and Dragons for the day.
Hasslebeck just tweeted this:

"After hearing the dez Bryant sound its even more clear that he was both wrong and out of control."

Wow, just wow!

He's just showed his true colors and what BSPN is all about. I hate that channel and have no respect for him at all (not that I ever really did).
Yeah...well I'm 6'4, 201lbs, 6-7% body fat, in the top 4 most athletic people on this site. I floss my teeth with my lighter brethren. See...mine is almost as believable. Now back to your Minecraft and Dungeons and Dragons for the day.

"Yeah, well I got chunks of guys like you in my stool"

Couldn't resist an old SNL parody of Frank Sinatra by the dearly departed Phil Hartman.
He's just showed his true colors and what BSPN is all about. I hate that channel and have no respect for him at all (not that I ever really did).

Are we really surprised that someone from BSPN won't admit they were wrong? SMH
hasslebeck double downed with more LIES on NFL Live today.

he said dez was ranting in the "2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters" LOL.

how the hell do these people keep a job?
hasslebeck double downed with more LIES on NFL Live today.

he said dez was ranting in the "2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters" LOL.

how the hell do these people keep a job?

Well just look at his wife and that's all you need to know about this hack who couldn't play. She's the reason he has a job that and his brother remained relevant
Tim Hasselback backed up Patrick Ramsey. Enough said.
I saw it live live last night it was on NFL Primetime and was glad to see Keyshawn stand up for Dez because the media was trying to make something out of nothing.

But we as Cowboy fans, why inthe world do we care what Hassellbeck has to say?? That guy couldn't "throw a party" yet along a damn football.

Hasselbeck can't hold Dez, or Key jock strap..
Yeah...well I'm 6'4, 201lbs, 6-7% body fat, in the top 4 most athletic people on this site. I floss my teeth with my lighter brethren. See...mine is almost as believable. Now back to your Minecraft and Dungeons and Dragons for the day.

What's hilarious is you're making it out like Hasselbeck is some supreme athlete that is tough as hell.
Jerry loves all this attention by the media. Dallas Cowboys in the news every day. That is why were are AMERICA'S TEAM!!!!

Yup. Jerry does his darndest to ensure we be the Miley Cyrus of the NFL. America whoredom…gotta love it.
Either way, the people criticizing Dez her are the same that wanted to expected problems from him from the get-go, and none of those problems ever materials. I dismiss categorically the stories about his friends pants at the mall, payment disputes over jewelry, and the very personal family stuff that's absolutely nobody's business in the first place.

You're not going to believe this but we are agreeing on something again Idgit. I've noticed people say the only reason Dez got so passionate/complaining was because he wanted to show up CJ. These are probably the same people that have always had it out for Dez. Dez just wants to win, if he sees something on offense they should be exploiting and they aren't, he should explode (in a good way about it).
Tom Jackson invoked Keyshawn on Sunday Night by mentioning the "Give me the d*mn ball." Keyshawn has not been happy with the Cowboys since they picked Terrell Owens over him, we all know this. He's always taken his little shots at Dallas (at the team, not players), but Keyshawn went to bat not just for Dez, but for the team for the Cowboys. It was a VERY impressive smackdown by Keyshawn. Personally, I

Hasselbeck/Jaws reacted to what they saw, not to what was actually said. From far away w/o the audio, yeah, all you see is an animated Dez, pounding his fist, etc. It looks bad, they ASSumed that Dez was saying "give me the d*mn ball" and such. And it was HILARIOUS to listen to the actual audio because you're like "Oooooh" and you realize that it was absolutely nothing like what they ASSumed it was..

The real story should be WHY these guys on ESPN are allowed to jump to such ridiculous conclusions and not have to offer up any kind of major apology to players. These guys aren't gonna go on TV and say, "I was wrong. I apologize." It'll be some backhanded half-butted apology that will continue to push their silly assumption(s).

For Keyshawn's part...I think he *FINALLY* saw it... he saw how sports media hurts some players w/ their bias and unfair criticism. He got plenty of it when he was a player and wasn't gonna them get away with it this time (for the most part)
dont know if the actual link has been put up yet but here is a youtube video of the arguement

beautiful, you are the man

btw, who knew keyshawn could make sense? It's not as if he's completely absolving dez, but he's at least tempering his criticism in the context of what was happening on the field at the time.

Hasselback is a known bigot; surprised he has any position as an analyst.
On Twitter DC Fantatic is doing pretty much the same thing. He went CRAZY over Dez on Sunday, which I'll admit I agreed with him as I said in another thread when I just saw it happen, about him doing that on Sunday.

However yesterday when the audio came out I admited that I was wrong but DC was on Twitter trying to still make comments about how Dez was being negative and even made a comment that was suggesting Dez refused to run a certain route, that they were telling him about during this exachange, because he was afraid to get knocked out by the linebacker sitting on the route.

He took Dez saying the linebacker was sitting on that as Dez saying he was afraid to get KO'd by the LB.

So it's not real surprising there are people out there who are still trying to spin it like Dez was an animal if they were the people raging out over his actions. IT was pretty funny cause DC was absolutely raging out on Twitter while trying to tell others how pathetic Dez was for losing control.

DCFanatic is the biggest D-Bag on the internet. And that is no lie. No hyperbola. No BS.

DCF will never, ever, ever, ever, admit when he's wrong. Ever. He is completely incapable of doing so.

It is impossible for me to dislike anyone more than I dislike DCFanatic.

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