ST: Cowboys must allow Jason Garrett to cut Rolando McClain

It's just another failed attempt to justify this team continuing to employ turds.

Not sure about it needing justification. A lot of us have no issues with the Cowboys trying to rehabilitate troubled players. Like with most things, a lot depends on the circumstances.

But let's be honest at least. Our problem with Rolando McClain is that he wasn't dedicated to the team and that he got popped for smoking again and not with any altruistic concerns about his character.
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And they cut that same player almost immediately when they found out about the murder. So you are saying what, they knew about the murder?

Fair enough, then come out and admit the Cowboys knew Spillman was a rapist and he stayed on the team.

No, I said they KNEW this guy was heavily caught up in a thug culture. They KNEW the people he was hanging around with, no good people at all. He had ties to gang activity in college.

But there were whispers at the time, too, that Hernandez was caught up in more serious things. The word "gang" was bandied about in conversation.

They couldn't pin a lot of stuff on him (at Florida)," said one AFC college scouting director, whose team had Hernandez off the board. "But people at the school would tell you, 'Every time there's an issue, he's around it.' If there was trouble, Hernandez's name would come up. ... He was a con guy. Very believable. Spoke well. A lot of things inside of you hoped you'd turn him around, but people that I talked to said they didn't trust him, that he'd burn you.

Oh, but they cut him AFTER he murdered someone and it made widespread media coverage? Oh, well that changes everything!

How about Blount?

So rehabilitated now!

What do Patriots do?

What next should we do? Let's move onto the one shot Steelers!

Big Ben the accused rapist!

Leveon Bell suspension!

And yes, Martavis Bryant!

But yes, it's only the Cowboys!
Unfortunately there are a lot of low character players that exist. And yes, invariably all teams run into a situation where their behavior requires the organization to make a choice. The Cowboys just happen to find themselves in that position a lot since Jones took a page out of Al Davis' handbook. But that was a different era where player transgressions were far less publicized.

Everybody makes mistakes. But the first step to correcting a mistake is admitting you made it. And then doing what needs to be done to correct it.
Not sure about it needing justification. A lot of us have no issues with the Cowboys trying to rehabilitate troubled players. Like with most things, a lot depends on the circumstances.

My own stance on it has changed, given how many of these recent risks have only served to blow up in the team's faces and embarrassed the team's name. It's no longer worth the trouble and having the Cowboys name repeatedly tarnished and dragged through the mud.

But let's be honest at least. Our problem with Rolando McClain is that he wasn't dedicated to the team and that he got piped for smoking again and not with any altruistic concerns about his character.

Sure. He's nothing more than a means to an end, like all of the other talented trouble-makers. But unlike many in the organization, I'll honestly admit my true position and not try to spin things in another direction.

Time to punt this guy and stop being the NFL's 'Home for Wayward Boys'.
And since the SAME posters who completely overlook the initial points anyone makes. It's not that the Cowboys do these things and I'm excusing it, it's the ENTIRE LEAGUE does this, but some whiner comes in thinking it's only Jerry Jones and our staff.
right now the cowboys are the only team in the league that has three players suspended for drug use and a player from last year that no one will touch. most team wont touch those type of players because there coach and gm's job are mostly on the line not so much in dallas. that's why they can use a second round pick on a player that wont play this season when they have a defense that needs all the help they can get
Oh, but they cut him AFTER he murdered someone and it made widespread media coverage? Oh, well that changes everything!
That means they did something about it once his behavior became a problem.

I am not a big believer in that you avoid character issues and employ choir boys. This is a violent game and sometimes you need an edge to win.

But again, once a player shows they are unreliable, then I stop overlooking the issues.

Unnecessary use of exclamation points. Minus fifteen posts.

While you are foaming at the mouth with insane jealousy over the Pats and Steelers, I suppose you neglected to see the other post where I basically agreed with the premise that it is an NFL problem, not a Dallas problem.

The problem is how you address the issue going forward for the integrity of the team. That includes being prepared with depth alternatives and then a true decision on the value of the problem player.
And since the SAME posters who completely overlook the initial points anyone makes. It's not that the Cowboys do these things and I'm excusing it, it's the ENTIRE LEAGUE does this, but some whiner comes in thinking it's only Jerry Jones and our staff.

And some apologist comes in and ignores the fact that the volume of the character gambles Dallas takes and their faith in said gambles is unlike any of the other examples you present.

You aren't even grasping the point. You are just ALL CAPS and !!!! thinking you are making a point when you aren't.
That means they did something about it once his behavior because a problem.

I am not a big believer in that you avoid character issues and employ choir boys. This is a violent game and sometimes you need an edge to win.

But again, once a player shows they are unreliable, then I stop overlooking the issues.

Unnecessary use of exclamation points. Minus fifteen posts.

While you are foaming at the mouth with insane jealousy over the Pats and Steelers, I suppose you neglected to see the other post where I basically agreed with the premise that it is an NFL problem, not a Dallas problem.

The problem is how you address the issue going forward for the integrity of the team. That includes being prepared with depth alternatives and then a true decision on the value of the problem player.

Don't attempt to weasel your way out of this with me. The post I originally responded to brought up how Jerry liked bringing in thugs, which I responded to it's not just's the entire league. So what was the point of your post? You attempted to be confrontational for no reason then. Is it a league wide problem? Yeah, it is. Are the Cowboys the only popular team going through these issues, and in many ways overlooking? NOPE.

So what else do you have Alexander? Please, try getting out of it like you do with every other weak argument.
And some apologist comes in and ignores the fact that the volume of the character gambles Dallas takes and their faith in said gambles is unlike any of the other examples you present.

You aren't even grasping the point. You are just ALL CAPS and !!!! thinking you are making a point when you aren't.

And you have nothing to back this up. Not a dang thing and don't even pretend you did the research. Outside of recent events of suspensions, Dallas was quite low on the list.

Another idiot hits my block list. Enough with this spam of stupidity.
Cowboys can cut Ronaldo right now..and they need to

They can but what do you get by doing this right now?

Be smart. Don't have to make a decision until his roster bonus is due. Discuss and pursue options. Good decisions are well thought out. That rarely happens on a "right now" basis.
They can but what do you get by doing this right now?

Be smart. Don't have to make a decision until his roster bonus is due. Discuss and pursue options. Good decisions are well thought out. That rarely happens on a "right now" basis.

What good is hanging on to him for now?
If Jerry likes idiots, woman beaters, rapists, and drug users so much then he needs to open up a prison.

This is supposed to be America's Team.

It is America's team. A perfect reflection of our culture and dumb laws that put marijuana on par with meth and heroin
Don't attempt to weasel your way out of this with me.

I will regret even indulging you, but I will anyways because I am bored and you are amusing.

The post I originally responded to brought up how Jerry liked bringing in thugs, which I responded to it's not just's the entire league. So what was the point of your post? You attempted to be confrontational for no reason then. Is it a league wide problem? Yeah, it is. Are the Cowboys the only popular team going through these issues, and in many ways overlooking? NOPE.

And once more, in your blathering over the top method of defending the Cowboys to say they are just like everyone else, you ignore the number of risks, the response and how other teams handle it. Hernandez was immediately cut. Blount has been on and off that roster and is an accessory piece they could cut at any time since they have other options. Bryant? Two more options that can play plus a rookie draftee.

So what else do you have Alexander? Please, try getting out of it like you do with every other weak argument.

What else do you have? Go roll up your sleeves and act like a tough guy someplace else. You cannot even handle a debate in an intellectual fashion by discussing the points and prefer to remain locked in imbecile mode.

You don't even admit that these other teams do and have responded differently.

You just want to harp on that it is a league problem, which not even the poster you dumped on initially stated.

That poster said they were tired of the continued and repetitive reliance on troubled players.

But hey, we are like everyone else, all caps, exclamation point, exclamation point.

And you have nothing to back this up. Not a dang thing and don't even pretend you did the research. Outside of recent events of suspensions, Dallas was quite low on the list.


And no team in the league currently has three projected defense starters that will be suspended for four or more games to start this season and virtually zero proven options to replace them.

You post a Wikipedia page that does not even include the players that are being talked about and you call it "research"?

Another idiot hits my block list. Enough with this spam of stupidity.

That's a relief for you, I suppose.

I have sometimes thought about blocking posters that I disagreed with and lacked the intellectual capabilities to engage with, but that is pretty gutless.
What good is hanging on to him for now?

I want to get a good sense of what the other lbs can do and who might shake free from other teams. If we cut him, he'll get his 6 week salary paid out (vets can opt for this once) - I'm not 100% clear on the rule there but that looks like around 1.5 mill (if likely to be earned bonuses count in the calls). It could be that his 1.375 mill roster bonus has to be paid out in that situation as well

So we've got to pay the dude whether or not we keep him. Why wouldn't you take some time to see how things go?
Just stop.

Every team in the league has problems like this. Every single one. The freakin' Patriots had a thug who MURDERED someone right under their noses, a guy who had issues in college and there was rumors he was caught up in thug culture, they still took him in. You know, the team that supposedly has a zero tolerance to bad behavior policy. Yet, they have an RB that openly knocked another player out in college for being a loudmouth.

This is an NFL problem, not even an NFL problem, just a humanity problem. Stop with the exaggerations and quite frankly, I'm sick of reading crap like this on this site. I think it's time to start filtering people like you out, I really do. This stupidity can't stand.

Then block me. All you do is tow the company line anyway.

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