ST: Cowboys must allow Jason Garrett to cut Rolando McClain

I want to get a good sense of what the other lbs can do and who might shake free from other teams. If we cut him, he'll get his 6 week salary paid out (vets can opt for this once) - I'm not 100% clear on the rule there but that looks like around 1.5 mill (if likely to be earned bonuses count in the calls). It could be that his 1.375 mill roster bonus has to be paid out in that situation as well

So we've got to pay the dude whether or not we keep him. Why wouldn't you take some time to see how things go?

It's this exact same line of thinking that runs this franchise into the ground. It sets a poor example and lack of leadership and runs all the way down to the players. Cutting Ronaldo would set an example for an individual like Gregory. Instead, we are making a clear indication to him and anyone else, similar behavior will be tolerated. Mincey made it clear when he left that there was immaturity issues on this team, in order to solve that problem, multiple things need to happen. Here was a perfect example of a way to get on the right track and the exact opposite happened. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, the leadership in this organization stinks and has for a while. What makes this decision even more stupid, is that it really isn't that difficult of a choice to make. Forgetting everything I just mentioned and understanding that Mcclain is out a minimum of 10 games, game 11 is on short rest, meaning he will miss that one too, and there is plenty of evidence that mcclain won't even put the work in from now until then to be ready to go what the heck is this clown going to offer in week 12? We are talking 4 regular season games at best anyways. Save me the nonsense and for once I'd like for this organization to show some smarts, as usual, they've failed us
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It's this exact same line of thinking that runs this franchise into the ground. It sets a poor example and lack of leadership and runs all the way down to the players. Cutting Ronaldo would set an example for an individual like Gregory. Instead, we are making a clear indication to him and anyone else, similar behavior will be tolerated. Mincey made it clear when he left that there was immaturity issues on this team, in order to solve that problem, multiple things need to happen. Here was a perfect example of a way to get on the right track and the exact opposite happened. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, the leadership in this organization stinks and has for a while. What makes this decision even more stupid, is that it really isn't that difficult of a choice to make. Forgetting everything I just mentioned and understanding that Mcclain is out a minimum of 10 games, game 11 is on short rest, meaning he will miss that one too, and there is plenty of evidence that mcclain won't even put the work in from now until then to be ready to go what the heck is this clown going to offer in week 12? We are talking 4 regular season games at best anyways. Save me the nonsense and for once I'd like for this organization to show some smarts, as usual, they've failed us again.

Gregory doesn't need an example. He needs help with his mental health issues that drive him to seek weed for relief. Dude likely has been using weed to cope for years.

Those who think you can get through to someone by cutting another player are fooling themselves. Dude use despite a 25% cut in salary. Yet Ro getting cut is going to provide some sort of come to Jesus moment? Foolish thinking.
They can but what do you get by doing this right now?

Be smart. Don't have to make a decision until his roster bonus is due. Discuss and pursue options. Good decisions are well thought out. That rarely happens on a "right now" basis.

"Right now" basis?

So we just ignore the fact that McClain was suspended last year or that he finds every reason to avoid putting in the work?

Any person in the front office who hadn't ever considered what course the team should take in the event that McClain continued down the same path should just quit. A person that blind has no room in the front office of any NFL team.
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Gregory doesn't need an example. He needs help with his mental health issues that drive him to seek weed for relief. Dude likely has been using weed to cope for years.

Those who think you can get through to someone by cutting another player are fooling themselves. Dude use despite a 25% cut in salary. Yet Ro getting cut is going to provide some sort of come to Jesus moment? Foolish thinking.

The only foolish thinking here is coming from you. I used Gregory as one example. Do you think he's the only player on the team? Leadership is setting examples, there are dozens of other players on this team...some of them can manage themselves, some of them can't. For those who can't manage themselves, they need proper guidance. This organization doesn't offer it
I have sometimes thought about blocking posters that I disagreed with and lacked the intellectual capabilities to engage with, but that is pretty gutless.

lol, if he keeps blocking everyone, this place will never have anything for him to read
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I usually have no use for anything written by Mac Engel, but I think he makes a valid case here:

Like so many before him, Jason Garrett was gelded long ago by his boss, and if the coach wants to regain any footing with his players he needs to cut linebacker Rolando McClain yesterday.

Actually, cutting Ro’ may not make a difference in a locker room that knows it’s not Coach Process who has the final say on who is and isn’t in that room.

If the Dallas Cowboys keep the recently re-suspended McClain on their roster, it will further erode whatever confidence anybody should have in Jason Garrett’s authority ... if he has any remaining.

Read more here:

This is a really dumb article, I am not a fan of JG, but only 1 or 2 coaches in the nfl can cut a player without asking the owner if it is ok.
(especially if the player is a starter)
Bellichek and maybe McCarthy can do it.
Just a few years back the minnesota coach cut aging randy moss, and was later fired by the owner who was furious he wasnt consulted.
That coach had his team in the conf championship game, and after that Minnesota became a doormat team, but the owner
show his coach who was the big boss !! lol

That is just how it is.

In this case it is probably more stephen than Jerry, as he is director of player personnel ?
either way the jones boys have and will always decide who stays and who goes.....and when.

The owners are like little kings, and they rule their little kingdoms, however they want to.
"Right now" basis?

So we just ignore the fact that McClain was suspended last year or that he finds every reason to avoid putting in the work?

Any person in the front office who hadn't ever considered what course the team should take in the event that McClain continued down the same path should just quit. A person that blind has no room in the front office of any NFL team.

I'm not advocating keeping him. I'm advocating making sure we aren't cutting off our nose to spite our face. If we are 6-4 with a great O but a big hole at MLB, I'd love to have what he brings for the rest of the season. If we think Hitch or someone else can give us enough then move on.

Of course, I totally reject the knee jerk idea that you cut him to send a message
If Jerry likes idiots, woman beaters, rapists, and drug users so much then he needs to open up a prison.

This is supposed to be America's Team.

All nfl teams draft and hire unsavory types, if they have talent,or fill a need. It is about wanting to win bad enough, that you do
whatever it takes to win.
And colleges give scholarships to these same guys, and then pamper them and help them pass the classes, so they can play
And that comes back to fans wanting the teams to win, even fans overlook things with players that are good.

I might add that most owners in the nfl are not exactly nice people, to get their fortunes, there is no telling
what they did along the way.
Nice moral people dont usually end up billionaires and owning a sports franchise.

I think colleges are the breeding ground for players to do bad things and get away with it, and keep playing,
and then they come to the nfl, and think they can continue do whatever they want.
So a lot of this stuff starts in college, like the Baylor Rape thing, where players known to be rapists
not only kept playing but were protected, but hey the team won and fans were happy.

If dallas had won the SB last year and Ro was MVP, none of you would be wanting to cut him right now.
I have sometimes thought about blocking posters that I disagreed with and lacked the intellectual capabilities to engage with, but that is pretty gutless.

You may be a lot of things but "gutless" isn't one of them.

I have seen a picture of your beer belly.
This is getting old. No one likes rooting for criminals, drug users who constantly get suspended, and headcases. It's embarrassing.

This team is really trying my patience.

Well, the only thing I can tell you is Dallas is nowhere near the worst of teams in the NFL. Since 2002, Washington, Seatle, Carolina, Seattle and Indy have the most player suspensions that includes everything from PED use to arrests. Between those five teams it's close to to players, 360 games missed, with over 20 million dollars in money lost from suspension.

And where do the Cowboys rank in this list? 25th.

We're the much lesser of many evils - doesn't make the situation any better though.
Well, the only thing I can tell you is Dallas is nowhere near the worst of teams in the NFL. Since 2002, Washington, Seatle, Carolina, Seattle and Indy have the most player suspensions that includes everything from PED use to arrests. Between those five teams it's close to to players, 360 games missed, with over 20 million dollars in money lost from suspension.

And where do the Cowboys rank in this list? 25th.

We're the much lesser of many evils - doesn't make the situation any better though.


"Jason will have the final say on any person that leaves the coaching staff or comes to the coaching staff," Jones said. "There won't be a player on this team that Jason does not want on the team. ... That's the way we're going to operate."

- Jerry Jones - January 5, 2011

Seems to be a lie, no?

Jerry has never told a lie !:flagwave:
be funny if that was true though.
so many blaming jerry for hardy etc and it was jason all along !:angry:
I'm not advocating keeping him. I'm advocating making sure we aren't cutting off our nose to spite our face. If we are 6-4 with a great O but a big hole at MLB, I'd love to have what he brings for the rest of the season. If we think Hitch or someone else can give us enough then move on.

Of course, I totally reject the knee jerk idea that you cut him to send a message

This assumes he doesn't add to his suspension with another positive test. Even then you know he's going to be slobbishly out of shape when he does return and likely won't add much for a few weeks anyway. Too many hopes and prayers.

You don't cut him to send a message. Not even sure what message would be sent at this point.

You cut him because he's unreliable and undermines everything the team preaches about responsibility and accountability.
This assumes he doesn't add to his suspension with another positive test. Even then you know he's going to be slobbishly out of shape when he does return and likely won't add much for a few weeks anyway. Too many hopes and prayers.

You don't cut him to send a message. Not even sure what message would be sent at this point.

You cut him because he's unreliable and undermines everything the team preaches about responsibility and accountability.

That message gets sent when he's not re-signed. The take home message by cutting him now is "be irresponsible, we'll give you 3 mill to walk away."
That message gets sent when he's not re-signed. The take home message by cutting him now is "be irresponsible, we'll give you 3 mill to walk away."

I believe that he has to repay any bonus money that he got as a result of the suspension, so I think the dollar amount is lower than that.

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