News: ST: Cowboys receiver Dez Bryant says he's misunderstood, not a ‘me guy’

Which of us really thinks he's a "me" guy? Probably none of us? Sounds about right to me . . . ;)
Those guys are actors similar to wrestling. They literally have a script. Skip's script says be a Cowboys homer. If corporate changes the script he could be a Skins homer tomorrow.

LOL -- seems like a vague script but it's likely not at all removed from the truth. Crazy world we live in, huh?
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Skip Bayless is a cancer to society, not just to sports, but society as a whole. I have no respect for that man. None at all.

There's no doubt whatsoever that this fella who calls himself "Aikman" wholeheartedly agrees with your message. :muttley:
Good for him. I hope he stops talking to the media or learns to give just "yes" or "no" answers. That will keep him out of trouble and keep the media from twisting his words.
I would like to agree with you, but I can't. Dez is in a no-win situation with the media, IMO. If he says very little, that just gives the media a licence to fill in the blanks with whatever content they choose. I am pretty sure I know what the tone of that content would be.
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Dez needs to learn how to get away from the DB. Can't have them constantly pinned to your hip Dez.:mad:
I would like to agree with you, but I can't. Dez is in a no-win situation with the media, IMO. If he says very little, that just gives the media a licence to fill in the blanks with whatever content they choose. I am pretty sure I know what the tone of that content would be.

That may happen initially. But if you stay consistent, you can change how people perceive you. You can't do it just a few times and then revert back to who you were. You have to remain consistent.
It's just like the reformed drunk. Because he has a reputation, when you tell people you've gone cold turkey, they're not going to believe you, and they're going to continue to perceive you as that old drunk. If you slip back into drinking, they're going to say, "See, he didn't really change."
But as you are consistent in your message AND your action, the critics move from disbelief to resignation that you've changed to acceptance of your change.

Consistency is the key.
Have they?
When a reporter asked the question, 99.9% of teammates will make a positive statement; however, it is the completely unprompted endorsements that count and I have not seen those.

Well I think it would be a little odd if someone just out of the blue said Dez is not a ‘me guy’.

But earlier in the pre-season, there was an article where I know Garrett and Claiborne praised Dez for his leadership as did media members who were in Oxnard. And I’ve heard an unprompted Romo echo those same sentiments in interviews, too.

I think unconsciously his immaturity can lead to some ‘me guy’-esque tendencies, like being late for meetings.

But the media likes to portray him as this guy that demands the ball.

In reality, the most controversial things that Dez has done—jawing with Witten on the sideline, leaving a game a minute early—those things were rooted in losing heart breaking games.

Granted, he’s got to be better and Dez can still come unhinged a bit at times, but he has a ‘team first’ mentality on the field.

The greatest offense Dez has committed to be considered a “me guy” was being drafted by a team that cut Terrell Owens one year prior.
No idea why the media covers Dez the way they do. I guess it's better for clicks this way. They even do it with Beckham now. I wish Dez wouldn't play into it.
I don't think Dez is a me guy and I'm sure he is happy with the Cowboys winning but I would really like to see him working harder on improving his game. I don't see where many have cut slack to Terrance Williams over the years and he is a #2 WR making peanuts, Dez is a #1 making franchise money of course a lot should be expected. Again I'm glad he is not acting like a me guy but he needs to step it up and be the franchise WR he was paid to be

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