ST Pet peeve

Nors said:
Price will be active very, very soon. He's clearly a better 4th WR than Cropper. BP has already added Davis to the mix and is fixing a unit that SUCKED. Almost lost a game and all on that unit are under scrutiny.

Just checked - Howard a Saint, We went 3-4 this year, Romo beat out Henson. And thanks for noting Price call. Spot on.

Book this - heads are rolling on ST and cropper is a fringe guy in this league. Its so easy - I backed you into yet another losing battle! You go BZ!

Except we didn't cut Keyshawn, who is obviously not a Bledsoe type receiver.

I wonder how the weather is in Nors' world? In his eyes it's probably bright and shiny on him 24/7, while it's severe thunderstorms on everyone else.

I love the ignore feature. Very much.
Rack said:

I wonder how the weather is in Nors' world? In his eyes it's probably bright and shiny on him 24/7, while it's severe thunderstorms on everyone else.

What do ignore mean. You post in all my threads! Helllloooo?

ST sucked and Price will be dressed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sORRY IT ALWAYS RAINS ON racks PARADE.

I love the ignore feature. Very much.

What do Ignore mean again?

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