Star Wars The Last Jedi Spoiler Thread


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
What did you think about the movie?

Some thoughts:

- The Snoke thing really caught me off guard. After all the, it really made you want me. He showed to be exceptionally powerful. Then in an instant....dead. Still so many unanswered questions. I wouldn't be surprised of this isnt the last we see from him in the Star Wars Universe. Its been mentioned before that they may do a series of prequels around the time of the Old Republic. If he is "ancient" as they say, he could be a central character.

- Kylo as the main antagonist definitely isnt as forboding as Vander, Palpatine, or Snoke, but damn is he interesting. Where he isnt nearly as dark and scary as his predecessors, he makes up for it with unpredictability. It's almost as if every scene with him, you cant guess what he will say or do.

- Maybe Im getting soft, buy It was tough watching Leia. Im glad they didnt rewrite/reshoot a death. I was expecting to see some shoody, poorly concieved death scene with her. Im glad it didnt happen, she deserves better


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What did you think about the movie?

Some thoughts:

- The Snoke thing really caught me off guard. After all the, it really made you want me. He showed to be exceptionally powerful. Then in an instant....dead. Still so many unanswered questions. I wouldn't be surprised of this isnt the last we see from him in the Star Wars Universe. Its been mentioned before that they may do a series of prequels around the time of the Old Republic. If he is "ancient" as they say, he could be a central character.

- Kylo as the main antagonist definitely isnt as forboding as Vander, Palpatine, or Snoke, but damn is he interesting. Where he isnt nearly as dark and scary as his predecessors, he makes up for it with unpredictability. It's almost as if every scene with him, you cant guess what he will say or do.

- Maybe Im getting soft, buy It was tough watching Leia. Im glad they didnt rewrite/reshoot a death. I was expecting to see some shoody, poorly concieved death scene with her. Im glad it didnt happen, she deserves better

I'm wondering if the next movie is gonna be a time jump or will they pick up soon after this one ended


Village Idiot
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I like Kylo Ren. Just when you think he is redeeming himself, he further solidifies himself at the ultimate baddie.

I agree with the Snoke character. Completely useless and a waste of time. Disappointing to say the least.

I have a lot of gripes with the two movies. It was entertaining, but not very good.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I think they are all pretty much time jumps
There was no time jump between the last two (7 and 8), which was unusual. But this time around it would make sense to skip forward a few years.

As far as the Snoke stuff goes, that took me by surprise, but it was interesting. I enjoy being surprised. My guess is that a book or something is on the way that will flesh out the back story. (Much like the Tarkin or Phasma books they've already done.)

They've done a good job with Kylo Ren IMO. Glad they didn't turn him good. Overall a much more believable turn than the Anakin one (which was crap)


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
There was no time jump between the last two (7 and 8), which was unusual. But this time around it would make sense to skip forward a few years.

As far as the Snoke stuff goes, that took me by surprise, but it was interesting. I enjoy being surprised. My guess is that a book or something is on the way that will flesh out the back story. (Much like the Tarkin or Phasma books they've already done.)

They've done a good job with Kylo Ren IMO. Glad they didn't turn him good. Overall a much more believable turn than the Anakin one (which was crap)
Ive read before the film some youtubers think his orgin could be part of a new Old Republic era trilogy, whether central or ancillary. However, while he was an interesting character, is he really compelling enough to where we would be that invested into finding out his origin. He is probably somewhere in the middle between, Maul, Dooku, Grievous and Vader, Palpatine.

Books seem the most likely place for his back story. If they delve into it in a future trilogy, it may be ancillary to the central story.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
There was no time jump between the last two (7 and 8), which was unusual. But this time around it would make sense to skip forward a few years.

As far as the Snoke stuff goes, that took me by surprise, but it was interesting. I enjoy being surprised. My guess is that a book or something is on the way that will flesh out the back story. (Much like the Tarkin or Phasma books they've already done.)

They've done a good job with Kylo Ren IMO. Glad they didn't turn him good. Overall a much more believable turn than the Anakin one (which was crap)

More than not finding out about Snoke, it bothers me that the First Order "just is". The Empire lost, the Rebellion and the Republic won. But history is since rewritten that no matter how many times the Empire loses, they're still there. They still have the advantage somehow. They still have the resources, somehow, and they still always have the upper hand, somehow.

That grates on me far worse than either the Snoke or Rey storylines not being what was expected

It's funny to me that the Force Awakens gets brief for being too formulaic and rehashing former films, and now the Last Jedi gets dinged for not making the decisions that everyone expected.


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More than not finding out about Snoke, it bothers me that the First Order "just is". The Empire lost, the Rebellion and the Republic won. But history is since rewritten that no matter how many times the Empire loses, they're still there. They still have the advantage somehow. They still have the resources, somehow, and they still always have the upper hand, somehow.

That grates on me far worse than either the Snoke or Rey storylines not being what was expected

It's funny to me that the Force Awakens gets brief for being too formulaic and rehashing former films, and now the Last Jedi gets dinged for not making the decisions that everyone expected.

I find it more hilarious that this is in a galaxy, far, far away, and yet everyone still uses rocket technology (for thrusters) instead of antigravity.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
More than not finding out about Snoke, it bothers me that the First Order "just is". The Empire lost, the Rebellion and the Republic won. But history is since rewritten that no matter how many times the Empire loses, they're still there. They still have the advantage somehow. They still have the resources, somehow, and they still always have the upper hand, somehow.

That grates on me far worse than either the Snoke or Rey storylines not being what was expected

Well, this can be called a fault because no one should be expected to have to read the book and other materials to get the full story, but the rise of the first order over the 30 years between RotJ and TFA is explained in some books. You are correct to think that the Empire "just is" going by just the movies. But there's a lot more story to it make sense when it all laid out.

But again, the movies should be able to stand on their own. Needing an array of supplemental material to make it a better story isn't really fair. If you are curious, look for the 3 "Aftermath" books that take place in the year following RotJ and "Bloodline" that's a political story about 6 years before TFA.

(On a side note, the book "Catalyst" makes Rogue One about 2x better.)

It's funny to me that the Force Awakens gets brief for being too formulaic and rehashing former films, and now the Last Jedi gets dinged for not making the decisions that everyone expected.

That's true (and yes it is funny) because people love to complain. When something gets too popular, there are those that look forward to tearing it down.


Groupthink Guru
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
More than not finding out about Snoke, it bothers me that the First Order "just is". The Empire lost, the Rebellion and the Republic won. But history is since rewritten that no matter how many times the Empire loses, they're still there. They still have the advantage somehow. They still have the resources, somehow, and they still always have the upper hand, somehow.

That grates on me far worse than either the Snoke or Rey storylines not being what was expected

It's funny to me that the Force Awakens gets brief for being too formulaic and rehashing former films, and now the Last Jedi gets dinged for not making the decisions that everyone expected.
Well, this can be called a fault because no one should be expected to have to read the book and other materials to get the full story, but the rise of the first order over the 30 years between RotJ and TFA is explained in some books. You are correct to think that the Empire "just is" going by just the movies. But there's a lot more story to it make sense when it all laid out.

But again, the movies should be able to stand on their own. Needing an array of supplemental material to make it a better story isn't really fair. If you are curious, look for the 3 "Aftermath" books that take place in the year following RotJ and "Bloodline" that's a political story about 6 years before TFA.

(On a side note, the book "Catalyst" makes Rogue One about 2x better.)

That's true (and yes it is funny) because people love to complain. When something gets too popular, there are those that look forward to tearing it down.
Star Wars seems to get alot of that criticism from their fanbase, moreso then alot of other series.

The Snoke and Rey angles were a big let down for me. However I enjoyed the product, and look forward to seeing IV.


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Ok. So......

Questions that need answers... well i need them. Lol

1.) Why see herself in mirror? Twice i thought she was going to do the esb cave thing. Lol

2.) Why did she go more to dark per Luke? He was like what the heck? Why dd you do that?

3.) Took Luke's students created knights of ren. No knights in ep 8

4.) I will finish what you started... but Vader, if you think about it, what did he start? He was the emperor's glorified pawn. Furthermore, i believe that's why Tarkin spoke to him the way he did.

5.) The Jedi must end. But Rey takes books. Gonna restart the jedi regardless of what Luke said?


You could argue that Kylo is already more successful than Vader ever was.

Vader killed Dooku.
Vader was always in “what is thy bidding my master(Palp)” mode.

Kylo sent Luke into exile.
Kylo firmed his Knights of Ren.
Kylo got on Snokes Radar (his Palp)

Snoke got “wise” (pun intended)
Kylo whacked Snoke.


KYLO = Supreme Leader
Vader = Dark Lord of the Emperor

Sooooo.... maybe the answer to the question of “I will finish what you started is?” = Vader started his ascent and Palp kept him at bay, #2 at best.

Kylo is #1 = he begins to finish what Vader started by getting to top dog status and “Rule the Galaxy”... Vader only talked of it.

Kylo is the most dark/biggest villain ever... already... imo.
Killed his father.
Almost killed mother.
Didn’t flinch when his troopers killed her, so he thought.

Remember Anakin started good.
His circumstances and being deceived by others turned.

Kylo just is.... dark..... bad. Real bad. Like Michael Meyers evil bad. Lol


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Ok. So......

You could argue that Kylo is already more successful than Vader ever was.

Vader killed Dooku.
Vader was always in “what is thy bidding my master(Palp)” mode.

Kylo sent Luke into exile.
Kylo firmed his Knights of Ren.
Kylo got on Snokes Radar (his Palp)

Snoke got “wise” (pun intended)
Kylo whacked Snoke.

For record, Vader also sent Jedi into exile. Obi Wan and Yoda. He also wiped out dozens of other jedi in the years following RotS. Vader had his own group of the knights of Ren ,"inquisitors". Also got on Pal's radar from the very beginning. and finally, also whacked the Emperor.

No difference at all.


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For record, Vader also sent Jedi into exile. Obi Wan and Yoda. He also wiped out dozens of other jedi in the years following RotS. Vader had his own group of the knights of Ren ,"inquisitors". Also got on Pal's radar from the very beginning. and finally, also whacked the Emperor.

No difference at all.

Emperor ordered 66.
Jedi went into exile because of him.
Vader was the enforcer.... executioner. A button man.

So... not same thing.

The BIG “difference” #1 = Vader NEVER ruled independent of the Emperor.
The BIG “difference” #2 = Vader Killed Emperor... then died. Kylo killed Snoke early to begin reign.

Agree to disagree. :)

Now, I can’t wait for Vader movie per your detailed years following ROTS.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan

I think this does an excellent job of summing up a large numbers of people's issues with the film. And while I don't agree with all of them, I can easily see why people would feel the way they do. And I can't blame them either. The points are valid. And then it just comes down to how strongly you feel about them.


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I'm still processing Luke being "gone" I wanted or was visualizing a badass old Luke coming in to save the day. Not sure if I like how he was "killed off" He always seemed so childlike in his belief in the force, it's hard to understand why he got so disillusioned and turned into an old angry man ... ? dunno. His Acension was well done, but I wasn't happy he did.

Wanted a nice send off for Leia, instead we got Luke. Leia going down with the ship instead of Laura Dern would have been perfect.

Adam Driver carried the movie, he's very menacing, his light saber is perfect, his acting was just so strong. Kylo is what Anakin should have been.

Rey's background, I think she and Kylo are twins. What Kylo said to her were ... his wrong interpretations or misdirection.


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The movie was okay.

Honestly my biggest complaint was that this movie felt too much like Rogue One in the sense that nothing about it seemed like the main saga we should be excited about, but rather a great supporting backstory.

I just don't think Disney's Star Wars has earned this movie. Like they haven't put in the work to have such a linear main plot.

There were some great performances and the overall theme of loss was powerful, but it was kind of a let down.


rock music matters
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What did you think about the movie?

Some thoughts:

- The Snoke thing really caught me off guard. After all the, it really made you want me. He showed to be exceptionally powerful. Then in an instant....dead. Still so many unanswered questions. I wouldn't be surprised of this isnt the last we see from him in the Star Wars Universe. Its been mentioned before that they may do a series of prequels around the time of the Old Republic. If he is "ancient" as they say, he could be a central character.

- Kylo as the main antagonist definitely isnt as forboding as Vander, Palpatine, or Snoke, but damn is he interesting. Where he isnt nearly as dark and scary as his predecessors, he makes up for it with unpredictability. It's almost as if every scene with him, you cant guess what he will say or do.

- Maybe Im getting soft, buy It was tough watching Leia. Im glad they didnt rewrite/reshoot a death. I was expecting to see some shoody, poorly concieved death scene with her. Im glad it didnt happen, she deserves better
you mean waking up like supergirl and flying back to the ship wasn't hokey?


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Ok, so I am really into this Kylo and Vader thing.

Probably because of the one line, “I will finish what you started”
And the few references about him and Vader from Snoke? and Rey.

I’m just referring to on screen events.

Anakin was manipulated into killing:
1. The Youngling Jedi’s
2. Count Dooku

Anakin was NOT manipulated into killing:
1. The sand people.


Kylo was manipulated into killing:
1. His father, Han Solo. Although I think he hated him that he would have done it on his own.

Kylo was NOT manipulated into killing:
1. Other students at Jedi academy
2. The people in TFA (although, maybe Snoke ordered him to)