Twitter: Statement from Vegas Police regarding Zeke's incident


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Agree but when you consider the % that gets highlighted by the media against the entire NFL population, that's probably less than the national average.

What irritates me is that they inflate this for dramatic effect like ESPN turning over the entire pregame to discuss one player, Ray Rice, that had committed DV as if this was a NFL runaway problem. When I need the likes of that panel to be my moral compass, I am cashing in my chips. When Cris Carter becomes my conscience, I will be done.

The problem, as I see it, isn't players breaking rules because we've always had that but the media jumping the stump and trying to make it into something that it isn't. On the day Rice and his fiancée were in that elevator, how many other players were not beating on their girlfriends, fiancée's or wives?
It happens out in vegas, happens in moline
On the blue blood streets of Boston
Up in Berkeley and out in queens
And it happened yesterday and it's going on tonight
Somewhere there's somebody ain't treating someone right.........bob seeger


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nothing worse than internet attorneys.

Depending on the jurisdiction, assault is misunderstood by 99% of the public. So unless you could hear exactly what Zeke was saying to that security official, there is no way in hell you can say this was "Assault." KNow the difference between Assault and BATTERY.

Apparently we attended different law schools.


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Public Intoxication is not always illegal. Depends on the state/city/entertainment "zone."

Before prohibition, there used to be drunks on the streets outside taverns regularly.

Public views of drunkenness change over time.

Kevin T

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You know, I get he's 23 and all that. However, you're also a millionaire and putting yourself into situations like this is just not very good judgement. Have someone with you to deflect this kind of crap from happening and to pull you away from trouble. You don't just walk around like you own the place because someone is going to target you and your world could come crashing down on you. What was the exchange with the female in the video? That looked like it could get a little anxious. Just sayin' smart and protect yourself and your brand.


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He's 23 dude.......of course it's going to change.

There's a chance it can change, but not everyone "grows up". Especially when you have millions in the bank account from family money(Manziel) or from your career and are treated like a celeb most places you go.

Still, I don't see this as a big deal, outside of that language Goodell put in Zeke's suspension. Very vague set of rules Zeke had to follow.


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Public Intoxication is not always illegal. Depends on the state/city/entertainment "zone."

Before prohibition, there used to be drunks on the streets outside taverns regularly.

Public views of drunkenness change over time.

as an aside, I highly recommend the PBS show Prohibition that covers the history of alcohol in this country, it'll blow your mind


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LOL....Herm is actually being generous. My dad used to say 12:00 am or as he would put it "after midnight"
It's easy to pick out the nerds in here.
ALL the good stuff happens after midnight : 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00---> etc...
i.e hooking up with the ladies, all night parties....hooking up with the ladies...and so on and so forth.
That's not good huh???


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Thats what I thought too. Maybe Zeke should have shown more restraint before putting himself in a situation where he was handcuffed.
The security guard showed restraint by not going upside his head with a flashlight or tazing him, when his drunk behind violated his personal space. Zeke is the prime definition of someone who believes his own hype, if he was hanging onto his position by a string, if he knew that he could be easily replaced, I bet dollars to doughnuts that he wouldn't be out acting like he was raised with no home training.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
It's easy to pick out the nerds in here.
ALL the good stuff happens after midnight : 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00---> etc...
i.e hooking up with the ladies, all night parties....hooking up with the ladies...and so on and so forth.
That's not good huh???

Is losing millions of dollars good? That's where Zeke is headed if he doesn't grow up. Is losing football games good? That's what the result will be if Zeke cannot stay in the good graces of the NFL.

Time for you to grow up a little Cannibal Boy. Or at least want those that others rely on to grow up. We all have had our fun, and we still do, but we all had to grow up enough to maintain a good job and good relationships. Having fun can involve drinking and loosening up, but it doesn't have to involve being a sloppy drunk who acts like an idiot in public. If you choose to be a sloppy drunk your entire life, have at it, but don't suggest that is the right path for others.


Well-Known Member
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It's easy to pick out the nerds in here.
ALL the good stuff happens after midnight : 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00---> etc...
i.e hooking up with the ladies, all night parties....hooking up with the ladies...and so on and so forth.
That's not good huh???
There's a lot of cornballs in here. Hooking up with ladies lol they probably married to the first girl they ever laid with lol.