Stephen Jones air quoting the 30-year championship drought and being dismissive of it

The fact this FO secretly hates us seems to becoming less secret and more out in the open. Jerry trolled us about "all in" during the draft, now his fat son is air quoting us in sarcasm.
Fans should “air quote” Jerry next time he’s visible at the “stayjum” and say we’re “all in” Jerry.
I just watched the he press con and WOW. We as fans, should be offended. Stephen mocks the idea that 29 years is a drought?? This is the culture of complacency.

When schott talked about continuing the proud legacy, I'm thinking, what legacy? 29 years of nothing??

For the new generation of fans who haven't even experienced a NFC championship game, that is the legacy. NOTHING!

I hope I'm wrong, but this is rock bottom folks.
Never was a lack of applause when he was announced at the presser more deserved. Only wish that someone brought a tomato launcher.
Wait? No one applauded Stephen? Awesome, is there is clip of that? That’s very satisfying he didn’t get applause. On the way out everyone should have done air quotes repeatedly to show their gratitude for the presser.
I ask CowboyZone with its large membership, Dallas Cowboys youtubers and social media influencers to lead the fan base and mobilize it to boycott this joke of an organization. Let's start a movement, get together to have the fan base on board to not buy tickets, no merchandise, no tuning in for the games on TV, don't listen to radio shows. Just go on with your life. Let the NFL know that this organization is dragging their profits down and impacting their bottom line. Until the Joneses sell, this will be a fan-less franchise.

Let's do it

We can do it

I’m in on this. What would really help is if the former players, like Irvin for instance, got so mad they spear headed this movement.
I miss Farley. Why do people like Chris Farley die young and people like Jerry Jones live to be 1000. It’s like a cruel joke from the universe.

Actually I’m only “kidding” and I “treasure “ every day the Jones family “runs the organization “ and continues the “legacy” of this once “proud” franchise.
Fans should “air quote” Jerry next time he’s visible at the “stayjum” and say we’re “all in” Jerry.
Moving forward I will only refer to Stephen as “air quotes”. To me Stephen no longer exists and Air Quotes is what remains.
yall keep saying this but the stadium will never be empty. Opposing fans will quicky snatch up those seats on the cheap.
Most of the seats are season ticket holders. They would have to not sell their tickets, true.

And I agree, tons of fans not attending game isn't going to happen anyway. Attending Cowboys games is a social event for most in the stands these days.

I know, I've attended a few games and when I yell and scream, etc. most of the people look at me like I'm crazy, all the time sitting on their hands....
What a ****in idiot that guy is. I hate him and his whole stupid family.
I didn't think I could disrespect anybody more than Jerry, but here you go.

The later model.
Right? The Dallas sports media are pathetic and obviously live in fear of offending the Jones Cowboy cult.
Read "No C" Walker's Twitter feed. He's super proud of himself for asking that hard-hitting question about how the offense will be different, and has an army of defenders on his side. He also told the people wanting tougher questions that they don't understand how these big time press conferences work.

I'd almost cut him some slack because he does work for the team, but he himself said he wasn't afraid to criticize them and can ask anything he wants.

Much like Stephen Jones, these people all think they're doing a great job. And if you disagree, you just don't understand.
Remember the later years of the Al Davis Raiders?

Welcome to their nightmare.
Hey Tub of Goo.

It’s just a simple fact. You and your Dad have led the Cowboys in their worst postseason streak ever and one of the worst in the entire NFL.

You can’t air quote that kind of ineptitude.
You can when there is no one you are being held accountable to.
Stephen Jones is a “winner”.
Stephen Jones has “earned” his place in this organization.
Stephen Jones is “knowledgeable” about how to handle the cap.
Stephen Jones has “worked hard” to get where he is.

Those are of course all “air quotes”.
He appears not to even know what air quote means, and this is the guy making decisions at the highest level in the organization. Talk about pathetic
Fans should “air quote” Jerry next time he’s visible at the “stayjum” and say we’re “all in” Jerry.
Jerry thought eagles fans were completing him on his running the team, that’s how bad it is in Dallas

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