Bleu Star;2786087 said:
As another post on the site has already pointed out today, You will spend countless moments at your keyboard typing away in an attempt to make others seem less worthy than you. It really bores me thus I feel no need to reply. Take it however you wish. We occasionally enjoy conversation about things not centered around that which you hold so dearly to your heart. However, the moment someone says something you don't like the sirens come on...
No worries Hos.. You'll get plenty of blind love around here. Just not from moi. Feel free to continue & have lots of fun with it.
Oh trust me, I am having a ball. I often do when I get challenged as I have been today and no one who proffers the challenges can stand up to any point.
Today I have heard "we'll wait until season's end to see who is right" and "forget the stats" and "I can dumb it down" and all kinds of other platitudes and humorous faux pas that allowed me to poke fun at some posters for their less than stellar grasp of anything.
The funniest one has to be me getting lambasted for comparing Tony Romo to Peyton Manning and told no rational thinking football person would do that. I responded with a direct quote by Roger Staubach doing exactly what I had done. Exactly what I had done. Get it? Exactly.
You're one of maybe 4 or 5 guys who took swings today Bleu. I lost track of how many. I could have rolled the ball to the plate and you guys still would have struck out swinging.
Oh trust me, I have enjoyed this today. It was beyond humorous.