Stephen on whether he will be the next GM: I'm not thinking about that


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Cowboys EVP Stephen Jones when asked on @1053thefan if he sees himself taking over as the team's general manager one day:

"I don't think about that. I want to enjoy every moment with my father. He's the owner and the president and the GM. I cherish every minute that I've gotten to work with my father. A lot of people don't get that opportunity. I cherish the opportunity. I want to be where my feet are. There's that old saying that Dak (Prescott) likes to use, enjoy what you're doing at the moment.

"We'll cross that road one day. No one's getting out of here alive the last I checked. At some point that may be the case, but we'll worry about those things when they happen. I just want to enjoy working with him and being a part of something special. I know right now we're frustrated with how our team is competing on the field, but overall we've had a hell of a run and think we got a lot left in us."

Hell of a run



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"but overall we've had a hell of a run"

Three decades of the worst Cowboys football in its history.

They truly are delusional.

Oh, and you can bet your first born that he's diving into that GM chair before it even gets cold.
Highest valued sports franchise
It’s a hell of a run from a business perspective which is their focus


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Cowboys EVP Stephen Jones when asked on @1053thefan if he sees himself taking over as the team's general manager one day:

"I don't think about that. I want to enjoy every moment with my father. He's the owner and the president and the GM. I cherish every minute that I've gotten to work with my father. A lot of people don't get that opportunity. I cherish the opportunity. I want to be where my feet are. There's that old saying that Dak (Prescott) likes to use, enjoy what you're doing at the moment.

"We'll cross that road one day. No one's getting out of here alive the last I checked. At some point that may be the case, but we'll worry about those things when they happen. I just want to enjoy working with him and being a part of something special. I know right now we're frustrated with how our team is competing on the field, but overall we've had a hell of a run and think we got a lot left in us."

At the end of the day, hopefully Stephen goes 1st.


To The Moon
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Cowboys EVP Stephen Jones when asked on @1053thefan if he sees himself taking over as the team's general manager one day:

"I don't think about that. I want to enjoy every moment with my father. He's the owner and the president and the GM. I cherish every minute that I've gotten to work with my father. A lot of people don't get that opportunity. I cherish the opportunity. I want to be where my feet are. There's that old saying that Dak (Prescott) likes to use, enjoy what you're doing at the moment.

"We'll cross that road one day. No one's getting out of here alive the last I checked. At some point that may be the case, but we'll worry about those things when they happen. I just want to enjoy working with him and being a part of something special. I know right now we're frustrated with how our team is competing on the field, but overall we've had a hell of a run and think we got a lot left in us."

Something special? Your bank account maybe. Off the backs of long suffering fans. Sad!


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"but overall we've had a hell of a run"

Three decades of the worst Cowboys football in its history.

They truly are delusional.

Oh, and you can bet your first born that he's diving into that GM chair before it even gets cold.
I could see SJ hiring a GM he controls and will take the fall.


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Cowboys EVP Stephen Jones when asked on @1053thefan if he sees himself taking over as the team's general manager one day:

"I don't think about that. I want to enjoy every moment with my father. He's the owner and the president and the GM. I cherish every minute that I've gotten to work with my father. A lot of people don't get that opportunity. I cherish the opportunity. I want to be where my feet are. There's that old saying that Dak (Prescott) likes to use, enjoy what you're doing at the moment.

"We'll cross that road one day. No one's getting out of here alive the last I checked. At some point that may be the case, but we'll worry about those things when they happen. I just want to enjoy working with him and being a part of something special. I know right now we're frustrated with how our team is competing on the field, but overall we've had a hell of a run and think we got a lot left in us."

This dude is full of sh^t, you know and I know he's chomping on the bit to takeover for the OLD MAN!

nate dizzle

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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
"but overall we've had a hell of a run"

Three decades of the worst Cowboys football in its history.

They truly are delusional.

Oh, and you can bet your first born that he's diving into that GM chair before it even gets cold.
I mean...he's not wrong. That's a hell of a run of futility. Not just anyone could fail that hard for that long.


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They are still riding on the fumes from those 3 SB’s in the 90’s with Jimmy’s built teams .

Which has basically provided them a pass for the last 3 decades.

How else can we explain the huge financial success and support fans have provided these idiots since.
In other words, Jerry/Dad legacy is secured.........


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That's actually a true statement if you think about it literally ...
Yes literally I've got a few ripped t shirts, a broken watch, and a wife who permanently hates the Cowboys, despite a decade of good behavior.
That hell of a run took me along for the ride, until I mellowed out.


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Cowboys EVP Stephen Jones when asked on @1053thefan if he sees himself taking over as the team's general manager one day:

"I don't think about that. I want to enjoy every moment with my father. He's the owner and the president and the GM. I cherish every minute that I've gotten to work with my father. A lot of people don't get that opportunity. I cherish the opportunity. I want to be where my feet are. There's that old saying that Dak (Prescott) likes to use, enjoy what you're doing at the moment.

"We'll cross that road one day. No one's getting out of here alive the last I checked. At some point that may be the case, but we'll worry about those things when they happen. I just want to enjoy working with him and being a part of something special. I know right now we're frustrated with how our team is competing on the field, but overall we've had a hell of a run and think we got a lot left in us."

This means he is an idiot. Every organization has a succession plan.

Hopefully the answer is no.


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It's Back
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i think he will be worse than the next GM, my thought is he will handcuff and backstab whoever is the GM. he will want a GM puppet just like the HC puppet


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There's absolutely no way they are selling the Cowboys. They just aren't. It's their "precious", like Ring of Power "precious". Jethro will do it from his hospital bed then King Jones II will do it until he dies. We're looking at least 30+ years down the road before anything really changes. The Redneck Rooney's.
I agree and have posted such before. What I am saying is the same thing except AFTER Jerry bites the dust, Stephen Jones will sell to the highest bidder and aren't we seeing how little this guy cares right now? The fans mean NOTHING as long as the team is profitable. I feel Stephen is the driving force right now, more than Skeletor is. Jerry ACTUALLY loves his toy he calls the Cowboys. Stephen likes what its done for him and his family financially. Nothing more. You can sense it by what he doesn't do or say. Jerry is nothing more than a toothless Tiger. A Maverick no more. Jerry isn't sitting there working phones , finding players lol...if someone buys that garbage they haven't been paying attention to SJ. Only time Daddy is working phones is when hes making outside football business deals or on draft day for the cameras. He is a figurehead. The man is over 80 and letting others run the player stuff. Father and son are woefully inept at being GM'S. Soon after Daddy Jones is lowered into his resting place, I give it about 2 years max, the team will be sold. Its a bold prediction, but I been following this team since 1973. I have witnessed much change over the years, ebbs and flows. Its all cyclical. The Jones Family cycle is coming to its end. I think the comment Stephen said is telling as far as being a helluva run. I think once you dissect what he said IN CONTEXT to the question, it makes sense. Nothing is forever, especially in the NFL. Stephen Jones loves the money and the spotlight but detests the fans and the players in some cases. I really don't think he loves the game. Look at the Hunt family in KC and the Rooney family in Pittsburgh. Bet your ARSE they love this game, and it shows from top to bottom. Winning starts from the top down in any league. Our problem since 1996 has been right at the very TOP, staring us right in the face all along. Jerry was once ahead of his time and was THAT DUDE as an owner. Best in the league easily. But since has gotten way off track with the ego and what his goals were. Once he "arrived" that was the end of striving for greatness at all costs. NOW it has to be done 1 way and 1 way only, Jerrys and Stevie's. We see how that has panned out. I think the run Stephen is referring to has nothing to do with winning games etc. I think he's talking about the brand they call the Cowboys and all they have attached to the brand. If one looks at it from a business model standpoint, the team has maxxed out its value more or less, and what have we all heard? SELL HIGH, BUY LOW. In time we will see if my theory is wrong but it's worth noting at very least the next couple years. Jerry has said, I have no time for a bad time many times. That could be about his age OR have to do with future plans with selling the team once he's gone. I know this, its sad for all of us to see how shoddy this team is being run. Hard pill to swallow.


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One never want to see an era end but some changes will take place once Jerry moves on to the spiritual realm. The question is what changes?


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One never want to see an era end but some changes will take place once Jerry moves on to the spiritual realm. The question is what changes?
agree. IMO, when Stephen Jones recently said its been a helluva run, I feel he meant exactly what you end of an era is coming. Meaning, the Jones era. I'm just reading the tea leaves. I just don't think anyone in the Jones family has the stomach to follow in Jerry's footsteps and take over after he's gone. They seem tepid. Which is why I think things are being set up for the team to be sold soon. Like in 2 years from now. I just don't see the wherewithal or passion coming from anyone in the Jones family to run a team.