Stephen: The team doesn't have a culture problem

Stephen: Yeah! We can win any year we want to! The tired, disappearing, soft, undisciplined players, and lackadaisical coaching, is just the Dallas way. Kulcha, cut!
There is not culture problem. The culture is 100% what everyone wants it to be. There is no confrontation. There is no pressure. There is no friction. There is no competition. There is no desperation. There is no exhilaration. There is no despair. There is no change. There is no accountability. It is football utopia.

Who would want to live under a culture that breeds the characteristics I have outlined above. So what if those are the things that drive a championship level team. Jerry craves one thing above all others. He wants his existence to be easy. He wants a culture of friendship. He wants a culture of entitlement. He was a culture of familiarity. He wants relaxation. He wants people to be happy. These are his friends and family.

This is why Dak is the perfect QB for this team. They love to praise his leadership qualities above all else because he is the player equivalent of Jerry. He breeds the same culture qualities. Everyone loves him because he wants a culture of friendship over confrontation. Everyone is comfortable around him because he wants a culture of familiarity over friction.
Worst ownership in the league. It’s the equivalent of being stuck in quick sand. The more you fight the worse it gets.
The problem doesn't think he's a problem.
The problem does not care if he is or is not a problem. He does care that people open their wallet to pay for his product. The end. And he learned this marketing spiel from daddy-we don’t have problems we work on solutions. We need some players to be better in the playoffs. Good stuff happens when you play well.
As much as I complain about Jerry and Stephen being out of touch with reality on whats wrong with the team I would love to work for them.

Zero accountability

What did you do this week. Lazily watched some tape from my recliner and think I like our guys and can win with them. You know "stuff". Keep it up good job
As much as I complain about Jerry and Stephen being out of touch with reality on whats wrong with the team I would love to work for them.

Zero accountability

What did you do this week. Lazily watched some tape from my recliner and think I like our guys and can win with them. You know "stuff". Keep it up good job
Sure, if your last name is Jones or McClay. Everyone else is expendable. They wouldn’t think twice about scapegoating you right out of town!
If I didn't like what Target represents (which I don't), I wouldn't shop there (which I don't). I don't need to be on social media constantly berating or belittling them. Mature adults simply move on and do their shopping elsewhere with a company they like and what they stand for.
You didn't complete your uncogent argument. You're "obligated" to love the seller...who is profiting and sometimes finessing a duped customer. And yet, the seller has NO obligation towards his customer? Servile, facile, docile...I don't need to love Target to spot a good deal. You've lost the plot on how PERFORMANCE works...customer demand DRIVES PERFORMANCE AND COMPETITION...

People don't buy things because they love the's because of the PRODUCT. Drugs, vice, laptops, doesn't's about THE PRODUCT.

You've got to be joking in this thread. If you have that software on your brain and live in NYC, you'd be naked and dead within 3 days.
They have a QB sucking problem.. over-rated and over-paid players create culture problems.
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If I was a reporter in that room I’d have called Stephen out to his face. I honestly wouldn’t care about the consequences. This family needs to be brought down to size.
We have different definitions of team "culture".

The issues you mentioned above (very real) I would describe as management problems and coaching problems. Culture is something else in my view.
However, there is a strong influence in every corporation that begins at the top. Culture is not an island.

OMG. Too funny.

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