Strahan's Ex Has Yard Sale To Make Ends Meet

silverbear;1464147 said:
Man, that's one HARD looking woman... I mean, I got the shudders just looking at that picture...

Strahan couldn't do any better than THAT?? I would have thought all that money and celebrity would outweigh that gap in his teeth... LOL...

I wonder why Strahan wanted to marry her?

Merlin;1464251 said:
I thought I read somewhere that he had paid her about half of what she won in court but that he was contesting the other half as being excessive. She's not broke if that is the case.

Yeah, there's no way she's broke. This is a publicity stunt, just to rub it in Strahan's face. "You know all that stuff that was yours that I got in the divorce?? Yeah, I didn't really want it. Here, I'm selling it. You can buy it back if you want to."

I find it hard to believe she's not getting spousal maintenance (alimony) at least temporarily, a huge amount in child support, mortgage payments and car payments while this is tied up in court.


Q_the_man;1464214 said:
he's a deadbeat because she gets over half his money and he is fighting that.....

So tell me if u made 25 millions dollars and ur wife divorces u and want 18 mil u gonna say go head take it no problem, yeah right!!!!,

I bet u anything he's taking care of his kids and sees them when he can, a deadbeat is when he doesn't claim them and doesn't do anything for them. not because him and his wife gets a divorce and he doesn't want to give her over half his money and still has to pay child support...

We're agreeing with each other, right?
This smells like some kind of Hollywood story someone made up. I'll bet is the real truth is far different than the "Ex has yard sale to make ends meet" one being peddled.
Hostile;1464114 said:

"They say Mike warmed up croissants in this microwave," said buyer Jamal Calloway. "Now when I warm up my croissants I know a champion ate breakfast from the same machine."

Champion... uh... no..... unless Emmitt visited him at his home and warmed stuff up :lmao:
DallasEast;1464161 said:
This is a photo of Jean Strahan from last January:


Here's a photo of the couple before they began fighting over the money:


He still, as a million dollar athlete, can do much, much better.
I hope they don't have a child. That kid would look very Cassell-esque.
DallasEast;1464154 said:
I don't care what the details of their divorce were. I also don't care about the motivations which drove his ex-wife to these extremes.

Finding out that my 3-year old daughters were doing ANY kind of manual labor, for ANY reason, would embarrass me to death. Good job, Strahan.

I would not call working a lemonade stand manual labor.
burmafrd;1464165 said:
I would not be so quick to beleive her. This could all be a publicity ploy. He STILL has to make child support, etc even while the total is disputed in court. There is no way the judge would let him get away with not making MAINTENANCE payments for the kids support. INTERESTING how the so-called journalist did not ask any of THOSE questions.

It is quite an assumption to think those questions were not asked. Maybe the journalist did ask those questions. They just did not think the answers would help sell the story.
Unless it is mentioned, I always believe that the journalist was too stupid to ask.
joseephuss;1464670 said:
I would not call working a lemonade stand manual labor.
Were short, squat female androids manning the lemonade stand? I assume that, when requested, they grabbed glasses or cups, dispensed ice, lifted pitchers of lemonade and poured. Certainly, the young ladies didn't swing sledgehammers, broke any rocks, and didn't break a sweat, but they did participated in manual labor.
BlueStar22;1464595 said:
He still, as a million dollar athlete, can do much, much better.

I am sorry... he is sooooo goofy looking... you could easily say the same about her doing much better(and she aint that good looking) so what does that tell ya.... its all about the benjamins.... If Strahan wasnt rich and famous he couldnt even get her...

dangerdoom4124;1464600 said:
I hope they don't have a child. That kid would look very Cassell-esque.

and yes... I believe they have 2 kids... 2 boys?
Yes, and doing any kind of manual labor is obviously horrible; CHILD ABUSE!!

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