Seven;4362083 said:
Gillette makes a ton of cash on the fusion replacement blades. No way I'm paying that for something that lasts two weeks.........per blade set.
I got the brush and stuff just need the soap if CL wouldn't mind PMing me with a brand.
Oh, wasn't trying to be all secretive, just wasn't sure if anyone would be interested...
Yes, like Trick said, surprisingly enough it's readily available and super-cheap at Wally World. Made by a company called Van der Hagen, which actually comes from some small town in Texas. It really is like $1.50... Used to be only $1.34 or something... Damn inflation!

But the beauty is that it works much better than any canned stuff I've ever used and smells nice, too. CVS sells another brand that's also cheap (though not quite that cheap) but I don't like the smell as much.
And for anyone else reading, I got the brush made by the same company at CVS. It's just a cheapie at $7 or so, but works fine and will last a long time. I haven't gotten into the better badger brushes just because this one works perfectly well for me.
Okay, and for anyone wanting an alternative to the $4 blades... I decided a couple of years ago that I was just tired of paying that, though up to then I almost had to because like I said before, my skin gets cut to shreds with cheap razors (and even most not-cheap ones). Well, I found that Wally World again sells a razor made by Wilkinson that's only like $5.50, and three cartridges are a little under $6. It works as well as anything I've tried, and believe me, I've tried them all -- all the Gillettes, Schicks, etc. (The Quattro was actually the best one I'd found up to that point but even those were $3.50 or so per blade.) So at least $2 per cartridge is much better than $4.
But for those wanting to really save some money... If you notice, at Wally World they have some Wilkinson blades made for the old Trac II or Atra razors for an amazing $3.54 for 10 cartridges. Thirty-five cents apiece! Problem is, those razors aren't made here anymore... But they are overseas. So on Ebay, you can find a Schick that is actually a nice, fairly heavy, rubberized handle -- not like a super-cheapo disposable -- that fits them. It comes from Singapore and takes a couple weeks to arrive, but is only like $11 shipped.
Before this I'd tried an aftermarket Atra handle for like $20... It looked like a nice, heavy metal handle, but it broke after a couple of months. This $11 Schick is actually much better quality even though it's cheaper.
This handle and blade plus the shave soap is super cheap, and the kicker is that this combo works as well as anything I've ever tried -- a nice close shave that doesn't ever irritate my skin. Did I mention that before this that I had to try every combination of expensive canned cream and blade out there to find something that wouldn't cut me up?

Rare to find something that's cheaper *and better*, but that's the case here.
Maybe this will help someone out there who like me has the bad combo of a heavy beard and sensitive skin.

Shaving was a huge pain for many years, but now I don't even think about it anymore.