Subtle Changes to the Forum?

Seven;3456601 said:
B.S., Theo. You argue for the sake of arguing.

Doesn't sound like Theo at all. You must have him confused with someone else.
Seven;3456601 said:
Had I viewed this nonsense...............I'd of been all over it. :)

BTW - five sentences are not one of the 'longer' posts but I know how you like to keep things in your perspective. ;)
I know that five sentence posts are "not one of the 'longer' posts," which is why suggested that they not be truncated.

B.S., Theo. You argue for the sake of arguing. You'd of beat this to it's ultimate death and then some. It's a simple 'click' for god's sake. A suggestion should be functional as well. Otherwise it's damn near complaining........................especially in this case, IMO.

If you keep track of all he nano-seconds you've spent 'extra clicking' above and beyond the call of duty while on this site for the remainder of your existence.............we'll give you twenty minutes of your life back.

No intention to disrespect you, theo. I find this particular issue to be about as moot as one can be. Remember; it's JMO, of course.
You have issues. It's a thread discussing the functionality of changes to the website. You come in hurling insults, rather than actually discussing the topic, and yet I am somehow the problem. If you're going to stick around, I'll just leave the topic.
Seven;3456560 said:
I can't believe people have 1 single complaint about the functionality of this site. I ain't saying that to stroke a single ego nor for brownie points from folks I've never even met.

This is ridiculous. Put down the silver spoon and enjoy what you DO have.

Seriously. An extra click? How friggin' spoliled are you? Good God.

I'm not mad because of the extra click. Just sometimes replies look weird because the intended/offending quote that you want to highlight is sometimes hidden in your reply.

It might lead to some misunderstandings.
The "biographical" info near the avatar sure looks a lot fainter.
bbgun;3456787 said:
The "biographical" info near the avatar sure looks a lot fainter.
It is. We felt the softer color gives it a less cluttered look.
Hostile;3456812 said:
It is. We felt the softer color gives it a less cluttered look.

The soft-focus filter makes me look younger, too. Thumbs up.
theogt;3456638 said:
I know that five sentence posts are "not one of the 'longer' posts," which is why suggested that they not be truncated.

You have issues. It's a thread discussing the functionality of changes to the website. You come in hurling insults, rather than actually discussing the topic, and yet I am somehow the problem. If you're going to stick around, I'll just leave the topic.

Ya see what I mean? You just can't help yourself. Your little world. Hurling insults................ :lmao2:

You had already changed the topic well before I posted, theo. Some appreciative poster gave some well deserved kudos (not you, by the way) and then came you. I followed you with my opinion.

BTW - show me where I used you specifically as 'the problem'. Ohhhh you're so busted. Guilty conscience.
Seven;3456841 said:
Ya see what I mean? You just can't help yourself. Your little world. Hurling insults................ :lmao2:

You had already changed the topic well before I posted, theo. Some appreciative poster gave some well deserved kudos (not you, by the way) and then came you. I followed you with my opinion.

BTW - show me where I used you specifically as 'the problem'. Ohhhh you're so busted. Guilty conscience.

But you kind of did come in hurling insults.
Hostile;3456415 said:
We know that. But the full quote still exists with the link. If you want to quote just a particular portion of the post why not clip it?

It is beyond annoying to see a huge article get a 1 line response. This prevents that.

Something that Reality added that you guys don't see is a size limit of pictures. You know how sometimes pictures that get added extend beyond the screen and you have to scroll right to read responses or see the pictures? Not anymore. The site will automatically re-size them to fit so huge pictures will nto explode our of the frame now.

I really like that about the pictures (in your last paragraph). Large pictures made some threads almost unreadable.
ZeroClub;3456881 said:
I really like that about the pictures (in your last paragraph). Large pictures made some threads almost unreadable.
Thanks. No one responded so I was beginning to doubt anyone cared about that.
ZeroClub;3456881 said:
I really like that about the pictures (in your last paragraph). Large pictures made some threads almost unreadable.

The images were also turned into clickable links so they will open in a new window if someone wants to see the full image.

Hostile;3456882 said:
Thanks. No one responded so I was beginning to doubt anyone cared about that.

We don't (wide screen monitor) but we thought we would give you props anyway:)
Reality;3456895 said:
The images were also turned into clickable links so they will open in a new window if someone wants to see the full image.


Does that mean that pictures in signatures will now be auto-resized as well? Would open up more options for people that want to put a sweet pic in their signature but aren't savvy enough to resize it before uploading.
casmith07;3456908 said:
Does that mean that pictures in signatures will now be auto-resized as well? Would open up more options for people that want to put a sweet pic in their signature but aren't savvy enough to resize it before uploading.

No, because signature images need to remain small byte-wise since they show on every post.

Other forums have made it a lot easier to embed videos (not just YT, either). Not having to manually type the "youtubehd" code would be nice. Something to consider.

bbgun;3456930 said:
Other forums have made it a lot easier to embed videos (not just YT, either). Not having to manually type the "youtubehd" code would be nice. Something to consider.

We'll look into it, thanks.
About the [View Full Quote] change:

I very much appreciate how we users can turn on and off the viewing of signatures. Very rarely do I view signatures and I like having the choice to turn them off (and occasionally to turn them on). Yet I know that many others really get into signatures ("believe") and it is great that they have that opportunity too.

I don't know if it is practical from the programming / software perspective, but I think it'd be ideal for users if they were able to turn a "truncated quotation function" on or off ... or perhaps choose for themselves at which number of characters quotations are truncated. If I were able to make this decision for myself (without impacting others), I'd set the quotation truncation "off" or to a high number of characters (8 to 10 times higher than where it is set now).

If it isn't practical to turn quotation truncation into a user defined function, then I'd ask you to consider increasing the number of characters allowed before truncation.

Instead of using a "number of characters before truncation" limit that keeps threads very tidy, I'd suggest that the goal should be to set a word limit that prevents threads from getting too messy. I'd suggest multiplying the current character limit by 2.5 or 3.

The number of characters allowed before truncation is quite important -- it changes the user experience, it will change user behavior, and it will change this site. IMO, this site is at its best when bright people share opinions and discuss the considered opinions of others ... that's something that should be encouraged. I believe that a very short character limit (before truncation) will get in the way of these exchanges.

I am aware that with the current modification, full text quotation is only a click away. This little step, the click, isn't trivial. It is no more trivial than the step of scrolling through extended quotations, which became a burden to others.

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