Surprise: Xavier Woods nearly a top 5 FS

Cowboy Brian

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There is no salary cap for coaches..... that is one area Jerry can dominate other team and use his huge cash flow advantages

Pay him like a HC and bring in a young OC to go with him

Let RKGarrett run the big picture stuff and inspirational field trips
AKA Garrett becomes our Chief Executive Clapper.


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I'm not that high on Woods either. But my comments were premised on "If Woods is top ten".

But I'm less impressed with Thomas too. And his intangibles. He's a guy who held out while under contract, then came back and broke, and seemed to blame the guys who, as events turned out, made exactly the right choice for the Seahawks in not extending Mr. Exploding Leg. And as for his on the field play, did I mention Exploding Leg?

From most of his comments, he seems to way overestimate his market value too. So much entitlement, malcontent, and injury risk. I'm hoping we're just outbid.

So I'm not as thrilled with both. In particular, I don't see Thomas as transformative. 5 years ago, he's transformative and I think I wanted him at the time. Not so much now. Draft a safety. Save the money for our guys without exploding legs.

3 INTS, 5 PDs, in four games this season.

I think there’s something still there.


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He's playing well but I am not not sure I'd put him near the Top 5 yet. And frankly, there are some safeties not on that list that might not have numbers this year that I would take over Woods in a heartbeat like Harrison Smith on Minnesota.

And I am a Woods fan. But he's not quite there yet. I like him more than Heath though.
I like Heath. He has limits just like our QB.


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A potential HOFer as our biggest weakness (esp if this season's team goes all the way)?

Where do I sign????
Sean Lee isn't a HOFer not a potential one either.....sorry dude just missed too many games in his career and it's a shame because he's HOF worthy when on the field.


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I'd love to bring ET in, big time, but it comes down to the money.... and how Woods closes out the season.

I'd like Thomas too. I really wanted him years ago. I"m a big fan of the over the top safety he *used* to be being a transformative player for an entire defense.

But he's not quite that guy anymore, and now I don't see that the money justifies the delta of improvement over Woods.