T Fred on Kellen Moore


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That was a play that he got installed even before he was a coach - while he was a backup QB. And what Fred said was Moore “adapted” to the existing scheme, and, again, he was first a player, and then QB coach, not the head coach or OC, so he had no choice but to adapt to the existing scheme. A QB coach can’t override the Head coach and OC.

I didn't expect him to have made scheme changes in the past. What I wanted to hear from Frederick was some indication that Moore would be changing the scheme in the future, if he became OC.


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I think the scheme gets a bad wrap because we have seen it put points on the board. I see the biggest problem is and always have been, the flow of the play calling. And yes a few more plays out of the same sets so defenses can not get a good read on the play.

With Dak at the helm, for points and yards we've gone from 5 to 14 to 22. I think Cooper only bumped our scoring average up 1 point. Teams adjusted to what we do, and we didn't adjust back.

We need to be doing different things. If you want to call that play calling instead of scheme that's fine, but to me it's a different philosophy of play, whether we already have all the plays we need in the playbook or not.


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So how long till someone proclaims Moore as the next Tom Landry?
It's funny how same words are being used to pump up Moore as when they were pumping up JG in 2007.

"He's smart"

"Lack of experience doesn't matter since he's been a career backup and he's been learning to be a coach watching from the sidelines."

"He grew up in a football family. He's dad was a coach". Etc..etc..

There were plenty of "football" people also saying JG was going to be great in 2007.
I've seen this movie before and the ending sucks.


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So how long till someone proclaims Moore as the next Tom Landry?
It's funny how same words are being used to pump up Moore as when they were pumping up JG in 2007.

"He's smart"

"Lack of experience doesn't matter since he's been a career backup and he's been learning to be a coach watching from the sidelines."

"He grew up in a football family. He's dad was a coach". Etc..etc..

There were plenty of "football" people also saying JG was going to be great in 2007.
I've seen this movie before and the ending sucks.

So true. People are desperate for something exciting, so they are propping Moore up with the same baloney they used to justify Garrett.

The reality is, if Moore calls plays, there is likely going to be a huge learning curve that Dallas fans do not have the patience for. Nor should they. This team is ready to roll right now and shouldn't be saddled with a young coach on training wheels. Again.

That being said, I am at least intrigued to see what happens.


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I didn't expect him to have made scheme changes in the past. What I wanted to hear from Frederick was some indication that Moore would be changing the scheme in the future, if he became OC.

That’s getting the cart before the horse. How could Frederick talk about Moore making that kind of major change before he even knows what position/title Moore will even have, and before those kinds of discussions have even taken place? The best he has the ability to talk about it is what he did, which is that he would expect to see more of Moore’s innovation.
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There is NO NEED to take a chance. Moore would be happy being our QB coach for the next 3 years. Its not like people are inquiring all over the NFL to try and sign him away. LOL

ive Cowboys' Jason Garrett a fighter's chance, let him call plays - Todd Archer, Dallas Cowboys Blog- ESPN
In this look at how the duties might shake out with the offensive staff in Dallas is an interesting tidbit about Kellen Moore, whom many fans are not impressed by.

Moore, who was the quarterbacks coach in 2018 after spending three seasons on the Cowboys’ roster, has long been considered a future coach, and multiple sources said a couple of teams approached the Cowboys about interviewing Moore and were denied. He has a tight relationship with Prescott, who trusts him implicitly.


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OK...Jerry being Jerry...and Stevie being stevie, NOTHING is in stone. My preference is getting the guy the already inquired about, Dan Campbell. That said, don't rule out Jerry slow walking this thing past the SB.REASON? Its multi layered , meaning Jerry doesn't have many more years left, and he wants to get this right. I think he is listening to many opinions and taking input. I think he has been exploring Top tier coaches,for due diligence sake. He may want to talk to the Rams staff and or the Patriots about a coach. Wonder if he could somehow get Josh McDaniels? Me thinks that's whats happening...but in the end,the default OC will be Kellen Moore. I think its a mistake.

:huh: Fact? Intel? your opinion?


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:huh: Fact? Intel? your opinion?
opinion.....THIS isn't a court room dude. We aint under oath. Its a fan board. Other times I told you some things I knew to be true..you didn't like it. That isn't my fault. Everything on this board is up for debate.


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ive Cowboys' Jason Garrett a fighter's chance, let him call plays - Todd Archer, Dallas Cowboys Blog- ESPN
In this look at how the duties might shake out with the offensive staff in Dallas is an interesting tidbit about Kellen Moore, whom many fans are not impressed by.

Moore, who was the quarterbacks coach in 2018 after spending three seasons on the Cowboys’ roster, has long been considered a future coach, and multiple sources said a couple of teams approached the Cowboys about interviewing Moore and were denied. He has a tight relationship with Prescott, who trusts him implicitly.

IIs this like fake news? But like the article says. Promoting Moore to OC means Garrett calls plays. I would rather have Linehan calling plays.


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Jerry is absolutely brilliant. He's taken what would have been considered a ridiculous joke a week ago and through a multi-pronged PR blitz has the fanbase convinced its a move that makes perfect sense.

In one week Moore has gone from the failed QB coach that needs to be canned immediately to the in-house wizard that's the logical OC of the future.

Truly amazing.
It is interesting how the legend of Moore has grown exponentially in the past few says. He has reached the "anointing oil" Rain Man status in record time.

All kidding aside, I hope he lives up to even a reasonable fraction of the genius label.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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Somebody DM me when the “my bad, But I really love the taste of crow” thread gets started re all the noise they made over Kellen Moore being named QB coach just last season. And about how stupid the front office was to promote him to staff in the first place.
LoL...Yep, this thing is building up to play out exactly as you laid it out. The more I'm reading about him (from those who truly know the game), the less I'm worried about his lack of coaching experience.