T.O.'s Post Game Remarks *Merge*


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CNY Cowboy;2293236 said:
T.O. wins and he's happy ,He loses and he's not.

Who here is surprised at his reactions of pointing fingers (if thats what he's doing) ?

We love him when he catches TD's for us but when he points fingers when we lose, we're surprised.

Gentlemen, A leopard can't change his spots ,and if you think he can you're going to be disappointed with T.O. I'm afraid.

He's a great talent ,but your going to have to put up with his antics.:cool:
Who gets happy when they lose. I sure to heck hope TO isn't happy when he loses. I love that attitude.


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ThreeSportStar80;2293007 said:
They guy pissed me off talking about he was open on some double moves and the ball wasn't there... *** dude the main reason Dallas lose was because they force fed you the ball!!

and you guys that are screaming about another Wr " Roy Williams " ( not that I think he is a dviva but a solid number 1 )HAHAHAHAHAHAHA This guy would blow up big time..... Face it this isnt the 90's. ( most ) Players today are greedy and spout off.. Call me crazy but The Defense is not up to being a superbowl D... 10 minutes to get off the field 12 men on the field come on..What a bitter pill tonight is


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Clove;2293151 said:
I'm glad you said this because everytime Barber touched the ball, bam, he was tackled.

So I guess we should continue to give him the ball so he can get 1 yard losses. Meanwhile, while we're trying to squeeze a couple of yards out of Barber, Newman is having a surgical procedure on him performed by Dr Moss.

we never really tried a real run ou of a solid run formation even when we ran it was one of those fake pass draws that we stole from the patriots.

if we would have went i-form 2wrs we would have worn their defense down.

8 carries is not enough to get anybody going the run game started slow against the eagles and we still came out running in the second half agaisnt them he didnt finish with big numbers (like 17 carries 64 yards) but it kept them honest.

it was totally uncalled for not to run the ball in the second half being down only 3 points!!

and people need to get off romo's case the guy was being told to constantly throw the ball and to only throw one int was great to me.

the skins knew we were throwing the whole 4th quater because thats all we kept doing and he was playing pretty well.

the int was a great coverage call by washington and the saftey baited romo.

but for him to throw it 47 times against 6 defenders sitting back there was great to me. blame coaching guys yeah newman gave up a big play but for the most part of it the guys were making the tackles right in front of them.

i said this last year when people said shockey lit roy up the db's did their job of keeping these guys in front of them.

thats what our brilliant coaches drew up. terrible gameplan.

on offense 8 carries for barber 47 passes and 300 yards and 3 tds-1int great job tony IMO-- but terrible gameplan.

all together the team played good to me the only thing really irratated me is the fact that they had their way with us late in the fourth.

you cant really pin this on the players.... between the offensive and defensive gameplans and some questionable calls by the refs.... not really too many missed oppourtunities or penalties or anything like that.


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EveryoneElse;2293079 said:
I have supported TO since he's been here, but I am now convinced that he is not all there in the head.

How many times did the ball hit him in the hands and he dropped it?

I would release his arse in a heartbeat after hearing something like that. This loss isn't on Romo, and he aint the whole offense.

All because he said he was open and the ball wasn't there..... Romo had alot of pressure on him today, TO was open but the ball kept coming out early.......So the ball was always late or overthrown.

We lost talk it out today and back to practice and get ready for next Sunday


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TO's a pain in the ***. Never liked his personality-scares me.

However-if you take him out of the equation, we would be 8-8(at best).

Sorry guys-but you're going to have to take the good with the bad. If you want TO injured and run out of town...ENJOY!


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TO's a lot like Wade. He can help get you to the playoffs, but that's about it.


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the bottom line is MISTAKES and MISCUES...team loss...THIS was the trap game, not Green Bay like everyone thought...plenty of blame to go around, including Garrett, Stewart and Phillips...Romo's accuracy seemed off all game long...it's as though they had just stepped off the plane from the Green Bay game...flat as a pancake...either something's still wrong with Newman or there were some breakdowns in coverage...even so, the defense shut them out of the endzone over the final thirty minutes, the offense could'nt sustain consistency...Romo killed them with the pick and the 12 man penalty iced it even though a 51 yard field goal would've been makeable...the defense spent the majority of the fourth quarter on the field...i have to put this one on the offense...when the clock shows less than two minutes remaining and the scoreboard only 17, Dallas is in trouble against a division foe...it is a bad number for them...sure Dallas scored more points over the second-half but mistakes put them behind the eight ball without a cue stick...Hurd almost saved them but in a game of inches maybe his fingers needed to be longer...tough loss...


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vta;2293036 said:
TO did his part by dropping two that hit his hands, but if he really wants to complain, he should talk about Garrett calling 10 rushing plays and ignoring what has worked for us: Marion Barber running.

**** I don't care, I'll say it, TO didn't cost us the Game, Playcalling and Defense Cost us this game, you score 24 points, you should win any game with a GOOD defense. .PERIOD!!!!!!! which btw we don't have one of those.:banghead:


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This is what you get with this brat.
Yea, he scores.
Yea, he makes plays.
He also repeatedly drops balls and whines about his involvement in the offense after a tough loss... when 33% of the plays went to him! And he dropped the majority of them. He finished with 7 catches and 2 rushes. Who complains about that level of involvement? Even after he repeatedly erred, they went to him.

I didn't say anything last week but I didn't notice anyone else mention it either. Last week, he looked like a big pouty babyface all game because he wasn't having a good game... even though we were winning and won against a very good NFC team.

I knew it was only going to be a year of best behavior and then the real team terminator was going to come out. It's here. I don't have the patience to deal with little girly baby interfering with what looks to be one of the best Cowboys teams in a long while.


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glad i had plenty of popcorn ready for this. mount t.o. (team obliterator) is going to errupt. good thing for you guys is he loves his qwaterback.


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skinswinagain;2294233 said:
glad i had plenty of popcorn ready for this. mount t.o. (team obliterator) is going to errupt. good thing for you guys is he loves his qwaterback.

Wow...what a witty man you are. You are just too cool for school!

The Panch

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He's one of the all time greats, but T.O. really is a pain in the ***. Im still confused as to whether he really thinks when he speaks to the media or whether he loves to stir up stuff. Either way, Im just thankful the good more often than not stands out than the bad. This just isnt one of those times.


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jordan20;2293367 said:
17 passes thrown to TO today, per Norm.

When I counted the targets in the play by play a little while ago I think Owens name popped up 20 times. 17 or 20, that's too much focus on one player.


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BlueStar22;2293094 said:
Romo played like crap. Bottom line! Now I realize the advantage of being there in person versus watching on tv. There were several big plays to be had but Romo couldn't find them.

Folks are so damn spoiled. Romo had a game that would lead to a win 95% of the time. The problem today was D and not being able to run.


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Spectre;2293961 said:
This is what you get with this brat.
Yea, he scores.
Yea, he makes plays.
He also repeatedly drops balls and whines about his involvement in the offense after a tough loss... when 33% of the plays went to him! And he dropped the majority of them. He finished with 7 catches and 2 rushes. Who complains about that level of involvement? Even after he repeatedly erred, they went to him.

I didn't say anything last week but I didn't notice anyone else mention it either. Last week, he looked like a big pouty babyface all game because he wasn't having a good game... even though we were winning and won against a very good NFC team.

I knew it was only going to be a year of best behavior and then the real team terminator was going to come out. It's here. I don't have the patience to deal with little girly baby interfering with what looks to be one of the best Cowboys teams in a long while.

:rolleyes: Wow.... I hope you all heard the comments and aren't basing what your opinions based on what you read here. He was asked if he thought he got the ball enough, and he said "No, because I'm a competitor. When I get the ball things get moving, the chains move." He never referred to this game in particular. He said in referrence to today's game, there were some times that I came out of a double move and the ball was already out of the QBs hand. Don't over react to what is read with this one like BSPN is.... No harm in his comments.


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AmericasTeam31;2294582 said:
:rolleyes: Wow.... I hope you all heard the comments and aren't basing what your opinions based on what you read here. He was asked if he thought he got the ball enough, and he said "No, because I'm a competitor. When I get the ball things get moving, the chains move." He never referred to this game in particular. He said in referrence to today's game, there were some times that I came out of a double move and the ball was already out of the QBs hand. Don't over react to what is read with this one like BSPN is.... No harm in his comments.

For the record-that INT Romo forced was into MILES AUSTIN.

Like I said-I hate TO as a person, but I'm sick of everyone going overboard here how everything's his fault. If anything Romo was pressured alot. Remember Aikman forced alot of balls into Irvin when he was rushed alot.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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masomenos85;2294500 said:
When I counted the targets in the play by play a little while ago I think Owens name popped up 20 times. 17 or 20, that's too much focus on one player.

I thought I heard on one of the postgame shows that 17 of 59 offensive plays were directed at TO, either by pass or handoff.

Maybe TO should be pointing the finger at himself for not being able to separate from man coverage two weeks in a row... But of course that won't happen. Like someone said, leopards don't change their stripes.