T.O to Ed Werder: Next question


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Hoofbite;2384105 said:
The link is taking me to the Martellus video.

Without seeing it, I'm glad TO is doing that. Screw the media who want to bash him.

I haven't watched ESPN in MONTHS, LITERALLY MONTHS and I don't miss one second of it.
Me too, I'll watch college gameday but that's it. I don't even log into ESPN.com that much anymore.


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Doesn't matter if you say nothing or something, they're going to spin it however they see fit and act like it's the truth no matter what. They're simply going to appease to a certain demo graph and attack mercilessly. That's the media these days. Liberal to a tee and TO is exactly what they're against within their eyes. Smiling and passing is about all that can be done against these drones these days.


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I wish the entire team treat all of the :espn: this way. It would sting if the biggest draw in the NFL shuts you completely out.


Not as good as I once was but as good once as I ev
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IMO, every Cowboys player should do this with every member of the media, not just the one's from ESPN.


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tyke1doe;2384179 said:
Don't be foolish. Werder is PAID to cover the Cowboys for ESPN. He's not going to go away.

And if T.O. didn't care about Werder asking him stupid questions, he wouldn't draw attention to the issue by saying "Next question."

You don't let people, especially the media, know they irritate you. Once you sound off, the media sits back and says, "Gotcha."

This will only increase Werder's criticism of T.O.


I am all for TO not answering Werder's, questions. The truth is you can't believe ANYTHING that comes from the media now a days. They no longer believe in letting the TRUTH get in the way of a good story.

I personally wish they would all just burn in hell, and we would no longer have to deal with there lies anymore....


Rising Star
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Bob Sacamano;2384078 said:
watch on ESPN

Werder: "I guess TO doesn't like us very much"

ESPN guys in the studio: "he he huffaw"

No just you Sheshawn and Kris Carter.

I think its awesome TO wont answer his questions anymore.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I don't blame him. Anytime he opens his mouth and sometimes even when he doesn't they try to slip a hangman's noose around his neck.

TO has been pretty much a class act since coming to Dallas. Specifically since Parcells left. His teammates love him and most of the fans love him. They need to get over it and until they do. Cut them off.



if you ain't first, you're last
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Why should he talk to him, he twists around everything he says. I wish more of the team ignored the ESPN guys.


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tyke1doe;2384150 said:
I think T.O.'s response becomes more of a commentary about T.O. than Werder.

T.O. is basically telling Werder - in so many words - that you're getting to me, you're getting under my skin. You NEVER want to do that to a member of the media because that sends a message that they can irritate you. T.O. has given Werder "hand."

So do you think Werder is going to back off? No.

He's going to come even harder.

Probably what T.O. should do is answer Werder without answering or giving Werder the answer he's looking for.

It's not like T.O. is going to make Werder not ask questions or go away.

Wrong...nothing irritates a reporter more than not giving him anything. if the only answer you get is next question what can you do? NOTHING!

Randy White

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tyke1doe;2384150 said:
I think T.O.'s response becomes more of a commentary about T.O. than Werder.

T.O. is basically telling Werder - in so many words - that you're getting to me, you're getting under my skin. You NEVER want to do that to a member of the media because that sends a message that they can irritate you. T.O. has given Werder "hand."

A good friend of mine is a well known member of the media that covers the NFL. His articles have been posted in this site before. Talking to him before about this subject, I can tell you that T.O. IS hurting Werder. The number 1 job of a reporter is to get quotes from a principal of a story. If that reporter cannot get quotes, either off or on the record, for whatever reason, that reporter's assignment is terminated. He, or she, is issued another assignment and replaced by somebody who could get them.

Believe it or not, players, particularly star players, have tremendous power over media members and they can make or break anybody.

T.O. not addressing ESPN's reporters just gives FOX, CBS, NBC, Sporting News,..etc, more leverage. It might not be that big of a difference because the NFL has other stars, obviously, but he's one source, and a very important one at that, the ESPN cannot count on.

Believe me, ESPN is not liking this one bit and I'd bet that they'll start working through back channels ( if they haven't started already ) to get T.O. to address them again.

Canadian BoyzFan

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Randy White;2384919 said:
A good friend of mine is a well known member of the media that covers the NFL. His articles have been posted in this site before. Talking to him before about this subject, I can tell you that T.O. IS hurting Werder. The number 1 job of a reporter is to get quotes from a principal of a story. If that reporter cannot get quotes, either off or on the record, for whatever reason, that reporter's assignment is terminated. He, or she, is issued another assignment and replaced by somebody who could get them.

Believe it or not, players, particularly star players, have tremendous power over media members and they can make or break anybody.

T.O. not addressing ESPN's reporters just gives FOX, CBS, NBC, Sporting News,..etc, more leverage. It might not be that big of a difference because the NFL has other stars, obviously, but he's one source, and a very important one at that, the ESPN cannot count on.

Believe me, ESPN is not liking this one bit and I'd bet that they'll start working through back channels ( if they haven't started already ) to get T.O. to address them again.

He can still write about what he says to other people and still twist away...rally it doesn't matter all that much.

Randy White

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Canadian BoyzFan;2384921 said:
He can still write about what he says to other people and still twist away...rally it doesn't matter all that much.

Very true, but that's not what makes this guys. As a reporter you always want to be the first to break the news ( obviously be accurate too ), reveal something nobody else knows or before anybody else does. Particularly in the newspaper media.

If a star player does not want to talk to you, it makes your job 10 times as hard. Especially when your competetion is getting all the " talk ".


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tyke1doe;2384150 said:
I think T.O.'s response becomes more of a commentary about T.O. than Werder.

T.O. is basically telling Werder - in so many words - that you're getting to me, you're getting under my skin. You NEVER want to do that to a member of the media because that sends a message that they can irritate you. T.O. has given Werder "hand."

So do you think Werder is going to back off? No.

He's going to come even harder.

Probably what T.O. should do is answer Werder without answering or giving Werder the answer he's looking for.

It's not like T.O. is going to make Werder not ask questions or go away.

So what if he comes harder at T.O.
All T.O. has to do is to keep saying next question. Do you really think T.O. really cares what the media thinks about him since all they do is bash him anyway.

Velvet Jones

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If it is a one or two week stunt, then it just gives ESPN more ammo. If he continues it through years, then it does hurt ESPN, especially if he gets more people to do the same.

Werders job is not to ask questions, it is to get answers. Right now, a none answer is still an answer. Three or four weeks of it and it will bite.


Thread Killer
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Velvet Jones;2385006 said:
If it is a one or two week stunt, then it just gives ESPN more ammo. If he continues it through years, then it does hurt ESPN, especially if he gets more people to do the same.

Werders job is not to ask questions, it is to get answers. Right now, a none answer is still an answer. Three or four weeks of it and it will bite.

It is about getting the scoop when it comes to T.O.
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Yeah I laughed everytime he tried to ask a question... I think all Cowboy players should tell BSPN "Next question..."
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I want to punch someone in the face over there on ESPN.com

You click on this article about Brad Johnson starting and midway thru the page http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3671637 You see TO's interview and the caption

"Terrell Owens is frustrated with his diminished role and the Cowboy's recent struggles."

I watched the whole interview , watched him 'Next Question' Ed and then he gets blasted again nationally. It will never end. He punks Ed for portraying him as a scumbag all of the time and then gets misportrayed in a caption.

I wish I could hack their site and post a picture of me and Ed's Wife.....


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tyke1doe;2384179 said:
Don't be foolish. Werder is PAID to cover the Cowboys for ESPN. He's not going to go away.

And if T.O. didn't care about Werder asking him stupid questions, he wouldn't draw attention to the issue by saying "Next question."

You don't let people, especially the media, know they irritate you. Once you sound off, the media sits back and says, "Gotcha."

This will only increase Werder's criticism of T.O.

Is that you Ed? :D

Guess you don't approve of the "no comment" approach in any circumstance.

The media lives off other people's lives. It has no life of its own, but it wishes otherwise.