T.O to Ed Werder: Next question


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McCordsville Cowboy;2385142 said:
I want to punch someone in the face over there on ESPN.com

You click on this article about Brad Johnson starting and midway thru the page http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3671637 You see TO's interview and the caption

"Terrell Owens is frustrated with his diminished role and the Cowboy's recent struggles."

I watched the whole interview , watched him 'Next Question' Ed and then he gets blasted again nationally. It will never end. He punks Ed for portraying him as a scumbag all of the time and then gets misportrayed in a caption.

I wish I could hack their site and post a picture of me and Ed's Wife.....

What a load of garbage.

I hope T.O. keeps doing this until he retires.


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Oh, how sweet it would be if the entire team rallied around T.O. and they all answered any ESPN questions with "next question".


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Nav22;2385289 said:
Oh, how sweet it would be if the entire team rallied around T.O. and they all answered any ESPN questions with "next question".

You know it wouldn't be such a bad thing. I remember that one interview last year where a reporter kept trying to ask Pierce of the Giants about the defense and he kept sounding that air horn instead, while she was trying to ask the question, and I remember it really frusturated her by the end.

She still didn't get the bite she was looking for either. Pretty funny stuff.


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Nav22;2385289 said:
Oh, how sweet it would be if the entire team rallied around T.O. and they all answered any ESPN questions with "next question".

Read my other post in here.

Werder walks around on the field talking to players during the warmups like he is part of the team. Usually you only see players, coaches and the media covering the game like brad sham, troy aikman, phil simms etc...

But werder wanders around out there all the time too. Witten, romo, ware, newman, brian stewart, greg ellis all are happy to talk to him. Witten was talking to him sunday the whole time he was stretching at the 10 yard line.

That is why this situation is so sad. Only owens doesnt talk to werder. Yet werder only talks about owens.

The whole thing is stupid.


Old Fashioned
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Hoofbite;2384105 said:
The link is taking me to the Martellus video.

Without seeing it, I'm glad TO is doing that. Screw the media who want to bash him.

I haven't watched ESPN in MONTHS, LITERALLY MONTHS and I don't miss one second of it.

I watch "college football gameday" I like the cast, and college football is my second most favorite passion. But thats it for BSPN.


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tyke1doe;2384179 said:
Don't be foolish. Werder is PAID to cover the Cowboys for ESPN. He's not going to go away.

And if T.O. didn't care about Werder asking him stupid questions, he wouldn't draw attention to the issue by saying "Next question."

You don't let people, especially the media, know they irritate you. Once you sound off, the media sits back and says, "Gotcha."

This will only increase Werder's criticism of T.O.

I disagree.
No matter what TO does or says Werder puts his own spin on it.
That's the way ESPN wants it too.
ESPN doesn't want TO to act like a regular player. They want TO to create controversy so it will make a great story.
They (ESPN) have been trying to spin every thing TO does or says into a controversy since he joined the Cowboys.
If I was TO I wouldn't answer any questions from anybody associated with ESPN.
ESPN is a total joke as far as journalistic integrity is concerned.
The only people I really believe on any of the networks is :
Adam Shefter
Jay Glazer
Chris Mortenson-I know he on ESPN but he is the only football guy I would believe as far as breaking news is concerned.
Darren Woodson and Emmitt Smith I trust,but you hardly see these guys on the air anymore and ESPN wants controversy in Dallas not honest opinions.


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WoodysGirl;2384218 said:
I watch ESPNNEWS. Yeah they have their analyst segments. but they're short and to the point. It's my fav ESPN channel.

Re: the thread topic. T.O. might be telling Werder he's getting to him, but I don't think it's that big of a deal either. If he doesn't want to answer his questions, he doesn't have to. Alot of players don't speak to the media, at all. Some of our more favorite players don't even take the time to give a private chat to the reporters.

Sometimes I get tired of hearing from the same players every week. Tank's on-field production hasn't lived up to his interview skills, but at least he offered something different. Now, it's T.O., Romo/Johnson, Witten, Ellis, and Bradie. And we might get a quote from the player du jour.

in the nba you get fined i you don't talk to the media my favorite quote is
"both teams played hard" -rwallace


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J-DOG;2385640 said:
I disagree.
No matter what TO does or says Werder puts his own spin on it.
That's the way ESPN wants it too.

Yep. The only difference... right now is... Werder cant run with a "gotcha" story on TO....

So he runs with "inside sources" tell me that TO is increasingly more frustrated


"a player that wants to remain anonymous" said that TO was beating Tony with a football helmet.


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WoodysGirl;2384218 said:
I watch ESPNNEWS. Yeah they have their analyst segments. but they're short and to the point. It's my fav ESPN channel.

Re: the thread topic. T.O. might be telling Werder he's getting to him, but I don't think it's that big of a deal either. If he doesn't want to answer his questions, he doesn't have to. Alot of players don't speak to the media, at all. Some of our more favorite players don't even take the time to give a private chat to the reporters.

Sometimes I get tired of hearing from the same players every week. Tank's on-field production hasn't lived up to his interview skills, but at least he offered something different. Now, it's T.O., Romo/Johnson, Witten, Ellis, and Bradie. And we might get a quote from the player du jour.

I like reading stuff like this. Makes alot of sense to me WG.


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am i the only one who see alot of fustration in TO, when he is asked about Brad Johnson?


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A lot of frustration with being asked the same question a 100 times, in a 100 different ways, in an attempt to get him to give them a sound byte where he says something negative about Johnson.

That's the only frustration I see out of him in regards to Johnson in those interviews.

On the field...well that is another matter. He does look frusturated at times when they aren't able to hook up for plays but that is hardly a TO thing that is an any great player in this league thing.


Kane Ala
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CowboyChris;2386961 said:
am i the only one who see alot of fustration in TO, when he is asked about Brad Johnson?

I'm frustrated so I suspect TO is as well.

Of course he's frustrated. As a team player and as an individual. He always wants the ball and he's not getting it.

Thankfully he's not mad and being a distraction.


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TO is a captain on this team.
And with that comes extra responsibility to hold things together when times are tough.
There is no doubt TO is frustrated with Johnson accuracy.
But TO has really impressed me with how he has handled it.
For instance...On his weekly "Inside the Huddle" show he had Michael Irvin on there last Tuesday.
Irvin went off on Johnson and really made some critical comments about him.
It would have been really easy for Terrell to chime in and join in on the bashing but in watching that broadcast I saw Owens wincing as Irvin made those comments. TO knows that things will probably not get better until Romo is healthy and that bashing Brad Johnson will serve no purpose.