You're misusing the word 'proof' and confusing it with evidence and then demonstrating your confusion in your own example. A meatball would (maybe) be evidence of a spaghetti monster on your roof, but not proof. It can as easily be evidence that your neighbor throws meatballs. The fact that people sometimes make the mistake of using the words interchangeably when they are not, in fact, interchangeable does not make your argument. The fact that you're doing it while pretending to 'educate' me is just embarrassing for you.
This can be cleared up with a simple google search if you care to do it.
As for the Taylor stuff, I already addressed your point there with Fuzzy, who argued your side better, too. So I won't repeat it.
Ah, now the classic idgit obfuscation in hopes of appearing to save face.
Let's try to educate you again:
"I have
evidence of a spaghetti monster living on top of my roof, here's the
proof (showing you the meatball)."
"I have
proof of a spaghetti monster living on top of my roof, here's the
evidence (showing you the meatball)."
They are both subjective and interchangeable terms that have no objective meaning without further substantiation; neither is conclusive or self-evident. I know I'm using terms that may be confusing to you; don't be afraid to ask questions; I'll help you.
You made a bogus claim that Taylor was being "fed" lines and supported that assertion with neither evidence or proof. Rather, you made an unsubstantiated claim i.e.
made something up and thought your speculating could pass as some sort of evidence. It doesn't.
Now in predictable fashion you've provided yourself an out ("If I've made some false assumptions along the way [...] I'm happy to just live with them"), so go do that.