Tashard Choice


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AbeBeta;2450922 said:
That play ended in a fumble. But hey, thanks for playing. That was on Choice. He's got to hold on to the ball.

Interception. Period. You can't put that squarely on Choice and you know it.

AbeBeta;2450922 said:
Against backup DL and LBs for another team? It is a limited amount of carries but it doesn't jump out and say "I can be a first string player"

With sub third string O-Lineman he's running behind? Advantage - opposition. Now tell me that our back-up O-linemen are GREAT!!! They played the majority of ball in front of Choice in "garbage time".

AbeBeta;2450922 said:
Talk about grasping. Romo didn't come in and do anything his first few years. We aren't talking about what Choice could develop into. We are talking about where he is right now.

Change the subject matter=spin. Typical, you. Thump the chest not realizing how off you are in your bold predictions. You're guessing like the rest of us yet insist you have theee crystal ball.

You boldly stated that he was looked at by other teams and Drafted accordingly. That statement, in itself, does not say "what he can develope into". Nice backpeddle, you do Yoga or something?

AbeBeta;2450922 said:
If you actually read my post, I was telling folks that evaluating Choice as ready to take a lead role was silly. People pointed to his YPC and certain positives. And I brought them back to earth by pointing out negatives. Fact is, Choice has been a mixed bag. And if he starts we are likely to see that same mixed bag rather than the positives that people focus on.

I did read your post.................and as usual, came the backpeddling.


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AbeBeta;2450939 said:
Wow, you talk about a realistic evaluation but all you do is focus on the positives. That isn't a realistic evaluation -- it is ignoring the bad stuff.

Guess you missed when I said this:

A realistic evaluation would take into account all he's done in the NFL in his limited opportunities. And like it or not, that includes his YPC and the job he did against Peterson.

I'm not saying we should exclusively include YPC and the job he did against Peterson; rather I'm saying you wrongly omit those things, and that they should also be included.

You make excuses for his preseason average. But fail to point out that his regular season YPC comes primarily against beaten down defenses. Context cuts both ways. And we can go all day in either direction.

Excuses for his preseason YPC?

I think you're missing the point, quite honestly. How is a preseason YPC, in which most, if not all, of his attempts were behind our backup offensive line, relevant to our discussion? To best predict the future success of Choice behind our starting offensive line, we'd be much better off using his YPC behind our starting offensive line, don't you think?


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Givincer;2451014 said:
Guess you missed when I said this:

I'm not saying we should exclusively include YPC and the job he did against Peterson; rather I'm saying you wrongly omit those things, and that they should also be included.

Excuses for his preseason YPC?

I think you're missing the point, quite honestly. How is a preseason YPC, in which most, if not all, of his attempts were behind our backup offensive line, relevant to our discussion? To best predict the future success of Choice behind our starting offensive line, we'd be much better off using his YPC behind our starting offensive line, don't you think?

Give it up, dude. He'll twist his original post out of recognition. Soon you'l be debating Larry Allen and Emmitt Smith. I don't know why I bothered. I should know better.:bang2:


Kane Ala
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deepBLUE;2451003 said:
i like choice...he's gonna do fine.

here's a question...(i am still crying in my beer about felix jones) why can't we sneak adam jones in once or twice, in a game...and let him run around the edge (or motion out for a pass)? his speed might catch defenses unawares, since they are expecting a battering-ram. this might mitigate the loss of felix, a little bit.

Uhhh, no. AJ is perhaps a WR for a play esp to decoy and if that then a reverse. But putting him in on O for a reverse is kinda stupid in my book. I'd be sneaking peeks at him the entire play.

As far as TC is concerned, you have limited data so you have to infer which is the same as assume with some educated guessing and a smidgen of data. He looks like he can be a change of pace and third down back. Despite his size he doesn't play 'big' like MB does. He might be an everydown back but he wouldn't bring the same thing MB does; IOWs not as much.

I do agree he won't change our offense that much as long as he can make the D honor the play action and run.


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Seven;2451013 said:
Interception. Period. You can't put that squarely on Choice and you know it.

funny. Romo's line for that game is 23-39 for 341 yards, 3 TD, and NO interceptions.

But if you say it was an interception, I'm sure you know better than the official NFL stat keepers.

Either way, you don't catch a ball that is pitched to you and it goes in the defender's hand and you've made a bad play.

Seven;2451013 said:
With sub third string O-Lineman he's running behind? Advantage - opposition. Now tell me that our back-up O-linemen are GREAT!!! Who played the majority of ball in front of Choice in "garbage time".

Right, those third string defenders who couldn't even make the Texans or Bronco rosters really had a HUGE advantage.

Seven;2451013 said:
Change the subject matter=spin. Typical, you. Thump the chest not realizing how off you are in your bold predictions. You're guessing like the rest of us yet insist you have theee crystal ball.

You boldly stated that he was looked at by other teams and Drafted accordingly. That statement, in itself, does not say "what he can develope into". Nice backpeddle, you do Yoga or something?

What the hell are you talking about? Guys who teams think can step in and be "the guy" don't get taken late 4th round. You may find some there. You may develop guys taken there. But few of those guys are expected to be "the guy" in their rookie year.

Typical Seven. Can't read posts. Doesn't understand basic arguments. Then goes off and cries "backpeddle" - do yourself a favor. Read the entire thread - two or three times if you have to - before you post. And if there are big words you don't understand, you can PM me for an explanation.


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Givincer;2451014 said:
Guess you missed when I said this:

I'm not saying we should exclusively include YPC and the job he did against Peterson; rather I'm saying you wrongly omit those things, and that they should also be included.

Excuses for his preseason YPC?

I think you're missing the point, quite honestly. How is a preseason YPC, in which most, if not all, of his attempts were behind our backup offensive line, relevant to our discussion? To best predict the future success of Choice behind our starting offensive line, we'd be much better off using his YPC behind our starting offensive line, don't you think?

And if you want to project his future success behind our OL, how can you take garbage time against a beaten down team and use that? Same argument - most 1st string RBs don't do most of their work against a D that has already had its *** kicked.


1st Round Pick
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I agree with some of your points on Tashard but a lot of his mistakes are from lack of playing time.

Hes a good, solid runner and he can block.

He just needs to learn all of the little things that come with more playing time.

You're correct he did screw that screen up. But the biggest part of him screwing up that screen was that he went for the block at first to sell it and held onto his block for way to long.

If we want Choice to evolve into a good player for us we have to actually play him.

Until then these complaints you have about him won't go away.


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AbeBeta;2451028 said:
And if you want to project his future success behind our OL, how can you take garbage time against a beaten down team and use that? Same argument - most 1st string RBs don't do most of their work against a D that has already had its *** kicked.

I'm not arguing that it's an absolute perfect measure to predict performance; rather, I'm arguing it's the best measure that we have right now, thus it's the measure I'll make my judgments based on. What are you making your judgment based on, again?


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CATCH17;2451030 said:

I agree with some of your points on Tashard but a lot of his mistakes are from lack of playing time.

Hes a good, solid runner and he can block.

He just needs to learn all of the little things that come with more playing time.

You're correct he did screw that screen up. But the biggest part of him screwing up that screen was that he went for the block at first to sell it and held onto his block for way to long.

If we want Choice to evolve into a good player for us we have to actually play him.

Until then these complaints you have about him won't go away.

These aren't complaints -- they are observations about people's evaluation of him. I think he'll develop into a good player but likely at best the 2nd or 3rd guy in a solid rotation. I think that people who believe he can come in next week and be our starter without us having a major drop off, need to put down the crack pipe.


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Seven;2451018 said:
Give it up, dude. He'll twist his original post out of recognition. Soon you'l be debating Larry Allen and Emmitt Smith. I don't know why I bothered. I should know better.:bang2:

Says the guy who can't tell a fumble from an interception.


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Givincer;2451036 said:
I'm not arguing that it's an absolute perfect measure to predict performance; rather, I'm arguing it's the best measure that we have right now, thus it's the measure I'll make my judgments based on. What are you making your judgment based on, again?

As I noted earlier in the thread; Current YPC (in context of when it was done) and other regular season performance issues, preseason performance, draft status (as an index of how teams projected his potential). As I said, we've got a mixed bag here. Nothing that really points strongly in one way or another. Certainly nothing that suggests he's can come in and be our starter for a game or two without some serious dropoff


1st Round Pick
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AbeBeta;2451037 said:
These aren't complaints -- they are observations about people's evaluation of him. I think he'll develop into a good player but likely at best the 2nd or 3rd guy in a solid rotation. I think that people who believe he can come in next week and be our starter without us having a major drop off, need to put down the crack pipe.

I completely agree with that.

Like I said Tashard still has some trouble doing the little things.

Barber is good at all things.

I do think Tashard needs to / has to cut into MB3's carries, especially early in games, but he isn't ready for a huge workload yet.

He missed a blitz pick up the other day that lead to a Romo incompletion the other day that had me scratching my head.

Pittsburgh's Zone Blitz is not the game that you want Choice taking a bulk of carries.

Also at this point Tashard still looks to me like he lacks something to be desired with his physical abilities. Maybe its just me....

I do like his vision though and his heart. He plays hard for us. Even on special teams.

I have no doubt though he can develop into a very solid backup for us.


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AbeBeta;2450992 said:
Same argument can be made for his garbage time stats.

Yesterday was not really garbage time - we were trying to eat out the clock and they were stacking the line against the run.

Garbage time is more like a QB/WR putting up numbers against a prevent defense.

Don Corleone

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Wow, some are so critical of the kid who has barely had any playing time at all. No one disputes that he has a lot to learn, but we can all say that he looks promising based on what little we've seen so far.

...or have we all forgotten how the backfield of Michael Wiley, Nicky Sualua, and Troy Hambrick looked?


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Eskimo;2451089 said:
Yesterday was not really garbage time - we were trying to eat out the clock and they were stacking the line against the run.

Garbage time is more like a QB/WR putting up numbers against a prevent defense.

The coaches were trying to stack the line against the run. The players clearly wanted nothing to do with it.


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AbeBeta;2451172 said:
The coaches were trying to stack the line against the run. The players clearly wanted nothing to do with it.

Actually, they stuffed us quite a few times - Choice's average was high from breaking a big run.


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Eskimo;2451199 said:
Actually, they stuffed us quite a few times - Choice's average was high from breaking a big run.

So you are saying that he, for the most part, sucked against a beat down team? Me, I wouldn't go there.


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AbeBeta;2451202 said:
So you are saying that he, for the most part, sucked against a beat down team? Me, I wouldn't go there.

No, I'm saying the Hawks were selling out against the run knowing that we weren't going to pass - this means that you are going to get lots of stops with minimal gain and allow some big runs if the RB breaks through the front line.

He actually played well and got into the few holes that were opened up very well. Very impressive performance, IMO.


New Member
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i love tashard choice
i think he's another big playmaker on the team
him and felix jones were good picks and the future of the team is looking awesome


The Chairman
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CowboysxSwagger;2451437 said:
i love tashard choice
i think he's another big playmaker on the team
him and felix jones were good picks and the future of the team is looking awesome

i concur.