Taylor Decker reporting his eligibility to the refs

Jazz, the only fans that think the Refs got it right are Dallas fans. You keep saying it was the right call. I have yet to hear anyone other than Dallas fans saying that. Every other pundit or fan of other teams espeecially Lions fans believe differently, (disclaimer, I am not channel surfing to hear every persons response) I am glad the Cowboys won just for the stupidity of Dan Cambell to pull that high school crap and triple down on the stupid call.
Seems like you're listening only to the people who are saying what you want to hear. Lots of pundits including the booth ref have stated it was the right call and in reality the Lions committed multiple penalties on that play.
58 was right there . Did he report as well ?
My understanding is he put all three there to confuse the Cowboys. Ended up confusing the refs though. Doh! The only thing I will give Campbell credit for is he had this one ready for this game. He talked to the refs beforehand because he knew this was going to be a close game, and he was going to have to pull everything out of his hat, including this trick play. Parcells boy all right. Overprepared And Parcell‘s first year all over again when he was overachieving with that roster and had to tell guys like Campbell to act like they went down and then get back in the place so we could get an easy touchdown. LOL
My understanding is he put all three there to confuse the Cowboys. The only thing I will give Campbell credit for is he had this one ready for this game. He talked to the refs beforehand because he knew this was going to be a close game, and he was going to have to pull everything out of his hat, including this trick play. Parcells boy all right. Overprepared And Parcell‘s first year all over again when he was overachieving with that roster and had to tell guys like Campbell to act like they went down and then get back in the place so we could get an easy touchdown. LOL
I keep seeing this but the officials announce the eligible receiver. The Cowboys policy is to go off the announcement. The announcement also was what it was.
The tape shows him walking over to the official before the play. As Aikman said, there is no reason for him to do that unless he’s reporting. I’ll take it but we got that one gift wrapped. It’s about time a bad call went our way.
Three OL walked towards the refs and only one reported. Walking towards refs meant nothing.
I keep seeing this but the officials announce the eligible receiver. The Cowboys policy is to go off the announcement. The announcement also was what it was.
Doesn't mean Campbell didn't try to muddy things for the defense. I mean, why didn't he clarify that 68 was supposed to be the eligible player when 70 was announced? Forgot? Didn't care? ??? I agree. The whole trickery attempt was dumb.
Three OL walked towards the refs and only one reported. Walking towards refs meant nothing.
. You are repeating what the ref said after the game. The Lions say 68 reported. They clearly knew reporting was a big deal bc they practiced this all week, it makes no sense that they would sabatoge themselves with theatrics in full view of the world. I think the ref turned his head and never heard Decker. Problem is nobody knew that until after the play.
. You are repeating what the ref said after the game. The Lions say 68 reported. They clearly knew reporting was a big deal bc they practiced this all week, it makes no sense that they would sabatoge themselves with theatrics in full view of the world. I think the ref turned his head and never heard Decker. Problem is nobody knew that until after the play.
Wrong.. everybody knew the moment the ref announced #70 as the reporting player.
it makes no sense that they would sabatoge themselves with theatrics in full view of the world
Yet 58 and 68 are standing there with the referee with 70 flying off the sideline, straight at the official. Campbell's whole personality as a coach is about "being gritty" and taking risks because he "believes in his team." Trying to trick the defense seems exactly like something ScrappyDoo would do. I just think if he really believed in his team and was more worried about winning than biting knees he'd have kicked the extra point and let his boys play ball.
Yet 58 and 68 are standing there with the referee with 70 flying off the sideline, straight at the official. Campbell's whole personality as a coach is about "being gritty" and taking risks because he "believes in his team." Trying to trick the defense seems exactly like something ScrappyDoo would do. I just think if he really believed in his team and was more worried about winning than biting knees he'd have kicked the extra point and let his boys play ball.
It’s a gadget play. So obviously it is intended to trick the defense. He was not trying to trick the officials.
Yet 58 and 68 are standing there with the referee with 70 flying off the sideline, straight at the official. Campbell's whole personality as a coach is about "being gritty" and taking risks because he "believes in his team." Trying to trick the defense seems exactly like something ScrappyDoo would do. I just think if he really believed in his team and was more worried about winning than biting knees he'd have kicked the extra point and let his boys play ball.
For all we know 58 and 68 told the refs 70 was reporting. The refs pointed at 70 as to ask are you reporting. 70 brushes himself like he was reporting and refs went on to tell defense and announce it over intercom.
This is like the head-tail coinflip that pittsburgh did which caused the nfl to change the rules to make players announce before the flip. Lol
I would love to believe that everything is always legit and any mistakes are just that. BUT anytime you have big business folks are going to try to manipulate for their benefit. There is just too much wacky stuff that goes on every week that makes it really hard to believe its all random. The NFL loves keeping their product forefront in the consumers mind & drive the media that is tied to it. A controversy accomplishes that. Having teams look like world beaters & then humiliated for a few games does that. Add in that they are now openly tied to gambling, .... lot of other reasons to affect outcomes. Those are just reasons for the "corporate" entities to want some influence. There is no oversight. They just justify their own calls or if it's so egregious they say oops refs made a mistake. We'll do better next time. Just sayin.
Can’t argue with a word of that. I wrote a post last year that went something like, ‘We could essentially be watching ‘pro’ wrestling and not know it.’

The NFL is in the entertainment business. They’ve done more than any other pro sport to try and create parity, which leads to close games. They wouldn’t have to ‘fix’ every game, maybe not even most games. For example, the Eagles played so bad that they could’ve left everything alone this afternoon and gotten the outcome they wanted.

I’m still betting on games, though, so I obv don’t think it’s rigged, but……‍♂️
It’s a gadget play. So obviously it is intended to trick the defense. He was not trying to trick the officials.
Yes they were trying to trick the defense but in doing so they forgot the rules.. Whoever is reported as eligible must be identified to the defense. So there is no "tricking the defense" really. They were hoping the ref would ignore their games and reward their flouting the rules. They were wrong.

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