Twitter: Taylor Stern leaving talkin Cowboys

I liked her when she wasn't hosting, because you could see her growth as an analyst and her opinions were decent. As a host, though, I found her a bore. She changed the way she spoke to be more professional, and her constant bickering with Micky made it hard to listen to. I barely ever listened to TC during the off season.

Ambar Garcia I really like though. She calls it as it is and has great chemistry with Eatman and Helman
Wish she could just replace Ambar Garcia back on the Break, whose only redeeming quality is that she speaks Spanish?

Liked Tay a lot because she took air time away from Mickey
Ambar simply calls it like it is. She's not afraid to call anyone out including the coachs. Yeah she has a strong accent but it's not that bad, and she knows her stuff about the current cowboys roster. In my opinion, atleast
other female sportscasters


I guess it's a promotion and I'm not a big fan of TC anyway aside from Broaddus but I wish she'd go back to The Break. She'd be great with Helman and Eatman. I like Eagleton but he's not there half the time, leaving Ambar to run the show.
How are they going to fill the knowledge vacuum? Is there an empty Rowdy costume they could just put in one of the chairs that Ambar could debate with?

Just kidding. Stern was terrible when she started out, but she's a hustler, and she totally came up to speed. I liked her after about a year and a half on the job.

I think hosting was terrible for her. It stripped out all her personality, but at least it lessened the amount of pointless Mickey rants I had to endure.
Well I won't be watching it, but I've never watched it anyway.
Wish she could just replace Ambar Garcia back on the Break, whose only redeeming quality is that she speaks Spanish?

Liked Tay a lot because she took air time away from Mickey

Watch the Break, don't listen. There are more redeeming qualities.
I've always appreciated Bill Jones. A class act.
But is he the old guy that used to be on Talkin Cowboys 5 or 6 years ago? Because that guy was the worst, just horrible opinions (tried the opposite view on everything even if it didn't make sense). Hope it's not the same guy
I can't stand Mickey or Nate.

I stopped listening to the podcasts mostly because of those two.

Here goes another person that I actually liked.