Twitter: Teams make a mockery of the salary cap


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Brees didn't have to do this. He had to agree to it. Clearly something our current QB is unwilling to do.


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Cap space is rarely an issue these days, even when the cap gets reduced 20m.
This is true.

You realize this is doing exactly what people have said Dallas can do with multiple contracts in order to add about 60m in cap space?
This is 100% wrong.

Brees took a $24 million pay cut directly to his "base salary" because he doesn't plan on playing any more, so his salary doesn't matter to him. This ONLY works when the player is going to retire AND the salary in question is not guaranteed money. As of today, we know of exactly ZERO members of the Dallas Cowboys that are in this position.

What people have ACTUALLY been saying is that the Cowboys can RESTRUCTURE high salaries into bonuses to lower the cap hit and, thus create cap space.

These are NOT the same thing. At all.


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You realize this is doing exactly what people have said Dallas can do with multiple contracts in order to add about 60m in cap space? Cap space is rarely an issue these days, even when the cap gets reduced 20m.

Yes, any GM worth his salt can manipulate the cap hit. But lets not act like it doesn't have its limits. Great teams that are stacked are a thing of the past.


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Drew Brees is retiring. This is an accounting trick for a retiring player. This has nothing to do with the Dallas Cowboys or any of the players currently under contract. Zilch, zero, nada.


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You realize this is doing exactly what people have said Dallas can do with multiple contracts in order to add about 60m in cap space? Cap space is rarely an issue these days, even when the cap gets reduced 20m.

This has absolutely nothing to do with that whatsoever.


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Not really manipulated just moved forward
The cowboys and other teams do it all the time and fans here gripe about it all the time
I suspect fans here would be griping if Jerry setup 11.5 mil dead money for next two years for a player not on the team lol


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first off since when were we in this position ie the DC FO?

secondly dak stands to make twice that and Brees is twice the player , irony, also dak wont help the DC fo even with team friendly the ironys thick on HOF QBs helping their teams with contracts when our 1 playoff win qb is holding us hostage..

lastly and most importantly the DC FO know how to dal with the cap and you do NOT..saying they need a new cap person is phreaking Joke. Seriously man the media and yourself get all your info through well the internet, most all using statements amnd turning them into narratives..the DC never claim to be in any postion where the cap will hurt building this team in the future , they get creative all the time..

so stop acting as if you somehow know the inner workings of the cap and the DC FO because you read twitter and the internet..

good for drew and the saints now chill the freak are an armchair internet GM that actually knows squat..go get job with the DC and let us know whats really going on..

dont take the Jonses trying too be smart with contracts as them being cheap or clueless..we look around the league at these so called smarter Gms with the qb drafts and , big deals , then get fleeced with trades..

get over it..
phreaking fans are clueless..can we get new ones? pretty sure the Jonses running more then one billion dollar business have far more smarter employees to handle these issues and dont need your opinions..fact less BTW..

Nothing you said made a bit of sense, bunch of blabbing. Obviously they don't know how to manage the cap because as you and the rest put it, they can't even sign their qb and other


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Knowing the league they would take money away from the Cowboys if they did this. Remember what the WFT and Cowboys did I the uncapped year 2010. Is still don’t understand how you can be penalized for being smarter than the other 30 teams.

Happened because Mara cried and had a lot of pull with Goodell.


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Wow I thought I was going to read ab how many teams are doing something never heard of before..

Instead it’s one Twitter post ab one player restructuring his contract just before he retires. Smh.

There are other instances where teams do exactly what they want, being an a**h doesn't look good on you, teams like San Fran, Eagles, Rams, KC have all went out and made slashes in spite of the cap.


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Nothing you said made a bit of sense, bunch of blabbing. Obviously they don't know how to manage the cap because as you and the rest put it, they can't even sign their qb and other
umm cap must be good because once again you are WRONG the DC FO offered a 5 year 35mil AAV with 106-110 MIL GURANTEED, sounds like a pretty huge offer for cap strapped team, HMM..ITS DAK THAT DIDNT SIGN IT, IGNORNACE..not one iota to do with cap money.

babbling or facts that destroy your ridiculous narrative that billionaires dont have lawyers, Cpas, and capologist that have this covered vs you who FEEL they dont know how to mange it..we are fine cap wise its an illusion..they've signed everyone they have wanted to up to this point...

Dak unsigned at his own doing.


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umm cap must be good because once again you are WRONG the DC FO offered a 5 year 35mil AAV with 106-110 MIL GURANTEED, sounds like a pretty huge offer for cap strapped team, HMM..ITS DAK THAT DIDNT SIGN IT, IGNORNACE..not one iota to do with cap money.

babbling or facts that destroy your ridiculous narrative that billionaires dont have lawyers, Cpas, and capologist that have this covered vs you who FEEL they dont know how to mange it..we are fine cap wise its an illusion..they've signed everyone they have wanted to up to this point...

Dak unsigned at his own doing.

Yet they're crying about a 4th year because they can't sign any other player if they give Dak a 4 year deal. So no you're wrong , its a FACT : the whole reason they haven't signed Dak is because they don't know how they can manage with Dak on a 4 year deal, That's from their own mouths. You really should follow your team.. .lol you need the fact


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Drew Brees is retiring. This is an accounting trick for a retiring player. This has nothing to do with the Dallas Cowboys or any of the players currently under contract. Zilch, zero, nada.

Except they haven't done it for any of their retiring players in the


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umm cap must be good because once again you are WRONG the DC FO offered a 5 year 35mil AAV with 106-110 MIL GURANTEED, sounds like a pretty huge offer for cap strapped team, HMM..ITS DAK THAT DIDNT SIGN IT, IGNORNACE..not one iota to do with cap money.

babbling or facts that destroy your ridiculous narrative that billionaires dont have lawyers, Cpas, and capologist that have this covered vs you who FEEL they dont know how to mange it..we are fine cap wise its an illusion..they've signed everyone they have wanted to up to this point...

Dak unsigned at his own doing.

Too add: you're talking Sh** about it has nothing to do with the cap, yet it's 100% about the cap. If it had nothing to do with the cap, they'd give him the 4 you really sound stupid. I never said they were cap strapped either. So I don't know what you're blabbing a out on


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Yet they're crying about a 4th year because they can't sign any other player if they give Dak a 4 year deal. So no you're wrong , its a FACT : the whole reason they haven't signed Dak is because they don't know how they can manage with Dak on a 4 year deal, That's from their own mouths. You really should follow your team.. .lol you need the fact
not crying shrewd business..

again your narratives sux, they arent even close to being up against the cap and for sure know how to massage it,,period,.,.you are the issue, a fan acting like a professional GM when in fact you are so far from it you should be banned for commenting on it..

billionaire multiple times over multiple business's vs a clueless fan? hmm who would i trust with money..lmao not you thats for sure..


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not crying shrewd business..

again your narratives sux, they arent even close to being up against the cap and for sure know how to massage it,,period,.,.you are the issue, a fan acting like a professional GM when in fact you are so far from it you should be banned for commenting on it..

billionaire multiple times over multiple business's vs a clueless fan? hmm who would i trust with money..lmao not you thats for sure..

Again nobody said they were up against the cap, they said they are up against the cap, wake the f up and read, They claim they can't give him a 4 year deal, They said they can't sign players after if they give him a 4 year deal. So you tell me what they think about their cap, They also had an opportunity to sign Dak for less had they at probably 30-35 million a couple years ago, yet they slept and now the price is is 40 million. what do you call that Genuis?


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Here’s what people need to remember ab the cap.

In a current year.. Yes, there’s always different ways to manipulate and/or restructure a players contract in order to free up additional cash for FA’s and what not..

But.. when teams make a habit of this process and restructure MULTIPLE players for MULTIPLE years.. the dead money and back loaded payments do catch up with them. They are then tying there hands in the future. They end up releasing players and taking the hit for a year or two. The Cowboys did this not too long ago in late 2000’s. Back when we were in “Financial Hell”. The financial hell part of it all is.. you end up paying big money to aging players and/or players not even on the team any more.

Hence the reason, why so many teams in recent years..loaded up there teams with big contracts to make a SB run (I.e. The Saints). I’m sure the Saints were trying one last run with Brees bc the knew they could take the hits the following years when Brees is gone and they are rebuilding talent with a rookie QB.

I don’t have a problem with one or two players restructured like this, but it tends to start a trend.

I look at teams like the Eagles who we've been saying for years it's going to catch up, they end up with a Superbowl.


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Again nobody said they were up against the cap, they said they are up against the cap, wake the f up and read, They claim they can't give him a 4 year deal, They said they can't sign players after if they give him a 4 year deal. So you tell me what they think about their cap, They also had an opportunity to sign Dak for less had they at probably 30-35 million a couple years ago, yet they slept and now the price is is 40 million. what do you call that Genuis?

um they CAN give him a 4year deal CHOSE its not in their best interest to do so, and? its smart because they know dak wants another deal as fast as he can get it and caving on that issue isnt smart..odd Mahiomes signed 10year deal , so daks so good he cant do a 5 year deal..LMAO what Joke

they know 1000times more then you do about business acumen and employee go fly a kite, cant debate with clueless fan who questions how billionaires run their 10billion dollar company because he believes everything he reads and hears over the internet..
get a life

Jerrys 100times smarter then you and because he hires a gallery of Cpas, lawyers, and employees who know the do NOT know anything about that or how to make sure you get all yo can out of negotiation and your employee when they are up for raise do not cave you get all you can and especially in this day and age when there is cap, you want a team built with your start employee, so they are smart not caving in.they still have his services and it will get worked out..
again buy a kite read the directions, dont poke your eye out, and go fly it because that about all the knowledge you will be able to claim because as an NFL capologist vs the Jones, you have NO skin in the game..

bye SMH ughh know it all fans just want to be right because google told them so..:facepalm::oldcouple:


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People cry about Dak and the salary because they can no longer point to has play on the field.

ITS ALL THEY GOT. These are the same clowns that never said a peep about Dak's contract while he was getting paid 1 million per year his first 4 years. The same clowns that said records dont count and stats do, now say the opposite because they cant handle the shame of Dak making them look like no talent football clowns.

It’s so true.

the first couple of years. When the cowboys were winning games. All they said was “Dak can’t throw for more than 200 yards consistently”

now that Dak is one of the league leaders in yardage it’s “he isn’t winning enough games”

It’s all bull crap.

taking no time to actually think about 1. Why the team is actually losing games and 2. The fact that Dak wasn’t throwing for a lot of yardage in earlier years was because the game plan and way the games unfolded didn’t call for it.