Tebow jersey is #1 in the league (but how?)


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Zaxor;3456379 said:
you observed him crying I observed him crying ... you believe he was crying because the game (as far as I know he never came right out and said he was crying because the game) but you drew that conclusion because football is an emotional game blah blah and that conclusion you drew on has to do with your life experience and your belief that it had only to do with the game and no other reason.

but just as when a child cries it can have many different reasons...it hurt itself, it is scared, it needs a fresh diaper...etc...in order to find out you have to eliminate those that it is not...

now getting back with Tebow his worshipers believe it was a genuine boo hoo hoo....because he was getting his butt whipped... others believe it was just a show for the TV and others think he needs a fresh diaper because his shiite stinks too.:D

but it doesn't matter to me if it was motive, observation, or an act of OZ.... I think the guy is a poser and I am probably never gonna change my mind about that

Rrrriiggghhhtt, because Tebow is a child. :rolleyes:

You have your opinion, but all opinions aren't equal.

Good thing you're bowing out before you dig yourself into a deeper hole.


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Muhast;3453516 said:
He openly promotes his religion and I don't see the problem with that, but b/c of that he gets a ton of attention. With that, you'll get tons of haters as well. That is natural.

Speaking only for myself, I dislike guys who insist on telling anyone who differs with them religiously that they're going to hell on a regular basis.

Used to be a fan of Kurt Warner and no longer am for the same reason, even though I'll grant that hes one of the best QBs to ever play the game.


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Cowboysfan570;3456664 said:
Speaking only for myself, I dislike guys who insist on telling anyone who differs with them religiously that they're going to hell on a regular basis.

Used to be a fan of Kurt Warner and no longer am for the same reason, even though I'll grant that hes one of the best QBs to ever play the game.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah but neither Kurt Warner, nor Tim Tebow has ever insisted on telling anyone that they're going to hell on a regular basis for differing religiously.


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casmith07;3456699 said:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yeah but neither Kurt Warner, nor Tim Tebow has ever insisted on telling anyone that they're going to hell on a regular basis for differing religiously.

It's a case of reading their own bias and stereotypes into the beliefs of others.

I agree with you. I've never heard Kurt Warner or Tim Tebow insist on telling anyone they're going to hell on a regular basis for differing religiously.


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tyke1doe;3456760 said:
It's a case of reading their own bias and stereotypes into the beliefs of others.

I agree with you. I've never heard Kurt Warner or Tim Tebow insist on telling anyone they're going to hell on a regular basis for differing religiously.

Care to take a look at this?

Both Kurt Warner and Tim Tebow are religious fundamentalists, Christian authoritarians who refuse to accept any religion except for their own at all. Or if you want a better idea of who Tim Tebow really is, you can read the "What we believe" section of BTEA.

Since as everyone points out he happily goes on missionary work all the time it's unlikely he disagrees all that much with it. He has certainly done absolutely nothing to distance himself from any of it, at all. I'm not talking about the more recent, scrubbed clean version either. I'm talking about the version from before Tim Tebow was really famous: This one

In short: the Bible is literal, inerrant, and historically true, the Church answers to no one, you aren't saved unless you're a born again Christian, and if you aren't then you're going to burn forever and ever both before Armageddon and after. Really, shouldn't you have just gotten on board in the first place and saved yourself all that lake of fire burn-y-ness?

Short version: it doesn't make a guy any less of a jerk if hes smiling while he spits in your face.


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tyke1doe;3456275 said:
Some people support a player because they like him. Doesn't matter if he's not a superstar.

Nothing's wrong with that.

well, of course there's nothing WRONG with it, but you sure do look silly wearing it. Unless you are a family member, or a close personal friend, there is no reason to buy the jersey of a backup. I mean, show of hands who bought a Kitna jersey last year? Anyone, anyone?

Better example, I'm a huge Texas backer, and I love Colt, but I would say the same thing to anyone wearing a Colt McCoy Browns jersey right now.

To me, that's a huge waste of money.