Terry Glenn's Agent Says HBO'S HardKnocks Unethical

Nors;2221000 said:
Hard knocks is so wrong at so many levels. After last fiasco I refused to watch this one. To air Glenns issues indeed was wrong and potentially libelous.

It's no better than reality tv crap - and they spoonfeed you stories - Pass

adbutcher;2221225 said:
Somehow I think that is not the case.

you said you think - enough said

this reality crap is terrible, and last hard knocks was so dreadfull I refuse to pay $ to watch it this go round.

The only reason the guy is suddenly mad about it is because Jerry Jones has been proven to be right that no one was going to pick him up prior to the season starting because his knees were too awful and he's likely blaming HBO for the fact that no one has picked him up.
sign glenn for the veteran minimum week 2 of the season.

or sign him for a two year deal with lots of roster bonuses throughout the contract, especially in year 2.
adamknite;2220674 said:
California law does not allow tape recording of telephone calls unless all parties to the conversation consent (California Penal Code 632), or they are notified of the recording by a distinct "beep tone" warning (CPUC General Order 107-B(II)(A)(5)). However, tape recordings can legally be made if an individual or members of one's family are threatened with kidnapping, extortion, bribery or another felony involving violence. The person receiving the threats can make a tape recording without informing the other party. (California Penal Code 633.5)

It's all good. I'm pretty sure that what Glenn did last year to Jerry was extortion. :D
Someone that has that episode may have to go back and check but, glenn's agent may not have a leg to stand on, if only Jerry's side of the conversation was recorded. Secondly how confident are you that it was the real conversation, I know that radio stations in DC are not allowed to air voicemail but can have a stand-in recite a voicemail word for word like it is the answereing voicemail, it is very possible that this is what went on here.
AsthmaField;2221841 said:
It's all good. I'm pretty sure that what Glenn did last year to Jerry was extortion. :D

I agree. In fact extortion may not be strong enough of a word for the bold robbery.

Forget Glenn...saying he is damaged is putting a very positive spin on it. Miami said they did not even like the way his healthy knee looked. So run like hell away from this guy....he can barely walk.
BraveHeartFan;2221804 said:
The only reason the guy is suddenly mad about it is because Jerry Jones has been proven to be right that no one was going to pick him up prior to the season starting because his knees were too awful and he's likely blaming HBO for the fact that no one has picked him up.

Bingo! If I remember that conversation correctly, it sounded as if Glenn's agent was begging Jerry to reconsider cutting Glenn and when he finally realized it wasn't going to happen he asked Jerry if he thought Glenn would be signed by another team. Jerry said no because of the conditions of his knees and has been proven right. Glenn's agent is just upset that he wasn't able to fool some other team into signing Glenn and is blaming that segment for it. There is no excuse for him not realizing that since the team was on hard knocks any phone conversation could be filmed and aired. If anyone has a case here, it is Glenn against his agent for malpractice.
Terry Glenn played many years under fair value and earned every $ in Dallas.

Love all the couch potatoes and joe Cowboys putting down an App Pro WR with a 10+ year NFL career.

Dude got hurt - and his career is now likely over. Yeagh - "he extorted" Jerry to pay that roster bonus.

Nors;2222296 said:
Terry Glenn played many years under fair value and earned every $ in Dallas.

Love all the couch potatoes and joe Cowboys putting down an App Pro WR with a 10+ year NFL career.

Dude got hurt - and his career is now likely over. Yeagh - "he extorted" Jerry to pay that roster bonus.

Nors;2222296 said:
Terry Glenn played many years under fair value and earned every $ in Dallas.

Love all the couch potatoes and joe Cowboys putting down an App Pro WR with a 10+ year NFL career.

Dude got hurt - and his career is now likely over. Yeagh - "he extorted" Jerry to pay that roster bonus.


Taping that phone call was unethical, if not illegal. Sure you can legally tape a phone call in Texas without informing the other party (which is why Rusty Hardin had Roidger Clemens take the MacNamee call in the Lone Star), but most folks frown on the tactic.

It was showmanship on Jerruh's part - he was looking for a 'shock' value first Hard Knocks segment - and got it. The first episode was total snooze fest w/o that call.

Jerry also knew he could tape Gould with little to no impunity. You sucker a Rosenhaus who has multi elite clients, and you pay the price. But who the heck has James Gould ever repped worth anything but TG?

Which leads me to that clown with his wounded pride. He's one STUPID mofo. He's the tool who allowed the nebulous 'moral's clause' wording to rob Terry of the 13.5 mil bonus in NE. Kraft and belichicked never would have been able to get over on a smarter agent. And didn't my boy FIRE that simpleton earlier this offseason when he screwed up once again and misunderstood the numbers on the 'injury clause' on the projected contract?

Them because his loyalty to all things 'Ohio' once more clouded Terry's vision he hired the numbskull back.

Jerry made Gould look the fool once again, so he's miffed. But there won't be any lawsuits - that is patently nonsense.

i expect once the first game is over and teams don't have full vet obligations to fulfill, Terry will be signed by Miami.

NO ONE knows what condition his knee is in. I doubt he even knows himself, but he'll get an opportunity to demonstrate it. Of that i have no doubt.

PS Nors, I hear you called me out somewheres - don't try it again or i'll whup your heine all up and down this board just for old time's sake.

My hubby made me give up the Zone or sleep alone (believe me it was a HARD decison:laugh2: to make, so i had to do what any good wife would do - go undercover.

But I WILL risk divorce to put and keep you in your place.

BOOK it. :lmao:

PPS Let's see what the Sox do in the playoffs sans # 24. Nothing, is my guess.

PPPS Hi Chief!;)
Nors;2222296 said:
Terry Glenn played many years under fair value and earned every $ in Dallas.

Love all the couch potatoes and joe Cowboys putting down an App Pro WR with a 10+ year NFL career.

Dude got hurt - and his career is now likely over. Yeagh - "he extorted" Jerry to pay that roster bonus.


Glenn played in 54 of 80 possible regular season games over 5 years in Dallas. That is 67.5%. He was a fine receiver for Dallas, but he did not earn every $. He had zero TDs in 3 playoff games and 1 big playoff game changing fumble.
lasagna12;2226985 said:
Taping that phone call was unethical, if not illegal. Sure you can legally tape a phone call in Texas without informing the other party (which is why Rusty Hardin had Roidger Clemens take the MacNamee call in the Lone Star), but most folks frown on the tactic.

It was showmanship on Jerruh's part - he was looking for a 'shock' value first Hard Knocks segment - and got it. The first episode was total snooze fest w/o that call.

Jerry also knew he could tape Gould with little to no impunity. You sucker a Rosenhaus who has multi elite clients, and you pay the price. But who the heck has James Gould ever repped worth anything but TG?

Which leads me to that clown with his wounded pride. He's one STUPID mofo. He's the tool who allowed the nebulous 'moral's clause' wording to rob Terry of the 13.5 mil bonus in NE. Kraft and belichicked never would have been able to get over on a smarter agent. And didn't my boy FIRE that simpleton earlier this offseason when he screwed up once again and misunderstood the numbers on the 'injury clause' on the projected contract?

Them because his loyalty to all things 'Ohio' once more clouded Terry's vision he hired the numbskull back.

Jerry made Gould look the fool once again, so he's miffed. But there won't be any lawsuits - that is patently nonsense.

i expect once the first game is over and teams don't have full vet obligations to fulfill, Terry will be signed by Miami.

NO ONE knows what condition his knee is in. I doubt he even knows himself, but he'll get an opportunity to demonstrate it. Of that i have no doubt.

PS Nors, I hear you called me out somewheres - don't try it again or i'll whup your heine all up and down this board just for old time's sake.

My hubby made me give up the Zone or sleep alone (believe me it was a HARD decison:laugh2: to make, so i had to do what any good wife would do - go undercover.

But I WILL risk divorce to put and keep you in your place.

BOOK it. :lmao:

PPS Let's see what the Sox do in the playoffs sans # 24. Nothing, is my guess.

PPPS Hi Chief!;)

I thought Glenn was representing himself and doing the negotiating with Jerry at one point before training camp started. If so, then who was the guy on the phone with Jerry?

Also, is it possible that all the players signed a release knowing that pretty much anything they did could end up on the show? That could include phone calls. I am sure attorney's for Hard Knocks would bring something like that up if it does exist.

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