Texans Players Force Bill O’Brien To Pass On Earl Thomas

Name what meetings Prescott missed or was late or unprepared. Name what players Prescott sucker punched. Name what locker room where Prescott is considered a cancer. Maybe it's time to take your Prescott haters glasses off.

Calm down and learn to recognize off-beat humor. If you take his posts seriously you are gonna be angry a lot. His sense of humor is a bit different, but sometimes I laugh out loud. And, the way this season is going, I appreciate anything that makes me chuckle.
I don't care about any of that nonsense. I'd be more concerned with a lazy player on gameday than I am about locker room politics. I'd rather see a player who isn't popular with teammates out there making plays over a player who can't produce a lick and is on the field because he's likeable.
Calm down and learn to recognize off-beat humor. If you take his posts seriously you are gonna be angry a lot. His sense of humor is a bit different, but sometimes I laugh out loud. And, the way this season is going, I appreciate anything that makes me chuckle.

Just where in "If there's a place for Dak Prescott in the league there's a place for Earl Thomas" is someone supposed to take that as humor? You may know this guy but I don't so that only leaves what he actually says to be judged on. If I knew him like you seem to, than maybe I would have taken that as humor, but I don't so all I had was what he said.
Hey gj, You are absolutely right about taking an unknown poster's words to mean exactly what they say. So, in that regard your reaction is certainly understandable. I've seen enough of his posts to know he likes to say outrageous things to get a response. But, I've also seen enough of his posts to know that most of it is tongue-in-cheek. Watch his posts and you'll soon catch on to his humor.

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