Texting While Walking

JBond;4642105 said:
PM sent....

PS. automatic weapons are already illegal. Thought you should know.;)

Thanks, I should have said semi-automatic, d'oh!

Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke someone?

You guys know better...you really do. :mad:
rynochop;4642096 said:
Just messing with you, just find it ironic people complaining about social media on a social media website. And how things were better in 'our day' yet here we are. I grew up in the late 70's and 80's, yeah we lived outside, we came in for lunch and that was about it, we drank from water hoses. My kids are on Xbox and the computer most of the day during the summer cause its 'too hot'.

I'm sure our kids will be complaining about their kids habits 20 years from now...just like our parents were, and there parents were.

I think social ramification are more and more pronounced and it's having a damaging social and psychological effect on young people. It's not the technology, it's the dependence on it that is becoming dangerous. I am glad I grew up when I did. I feel bad for kids who are growing up now and I have 4 of my own. Just what I believe I guess.
BrAinPaiNt;4642119 said:
Is Wayne Brady going to have to choke someone?

You guys know better...you really do. :mad:

This is ABQ's fault. A ban is in order!;)
JBond;4642112 said:
The real shame of that tragedy is that the theater and the city created a gun free zone where people were unable to defend themselves against a lunatic. The gun free zone did not stop the crazy person. That is the real issue.

You do that and we're back in the Wild West with folks getting shot in the streets on a daily basis. And we wouldn't have learned anything in over 100 years.

Bad people will always find away. The governments ridiculous attempts to deny people the right to defend themselves is a travesty.

Close up the gaps, and bring the hammer if they try.

But let's face it, this nutjob was allowed to amass an arsenal while under psychiatric care and turn the world into his own private hell. That speaks to serious issues with the system.

Is arming everybody else really your answer?
stasheroo;4642089 said:
How about the weapons that the lunatic in Colorado was able to easily obtain to carry out that travesty?

That lunatic could have built a more dangerous weapon with household materials found in many homes today, and he would have. I think your barking up the wrong tree here. I can go buy an illegal gun, right now, easier then I can a legal one. That doesn't solve the problem.
ABQCOWBOY;4642122 said:
I think social ramification are more and more pronounced and it's having a damaging social and psychological effect on young people. It's not the technology, it's the dependence on it that is becoming dangerous. I am glad I grew up when I did. I feel bad for kids who are growing up now and I have 4 of my own. Just what I believe I guess.

And on this we certainly agree.
ABQCOWBOY;4642129 said:
That lunatic could have built a more dangerous weapon with household materials found in many homes today, and he would have. I think your barking up the wrong tree here. I can go buy an illegal gun, right now, easier then I can a legal one. That doesn't solve the problem.

No, it speaks to the bigger one.

Putting a gun in everybody's hand sure doesn't fix it.
BrAinPaiNt;4642126 said:
He spends too much time smoking in bars. ;)

An There It Is!


We have spent entirely too much time together BP.
stasheroo;4642089 said:
How about the weapons that the lunatic in Colorado was able to easily obtain to carry out that travesty?

People like you scare me much more that people like him. While he and his like tragically kill a few people every few years in mass shootings, you and yours will eventually make way for slavery an genocide.
stasheroo;4642134 said:
No, it speaks to the bigger one.

Putting a gun in everybody's hand sure doesn't fix it.

Proof does not suggest this to be true. I would be interested in seeing any information the proves this one way or the other.

Again, the problem is the definition of what an automatic weapon is legally. If you can do that, then the laws are already on the books.

The City of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. I believe that it is illegal for a private citizen to own a gun anywhere within the city. Yet, for 2010, more Chicago Police Officers were killed by gunfire than any other police agency in the nation. The city also has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, with 1 in 89 residents being victims of violent crime last year.

Gun control is not working there.
stasheroo;4642128 said:
You do that and we're back in the Wild West with folks getting shot in the streets on a daily basis. And we wouldn't have learned anything in over 100 years.

Close up the gaps, and bring the hammer if they try.

But let's face it, this nutjob was allowed to amass an arsenal while under psychiatric care and turn the world into his own private hell. That speaks to serious issues with the system.

Is arming everybody else really your answer?

On the contrary, I believe licensed conceal carry gun owners are some of the most responsible people I know. I should know because I carry everywhere I go.;)

Seriously, I treat it as the great responsibility it is. I go out of my way to avoid confrontations and do not place myself in risky situations. I would hate to be forced to kill someone, but if some nut job lit up the theater I was in, I would have put two in his head. No doubt about it. I am an excellent shot because I practice on a weekly basis.

There are loopholes in any system. The nut job in Colorado could have just as easily thrown a molotov cocktail into the theater. In fact he booby trapped his apartment with gas. Do you want gas baned?
Denim Chicken;4642145 said:
People like you scare me much more that people like him. While he and his like tragically kill a few people every few years in mass shootings, you and yours will eventually make way for slavery an genocide.

Keep telling yourself that!

ABQCOWBOY;4642160 said:
Proof does not suggest this to be true. I would be interested in seeing any information the proves this one way or the other.

Again, the problem is the definition of what an automatic weapon is legally. If you can do that, then the laws are already on the books.

The City of Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the nation. I believe that it is illegal for a private citizen to own a gun anywhere within the city. Yet, for 2010, more Chicago Police Officers were killed by gunfire than any other police agency in the nation. The city also has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country, with 1 in 89 residents being victims of violent crime last year.

Gun control is not working there.

Could that be because the criminals might not be respecting a 'city law' not in effect outside said city?

I'd like to think we learned a few things from the Wild West.

Can you give me a good reason why a citizen needs a semi-automatic weapon?
stasheroo;4642171 said:
Keep telling yourself that!


If a nut job was shooting at you and your family, would you want someone to stop him or rely on luck?

You do realize the off duty police at the theater were not allowed to have weapons?
Denim Chicken;4642180 said:
As if it hasn't happend before.

I'd like to think that we've learned a little as a human race along the way.

And when you see what you're inferring actually happen, you let me know.

But by all means, keep jumping to wild conclusions and making ridiculous accusations.
JBond;4642181 said:
If a nut job was shooting at you and your family, would you want someone to stop him or rely on luck?

You do realize the off duty police at the theater were not allowed to have weapons?

And I would be glad to address that individual topic for what it is, its' own topic.

For the record, I feel those charged with maintaing order and protecting have the right.

Not every other person does.
stasheroo;4642191 said:
I'd like to think that we've learned a little as a human race along the way.

If that was the case, you wouldn't be clammering for gun control

stasheroo;4642191 said:
And when you see what you're inferring actually happen, you let me know.

see the The 1938 German Weapons Act and subsequent Holocaust

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