Thank you Roger Goodell for target on every players back now


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i get it, and i don't dispute the fact that the owners should want to protect the brand

But you said "It amazes me the extent we’ll go to defend our thuggish ball players, If they weren’t on our team we’d want them locked up."

I have never heard any owner call any players "thuggish" or demand them be "locked up". So you can't say on one hand a statement that applies to fans and then try to apply it to the owners POV because they are not the same.

Protect the shield, yes agreed, but as fans i think sometimes many think they know what a player is simply by perceptions achieved through social media. Whereas, owners, are able to make decisions based on interactions and direct player personnel feedback.

I too am guilty for judging players based on the limited information i have on them, but i don't think its fair to make broad sweeping assumptions based on a very limited sample set. thats all im getting at.
Of course they can’t publicly say that.. but I can.

Again, why so much effort extended to the 1%.

Fans embrace their celebrity athletes. That doesn’t make them innocent. They don’t want to believe anything negative. I’ve even seen some fans say “as long as he isn’t in jail I don’t care. I want him on the field”. That’s not in the best interest of the league. That’s self interest.


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Of course they can’t publicly say that.. but I can.

Again, why so much effort extended to the 1%.

Fans embrace their celebrity athletes. That doesn’t make them innocent. They don’t want to believe anything negative. I’ve even seen some fans say “as long as he isn’t in jail I don’t care. I want him on the field”. That’s not in the best interest of the league. That’s self interest.

don't disagree on the second part, a lot of fans don't want to believe anything negative and give a longer leash....i also see a lot of fans that want to take anything they see negative and magnify it so it goes both ways.

To the first part....again, you are assuming that is the owners perception, and since neither of us know exactly what they feel, were really just having a hypothetical debate which doesn't really make much sense.....

Finally...the question of why extend effort to the 1%....very very simple answer, Supply and Demand....with such a limited supply of men that can play the sport at the level it gives extra tolerance to poor behavior....not the best answer but simply the fact.


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don't disagree on the second part, a lot of fans don't want to believe anything negative and give a longer leash....i also see a lot of fans that want to take anything they see negative and magnify it so it goes both ways.

To the first part....again, you are assuming that is the owners perception, and since neither of us know exactly what they feel, were really just having a hypothetical debate which doesn't really make much sense.....

Finally...the question of why extend effort to the 1%....very very simple answer, Supply and Demand....with such a limited supply of men that can play the sport at the level it gives extra tolerance to poor behavior....not the best answer but simply the fact.
There’s an ample supply of athletes coming out of college. Right now only about 10% are being drafted.

Our sport can not only survive but flourish without this 1% of problem talent.

If you don’t see them you never know what your missing.


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There’s an ample supply of athletes coming out of college. Right now only about 10% are being drafted.

Our sport can not only survive but flourish without this 1% of problem talent.

If you don’t see them you never know what your missing.

Quality over quantity...sure there are plenty of guys coming out but really only the cream of the college ranks, for the most part, go to the NFL and have any type of extended career.

In a league where inches and hundredths of a second can be the difference between a w or a l every advantage matters.

Unfortunatly I don't really see it changing...if anything I think it's only going to get worse as personal lives are more on display.


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Quality over quantity...sure there are plenty of guys coming out but really only the cream of the college ranks, for the most part, go to the NFL and have any type of extended career.

In a league where inches and hundredths of a second can be the difference between a w or a l every advantage matters.

Unfortunatly I don't really see it changing...if anything I think it's only going to get worse as personal lives are more on display.
Its because owners want their cake and eat it .

They want the Image to promote but they also want to win which means these problem talents are a necessity and why a Conduct Policy is implemented.


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It starts at the Amateur level with College coaches recruiting these kids from the hood because they need to win in order to keep their job.

But if everyone abided without these problem kids then it would balance out the competition.

I always think of all the less talented more quality kids who miss out on a scholarship because he couldn’t run as fast or jump as high as the kid getting into trouble we tolerate because of his talent .

The lessen we’re teaching is we’re talented enough we can get away with almost anything because of our celebrity status.


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It starts at the Amateur level with College coaches recruiting these kids from the hood because they need to win in order to keep their job.

But if everyone abided without these problem kids then it would balance out the competition.

I always think of all the less talented more quality kids who miss out on a scholarship because he couldn’t run as fast or jump as high as the kid getting into trouble we tolerate because of his talent .

The lessen we’re teaching is we’re talented enough we can get away with almost anything because of our celebrity status.
I wonder the % of talented players that come from the lower income troubled areas continue to get in trouble in the NFL or college. I know that the NFL does have classes and talks with the rookies offering them advise on finance and how to stay out of trouble. I see some grow up in the NFL. It’s got to be hard to come from nothing and then as a young male when you’re hormones are raging the most you get handed millions of dollars. I don’t feel sorry for them. Lol


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I wonder the % of talented players that come from the lower income troubled areas continue to get in trouble in the NFL or college. I know that the NFL does have classes and talks with the rookies offering them advise on finance and how to stay out of trouble. I see some grow up in the NFL. It’s got to be hard to come from nothing and then as a young male when you’re hormones are raging the most you get handed millions of dollars. I don’t feel sorry for them. Lol
I’m all for providing these less fortunate an opportunity but if they screw up then we shouldn’t be more tolerant than a less talented kid.


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Fans are indirectly booing the NFL shield.

It’s interesting the lengths fans will go to defend this 1% of problem players .

Goodell represents and defending everything that’s good about the NFL which makes up about 99% of the players.

It’s called justice for ALL, not justice for some.


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It’s what our system is based on in the US. Sad you don’t agree with it.
Those are two different arguments .

Company policies and our justice system are not the same argument.

If players don’t like the policy they don’t have to agree to work there.

The NFL is a privilege not a right!