The 5 Stages of Grief...I mean Drew Henson at the Cowboys Zone

JackMagist said:
I happen to agree with you ABQ. However, I still believe that Romo can do it if Henson never turns the corner.

I agree with you Jack. I really like the things Romo has been able to accomplish this season. I honestly like Romo and think that he is more then deserving of the back up. If he has to play full time, I don't know. That really can't be answered until the real games are played. It's just different in the regular season. I will say this though. Romo is as good a back up as I have seen this year. The back ups in the NFL, at least the one's I've watched this year, are no great shakes. I think he's done as much or more then 90% of the rest of them. I watched Doug Flutie throw a ball that should have been an INT late and over the middle last night. I mean, it's the state of the NFL in this day and age.
LaTunaNostra said:
I do, too, ABQ.

But as Dooms points out, this year is about Drew Bledsoe, and none other.

I don't disagree. Which makes me wonder, what is the point of this thread?
I don't disagree. Which makes me wonder, what is the point of this thread?

Well... it was meant to be some light-hearted comic relief, but then you knuckleheads turned it into a flame war. ~~sigh~~
Nors said:
Potential, you have nothing substantive but mystical hope Henson is as great as you pedestaled him!

Production is starting to roll him over.

Is your dad Yogi Bera? Where do you get this drivel.......

First of all...I never put him on a pedestal....I had very high hopes for him. After having such a long drought since Aikman I have the right to hope. He has all the physical skills, so that gives a fan like me hope.

What shocks me is that you feel the need to be right no matter what, and that you continuously have to prove it...when you are right. Again, throw as much **** against the wall somthings gotta stick....grab onto it!

Ty Law anyone?
On what basis can you say Henson is more talented than Drew Bledsoe? Quicker release? Stronger arm? Better evasiveness, sees the field there something specific about the guy that you all see?
Funny read.

I must still be in denial because I'm not ready to knee jerk and give up too early on a great talent. Hey if guys like Randal Williams and the numerous other guys can hang around an NFL roster for 3+ years then why not let Henson which has more potential.

Personally as an ex QB, I was watching Henson warm up on the sidelines during the game last night. This is where the QB throws his regular motion and no circumstance play in the game alters it. It's just the best look at their mechanics. That being said I really think they or he is compensating way too much the other way and trying to throw the ball too high. He was releasing the ball at the top of his head level. Look at Troy's old tapes and many other QBs. Troy's was about ear level. That gives you the strength into the throw. Also I thought his hand was too close to the head and actually needs to be slightly 3/4 angle. I think they have done Henson a real disservice in changing his mechanics. He had plenty of velocity and accuracy last season. Hey if Bernie Kosar was left alone Henson certainly had a better motion than him and be left alone. From my experience without total confidence in your throwing ability a QB will suffer in confidence which is what all the commentors have noticed about Henson. You can't undo 20 years of mechanics in 6 months.

Has his reads been that bad? No. The interception in seattle would most likely have been a completion if he had zip to get it in there. It floated and was a pick. That is the narrow opportunity QBs have to fit the ball in the tight spots in the NFL. The DBs run 4.4s. That why a franchise QB needs typically big time arms.

From Henon's stand point (with mechanic change and velocity/accuracy lost), would it not take a major mental adjustment to think I once put it in there and now I can't?

Lastly, Romo's accuracy last night on at least 5 plays left something to be desired, big time.

So chill and give it another year.
TruBlueCowboy said:
Well... it was meant to be some light-hearted comic relief, but then you knuckleheads turned it into a flame war. ~~sigh~~

:bang2: :lmao2:
I found it funny, TBC.

Funny if incomplete.

Next year this boy will be primed to stride over the landscape like a Tyrranosaurus, devouring all competition in his path, mowing down NFC East rivals, and chomping on defenses across the league

I can't wait. ;)
TruBlueCowboy said:
Well... it was meant to be some light-hearted comic relief, but then you knuckleheads turned it into a flame war. ~~sigh~~

I have been around this board for some time now. I have never seen a thread, such as this, be of a light hearted nature. Perhaps I just don't spend enough time here.
baj1dallas said:
On what basis can you say Henson is more talented than Drew Bledsoe? Quicker release? Stronger arm? Better evasiveness, sees the field there something specific about the guy that you all see?

I believe that there arms are on par with one another. Both have very good arms. Henson's mobility is, imo, much better. You can do more with him in that respect, again IMO. Perhaps 13 seasons ago, you could have an argument here but in the here and now, I do believe that Henson is physically superior to either of the other two QBs.
Nors said:
Good stuff - I remember epic battles here last camp noting Romo outplaying Henson last training camp. Romo now has distanced himself.

Henson fans are in denial at this point.

Good read!

I dont get you.

I am a big Henson fan, not for what he has accomplished but what I "think" his potential is.

I am not in denial, Romo had a better camp and will be named the back up QB. No big deal.

Does not mean that Romo will ever amount to anything or that Henson will not amount to anything.

It proves exactly nothing.

Henson has thrown 18 passes in the NFL and Romo has thrown zero passes in the NFL.

I have not seen a QB in the NFL prove anything yet with 18 or zero passes thrown in NFL games.

I hope Romo does well. I dont care who steps up at QB as long as someone does.

You on the other hand want someone to step up alright, but only if it is the guy that you happen to be a fan of.

You my friend are the one in denial. I'm just a Cowboy fan.
I have been around this board for some time now. I have never seen a thread, such as this, be of a light hearted nature. Perhaps I just don't spend enough time here.
Well TBC, meant it as one anyway.

If only HE spent more time here, he'd have known which way it would go. :laugh2:

I see two possible current to future directions for DH's supporters...

1) abject despair and self-doubt, blame and recriminations for being 'fooled', anger at DH for letting them down, self-hatred for feeling like we let HIM down by not having more faith and patience, restirred feelings of devotion, complete resurrection of all inital support when DH makes good.

2) keeping the faith with resolve and equanimity for however long his development takes with no undue stress..based on faith in Drew's talent/potential and faith in Bill's competence.

I'm firmly entrenched on Track 2 myself, as you are ABQ, and welcome anyone who wants to join it. ;)
LaTunaNostra said:
Well TBC, meant it as one anyway.

If only HE spent more time here, he'd have known which way it would go. :laugh2:

I see two possible current to future directions for DH's supporters...

1) abject despair and self-doubt, blame and recriminations for being 'fooled', anger at DH for letting them down, self-hatred for feeling like we let HIM down by not having more faith and patience, restirred feelings of devotion, complete resurrection of all inital support when DH makes good.

2) keeping the faith with resolve and equanimity for however long his development takes with no undue stress..based on faith in Drew's talent/potential and faith in Bill's competence.

I'm firmly entrenched on Track 2 myself, as you are ABQ, and welcome anyone who wants to join it. ;)

It is difficult for me not to like you LTN. You just make too damn much sense, too damn often.

I agree and my hat is off to you, once again.
Sign me up for track #2. I definitly still support Henson and am giving him more time in my mind. Even just another year can do wonders.

However, I don't think the Cowboys should stand pat next year if the opportunity arrives to bring in a legitmate young qb prospect through the draft or trade.
Exactly. Parcells is not stupid. He knows if he starts a rookie QB (that hasn't played football in 3+ years) the cowboys won't make the playoffs. They won't even have a winning record. With Parcells, the bottom line is WINNING. He'll start the QB that gives the Cowboys the best chance to win.

Holy Crap! I didn't realize I went with the "Best chance to win" deal 6 months before BP did. :D

As a QB, that's what you WANT to see happen. If they're ganging up on the run then you have opportunities downfield. Drew didnt' take advantage. It's ok, it's his first start in a football game in 4 years, and he did it against competition far superior then he'd ever faced before. He played exactly how it SHOULD have been expected of him to play. I'm glad he got pulled. No need to overwhelm him so early when we have him signed for 8 years. Like I mentioned in another post, it's a good idea to sprinkle in his playing time from time to time and knock the rust off slowly until he's ready to handle the full load.

Another one by me... still makes sense too.

Exactly. Henson wasn't even getting the snap and dropping back fast enough. He's extremely inexperienced. He needs playing time, but not ALL right now. It's a good idea to sprinkle in him pt little by little and let him chip away at the rust instead of expecting him to be able to handle everything now. You CAN lose the player if you overwhelm him. Henson, due to being away from the game for so long and having NEVER faced this level of competition, is in a unique situation and needs to be handled differently then you handle a "normal" rookie.

I'm still making sense to myself.

It clearly is. But your too blinded by your own Agenda (or conspiracy theory) that you can't see it.

Was that the first use of the word "Agenda" regarding Henson? :p

And funny that person still has that same agenda. Glad he's on my ignore list.

Parcells likes Henson's tools, he just doesn't think he's ready yet. He'll get his shot eventually. We just have to have patience.

Heh, I said "Parcells likes Henson' tools". :D
I believe that there arms are on par with one another. Both have very good arms. Henson's mobility is, imo, much better. You can do more with him in that respect, again IMO. Perhaps 13 seasons ago, you could have an argument here but in the here and now, I do believe that Henson is physically superior to either of the other two QBs.
Watching them in warm-up last week before the Texans game I have to say that it looked to me like Bledsoe's arm is as much stronger than Henson's as Henson's is stronger than Romo's. Watching them throw the 30 yard out pattern in practice Bledsoe was throwing it on a rope time and again. Henson had more arc on his ball demonstrating less velocity (i.e. a weaker arm) and Romo had even more arc on his. I will add to that though that NONE of them looked to have a weak arm per se; it is just that Bledsoe has an unbelievable arm. So I have to disagree that their arms are on a par.

Henson is more mobile or more deft of foot but he has not yet developed those little moves in the pocket that will help him avoid the rush. I do believe that they will come. Right now Romo seems to be the best of the three at avoiding the rush in the pocket.

Overall Henson looks the most like a prototypical QB of the three. He has the size and arm strength in combination with the quick feet that SHOULD make him a great QB. Now if he can demonstrate the vision, awareness, control, leadership and all of the other little things that go into making a great QB he might very well become a more talented QB than Bledsoe. But since all of those things figure into a QB's talent, right now I would have to say that he is not more talented.
It is difficult for me not to like you LTN. You just make too damn much sense, too damn often.

I agree and my hat is off to you, once again.
But you realize neither one of us makes a darn bit of sense, don't you? ;)

We lack pragmatism, realism, logic, and uhh, 'intelllectual honesty'.

We're just 'dreamers'.





and frankly, I wouldn't wanna be anything else. ;)
Rack said:
Holy Crap! I didn't realize I went with the "Best chance to win" deal 6 months before BP did. :D

Another one by me... still makes sense too.

I'm still making sense to myself.

Was that the first use of the word "Agenda" regarding Henson? :p

And funny that person still has that same agenda. Glad he's on my ignore list.

Heh, I said "Parcells likes Henson' tools". :D
That's nice you and Nors can go sit over in that corner and compare notes on who has been right more often... :p:

j/k btw
Good news - we get Henson next year at 3rd year min. Poor kid won't see any of that money till 4th year. He never should have signed for 6th round money. Should have held out on trade and go on back into draft.....
LaTunaNostra said:
But you realize neither one of us makes a darn bit of sense, don't you? ;)

We lack pragmatism, realism, logic, and uhh, 'intelllectual honesty'.

We're just 'dreamers'.





and frankly, I wouldn't wanna be anything else. ;)

Save me a set on the bus. I hate the idea of having to stand all the way to QB hell.
