The 90s Cowboys are still the best NFL dynasty of all time

I will put it this way....

The Cowboys of the 90's SHOULD have been the greatest dynasty of all time. They were certainly set up that way.

However, a mere six consecutive seasons of going to the playoffs isn't even close enough to consider.

Landry's Cowboys, the 70's Steelers, the 80's 49ers, the 21st century Patriots, the 60's Packers, the 30-40's Bears....they all lasted much, much longer.

The owners of those teams didn't treat the franchise like some new toy they weren't willing to share.
Well said.
No ifs or buts about it. Kids nowadays will never understand what us older folk witnessed. We witnessed greatness. I don’t care how many rings that cheating Brady has. I don’t care about Montana. I don’t give a damn about that punk Mahomes. Troy Aikman and his Cowboys are still the best dynasty in NFL history. The true fans know it to be true. The 90s Cowboys would dismantle the 2024-2025
Chiefs. The 90s Cowboys would outman the 2007 Patriots. Montana would throw four picks in a championship game. The Cowboys were just that good and don’t let anyone fool ya!
Cowboys would have spotted today's teams a 7 point lead going into the 2nd half, then it would have been lights out with E-Man going to work and Troy Boy and Micheal hooking up for a complete victory! Defense would have left a trail of broken bodies scattered on the side of their opponent's sideline. Oh my wake me up before the 2025 season starts..................LOL!!!!!!!!!!
No ifs or buts about it. Kids nowadays will never understand what us older folk witnessed. We witnessed greatness. I don’t care how many rings that cheating Brady has. I don’t care about Montana. I don’t give a damn about that punk Mahomes. Troy Aikman and his Cowboys are still the best dynasty in NFL history. The true fans know it to be true. The 90s Cowboys would dismantle the 2024-2025
Chiefs. The 90s Cowboys would outman the 2007 Patriots. Montana would throw four picks in a championship game. The Cowboys were just that good and don’t let anyone fool ya!
If we're going back that far, why stop there? The Packers won 5 championships in 7 years in the 60's including a three-peat (two of which were Superbowl 1 and 2).

Boom! History baby!
I'd put that team up against anyone, but they're not the best dynasty because Jerry basically put an end to it. Jimmy probably could ran off 5 in a row, they were that dominant.
Yes, he helped build it by hiring Jimmy. Wish he'da learned that lesson.

Disagree on relevance, and strongly. This topic is about the greatest NFL dynasties of all time. We don't quite qualify, but prolly would qualify if Jerry hadn't parted ways w/ Jimmy.
Yes, topic is the best dynasties of all time, not the best that we think would have been if things had gone differently
Yes, topic is the best dynasties of all time, not the best that we think would have been if things had gone differently
Disagree again. That is a natural expounding of a topic. When you're talking about dynasties and where they rank, the discussion then becomes why a dynasty was a dynasty and why some dynasties were better than others. And then the question begs as to why. And what could've been.

It's all part of the discussion.
Yes, topic is the best dynasties of all time, not the best that we think would have been if things had gone differently
lol, disagreeing makes no sense. The topic is what the guy who initiates the thread decides.

Of course you can take a diversion from the topic. People do it all the time. But you have to be reasonable enough to acknowledge it is a diversion from the topic rather than pretend it invalidates and replaces the original topic.
2 ways to look at it IMO. Would that team have beaten the pats and KC? Absolutely. The roster was loaded! On the flip side I think its more impressive to have a dynasty in todays salary cap era as NE and KC have done.
Would've won 5 in a row if Jerry hadn't fired Jimmy and then proceeded to tear that team down. As soon as Jimmy left, Jerry started releasing players to sign stars: Cornish, Harper, Gant, Jeffcoat, Stepnoski, Washington, Casillas, Jimmie Jones, Norton, Gogan, Gesek. Jerry let all of them walk after Jimmy left and did an extremely poor job replacing them. The super bowl contention fell off a table simply because Jerry did not understand why we won those super bowls to begin w/.
Don’t forget that Jerry was the leading advocate for a salary cap, that he KNEW would be a deterrent to his team, so he would have an excuse to not pay those players

And lol at cowboys fans. The 90’s teams were great no doubt but that was 30 years ago. And there has been TWO dynasties FAR greater than the 90’s cowboys since then.

New England patriots (2001-2019)
  • Nine Super Bowl appearances
  • Six Super Bowl wins
  • A 268-90 (.749) overall record
  • A 30-11 (.732) playoff record
  • 17 AFC East titles in 19 years
  • NFL-record 11 straight division titles, 2009-19
  • A winning record in all 19 seasons
  • NFL-record 17 straight 10-win seasons, 2003-19
  • Thirteen seasons with at least 12 wins
  • NFL-record 21 straight wins, 2003-04
  • NFL-record 10 straight playoff wins, 2001-05
  • NFL single-decade record with 126 wins, 2000-09
  • Breaking that single-decade record with 141 wins, 2010-19
  • Tied NFL record, most playoff wins in a decade: 14, 2000-09
  • Breaking that record with 16 playoff wins, 2010-19
  • NFL’s first 16-0 regular season, 2007
  • NFL-record eight straight seasons with a playoff win, 2011-18
  • Just 12 weeks with a losing record, 51 fewer than the team with the next fewest, Pittsburgh.
WAAYYYYY bigger and better dynasty than the Dallas cowboys ever dreamed of

And the KC Chiefs 2013-TBD

• 9 division championships
• 5 SB appearances
• 3 SB Championships (about to be 4 and the first three peat in NFL history)
• 11 postseason appearances
• 7 consecutive AFC championship game appearances
• 143-53 record .729 win %
• 18-7 postseason record .720 win%

In contrast the Dallas cowboys (1991-1996)
• 3 SB appearnaces
• 3 SB wins
• 5 division titles
• 12-3 postseason record .800 win%
• 4 consecutive NFC championship game appearances
• 70-26 regular season record .729 win %

And that’s me taking the cowboys absolute best seasons in the 90’s while I took the entire span of Reid’s Chiefs before Mahomes became the starter and Belichick lasted 2 decades. I hate it more than yall do. That’s how sick I am over Jerry’s cowboys. But it’s the complete truth
Would've won 5 in a row if Jerry hadn't fired Jimmy and then proceeded to tear that team down. As soon as Jimmy left, Jerry started releasing players to sign stars: Cornish, Harper, Gant, Jeffcoat, Stepnoski, Washington, Casillas, Jimmie Jones, Norton, Gogan, Gesek. Jerry let all of them walk after Jimmy left and did an extremely poor job replacing them. The super bowl contention fell off a table simply because Jerry did not understand why we won those super bowls to begin w/.
100% true. And JJ still doesn’t understand the importance of having physically dominant players in the trenches on both sides of the ball. I think he STILL believes having “Triplets” at the skill positions is the key.
Don’t forget that Jerry was the leading advocate for a salary cap, that he KNEW would be a deterrent to his team, so he would have an excuse to not pay those players

And lol at cowboys fans. The 90’s teams were great no doubt but that was 30 years ago. And there has been TWO dynasties FAR greater than the 90’s cowboys since then.

New England patriots (2001-2019)
  • Nine Super Bowl appearances
  • Six Super Bowl wins
  • A 268-90 (.749) overall record
  • A 30-11 (.732) playoff record
  • 17 AFC East titles in 19 years
  • NFL-record 11 straight division titles, 2009-19
  • A winning record in all 19 seasons
  • NFL-record 17 straight 10-win seasons, 2003-19
  • Thirteen seasons with at least 12 wins
  • NFL-record 21 straight wins, 2003-04
  • NFL-record 10 straight playoff wins, 2001-05
  • NFL single-decade record with 126 wins, 2000-09
  • Breaking that single-decade record with 141 wins, 2010-19
  • Tied NFL record, most playoff wins in a decade: 14, 2000-09
  • Breaking that record with 16 playoff wins, 2010-19
  • NFL’s first 16-0 regular season, 2007
  • NFL-record eight straight seasons with a playoff win, 2011-18
  • Just 12 weeks with a losing record, 51 fewer than the team with the next fewest, Pittsburgh.
WAAYYYYY bigger and better dynasty than the Dallas cowboys ever dreamed of

And the KC Chiefs 2013-TBD

• 9 division championships
• 5 SB appearances
• 3 SB Championships (about to be 4 and the first three peat in NFL history)
• 11 postseason appearances
• 7 consecutive AFC championship game appearances
• 143-53 record .729 win %
• 18-7 postseason record .720 win%

In contrast the Dallas cowboys (1991-1996)
• 3 SB appearnaces
• 3 SB wins
• 5 division titles
• 12-3 postseason record .800 win%
• 4 consecutive NFC championship game appearances
• 70-26 regular season record .729 win %

And that’s me taking the cowboys absolute best seasons in the 90’s while I took the entire span of Reid’s Chiefs before Mahomes became the starter and Belichick lasted 2 decades. I hate it more than yall do. That’s how sick I am over Jerry’s cowboys. But it’s the complete truth
Yup, both are better and KC is about to do what Dallas couldn’t and win 3 or maybe more super bowls in a row
Different eras, different game, but it is interesting how the Packers dominated the 60s, the Steelers the 70s, the 49ers the 80s (and early 90s), the Cowboys the 90s, the Patriots the 2000s and again the 10s, and now the Chiefs the 20s.

Witnessed all of these teams in their heyday, loved some, hated others, but genuinely respected their achievements and still do.

Coming out on top even once is an achievement, winning multiple titles is rare, winning 3 or more titles in a short span of time is special for all invovled.
Packers won more in a shorter time then anyone else. 61,62, 65-67. Five in seven years. And made it to the Championship game in 1960. So SIX appearances in EIGHT years.

The Chiefs have a shot at tying or beating it. The Packers were the ONLY NFL TEAM to win three NFL championships in a row.
Now one can argue some on that because the AFL was emerging; but I think there is no doubt that the 65 Packer team would have beaten the AFL champ that year.

Now if the Chiefs win this one that makes a threepeat SB champion which has never been done. This is their FIFTH SB appearance in SIX years which is also a record. So they have a chance to become the greatest dynasty ever though for length of time as a real contender I doubt that anyone will match the Pats. as far as long term Dynasty goes the Pats are the best.
It really is sad that we have to go back to the 90's to talk about how great this team was. With Jerry at the helm, we may never get to experience greatness again. And that is truly depressing.
At least we have faint memories of greatness and Utube. Many fans don’t even have faint memories of greatness!

Look at poor Buffalo fans! Sad San Diego fans! No hope Cleveland fans!
Lost Jet’s fans!
I'd put that team up against anyone, but they're not the best dynasty because Jerry basically put an end to it. Jimmy probably could ran off 5 in a row, they were that dominant.
And Ol Jerry can't blame anybody but himself and he knows it.

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