The answer: non exclusive franchise tag


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I have been a huge Dak fan, but to me, over the last 2 years, he has the stats( and the turnovers, as a team ), but not the wins, especially in big games( see the Philly game two years ago).

Dak is also asking to be paid to much! Doesn’t want to give us a home team discount. He makes millions in commercials because he is the QB of the Cowboys!

With, the Non Exclusive Franchise Tag, Dak can go out on the market and see what he is really worth. If another team gives him an offer, we can match the offer, or let him walk. If we let him walk we get 2 FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS!!

Don’t over pay Dak, he has not proven he is a difference maker. This year there are a lot of QB options + the draft picks will help build the defense.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I have been a huge Dak fan, but to me, over the last 2 years, he has the stats( and the turnovers, as a team ), but not the wins, especially in big games( see the Philly game two years ago).

Dak is also asking to be paid to much! Doesn’t want to give us a home team discount. He makes millions in commercials because he is the QB of the Cowboys!

With, the Non Exclusive Franchise Tag, Dak can go out on the market and see what he is really worth. If another team gives him an offer, we can match the offer, or let him walk. If we let him walk we get 2 FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS!!

Don’t over pay Dak, he has not proven he is a difference maker. This year there are a lot of QB options + the draft picks will help build the defense.
You’ve been crapping on Dak from the beginning who do you think you’re kidding. LMAO.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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It doesn't matter what any of us think or want, Jerry is going to do what Jerry does. Dak will inevitably get an obscene contract just like Zeke and the team will hover at a mediocre level for a few more years because there won't be enough money left to fix the awful defense.

It is what it is. At this point you are left with watching the games purely for the entertainment value, not because there's a real chance they will compete for championships. Jerry will be happy as long as the team stays 'relevant' and 'interesting'.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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Transition tag was, and still is, the answer. Let the market work, match it or move on. Done.

Let me know the next time someone signs a guy with a non-exlcusive tag and tosses in 2 first round picks for the privilege. It's no accident this doesn't happen.


1st Round Pick
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Transition tag was, and still is, the answer. Let the market work, match it or move on. Done.

Let me know the next time someone signs a guy with a non-exlcusive tag and tosses in 2 first round picks for the privilege. It's no accident this doesn't happen.

Yeah this is what I wanted to do last year but instead the Cowboys decided to hand all leverage back to Dak.

The Cowboys have been the good guys in these negotiations.. I guess they are hoping Dak or France will be nice to them in return lol.

Question: If we put the transition tag on Dak.. What’s his counter move? He can only find a trade partner correct?

This would show a lot of hands.. If someone signs Dak we get 2 firsts and freedom from that horrible deal. What’s the negative?


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Why? Like I said, I like Dak a lot, but over the last 2 years, he has not been a difference maker. If we over spend on Dak we won’t have the money to spend on our defense.
The team has sucked, not Dak, plus it's hard to be a "difference maker" when your ankle has a compound fracture and out for the season. You obviously don't appreciate Dak as much as you claim and you certainly don't know how to evaluate talent on the team and assess who is to blame for the team's failure. It's a team sport so stop focusing on one individual that is not the problem.


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Yeah this is what I wanted to do last year but instead the Cowboys decided to hand all leverage back to Dak.

The Cowboys have been the good guys in these negotiations.. I guess they are hoping Dak or France will be nice to them in return lol.

Question: If we put the transition tag on Dak.. What’s his counter move? He can only find a trade partner correct?

This would show a lot of hands.. If someone signs Dak we get 2 firsts and freedom from that horrible deal. What’s the negative?

I'm guessing you mean the non-exclusive franchise tag. You don't get picks from a transition tag. Transition tag does nothing at this point. It doesn't save money and you aren't tagging him a 3rd time anyway. If they use the non-exclusive franchise tag then Dak in all likelihood won't get an offer he likes from any team. That would have him play on a 2nd tag and makes it more likely that he leaves the following season and you only get a 3rd round comp pick for a top 10 qb (when Wentz as arguably the worst starter in the league got a 3rd and comp 2nd).


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I am leaning this way myself, but I am a cynic by nature. I don't think Dak is going to sign a deal with Dallas. I think he wants to be franchised and he wants to go to free agency next year. That is mostly because I have no idea what Dak wants. More money? Fewer years? I keep hearing how 2024 is the magic year and Dak and his agent want him to become a free agent again that year. I assume that means if he is franchised this year he will only sign a 2 year deal next year. I don't get it. I mean I get there will be more money available theoretically in 2024 so that is what Dak is targeting, but I the Cowboys offer him a good deal then why does 2024 matter unless he is only after more and more money. There are no particular demands he is putting on the table. Only that he wants a deal that ends in 2024. It is tough for Jerry to negotiate with that kind of demand because Jerry has to think about the future of the team. He wants his QB to be a dependable member of his roster. If he is going to pay $35+ million a year then he wants a long term commitment from the player who is taking his money. To me, that is not unreasonable. Dak is basically saying he wants to go through this process again in 2024. If I am Jerry I have to be thinking that is disruptive to the team. Sure, I want Dak as my QB, but it sounds like he is not planning on being a permanent fixture unless I keep paying him top dollar. If Dak was Mahomes, Brady, Rodgers or Brees in their primes I might be willing to give him what he wants but Dak is not that good.

So, if Dak is determined to go through this again in 3 years then I think working out a trade with another team is the only good solution for the Cowboys in the long run.


1st Round Pick
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I'm guessing you mean the non-exclusive franchise tag. You don't get picks from a transition tag. Transition tag does nothing at this point. It doesn't save money and you aren't tagging him a 3rd time anyway. If they use the non-exclusive franchise tag then Dak in all likelihood won't get an offer he likes from any team. That would have him play on a 2nd tag and makes it more likely that he leaves the following season and you only get a 3rd round comp pick for a top 10 qb (when Wentz as arguably the worst starter in the league got a 3rd and comp 2nd).

Yeah but the Wentz trade turns into a 1 if he just plays a certain amount of games.


Well-Known Member
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I have been a huge Dak fan, but to me, over the last 2 years, he has the stats( and the turnovers, as a team ), but not the wins, especially in big games( see the Philly game two years ago).

Dak is also asking to be paid to much! Doesn’t want to give us a home team discount. He makes millions in commercials because he is the QB of the Cowboys!

With, the Non Exclusive Franchise Tag, Dak can go out on the market and see what he is really worth. If another team gives him an offer, we can match the offer, or let him walk. If we let him walk we get 2 FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS!!

Don’t over pay Dak, he has not proven he is a difference maker. This year there are a lot of QB options + the draft picks will help build the defense.
Dak is worth what the market says he's worth.,PERIOD. That said, I take issue with the years he is asking I agree..put the tag on him as you said, the non exclusive. Lets see what happens. We lose nothing in doing so. We can always rescind it if we strike a deal.In the mean time, he can gage interest and so can the team. Its a win win.


Well-Known Member
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I have been a huge Dak fan, but to me, over the last 2 years, he has the stats( and the turnovers, as a team ), but not the wins, especially in big games( see the Philly game two years ago).

Dak is also asking to be paid to much! Doesn’t want to give us a home team discount. He makes millions in commercials because he is the QB of the Cowboys!

With, the Non Exclusive Franchise Tag, Dak can go out on the market and see what he is really worth. If another team gives him an offer, we can match the offer, or let him walk. If we let him walk we get 2 FIRST ROUND DRAFT PICKS!!

Don’t over pay Dak, he has not proven he is a difference maker. This year there are a lot of QB options + the draft picks will help build the defense.

It's not the answer. Dak either gets signed long term or he walks. There will be no tag. The only reason a tag might happen is if Dallas already has a trade partner. Because otherwise tagging Dak would require the cap space to do so. Dallas doesn't have that space.


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Me thinks Dak overthinks this too much and is confused. Ever hear the term in business "baffle em with Bull ****.?" Todd France may be doing this with Dak. I think the kid is being used and confused and he may be unsure what he wants.


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I notice a lot of people doing a lot of talking knowing little to nothing in regards to the cap, space, and everything related to that. Dak is not going to be playing on the tag in 2021. Not unless Jerry is delusional. Dak is either signing long term or he's out of here.


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It's not the answer. Dak either gets signed long term or he walks. There will be no tag. The only reason a tag might happen is if Dallas already has a trade partner. Because otherwise tagging Dak would require the cap space to do so. Dallas doesn't have that space.
if they let him walk, Jerry and Stephen should be flogged in public.


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Why? Like I said, I like Dak a lot, but over the last 2 years, he has not been a difference maker. If we over spend on Dak we won’t have the money to spend on our defense.
Honestly that’s not true they can pay Dak and build defense it’s more a matter of cuts restructures and good drafting and trusting the FO to do that well is more a concern than paying Dak

I’d also argue that wins and losses are not on Dak. We may have very well had a similar record with Aaron Rogers . The defense and special teams has been a huge issue. Dak and zeke have both had untimely turnovers and the oline is not close to what it was in 2016
that said I think Jerry gave him a decent offer put it back on table if he accepts fine if not it’s time to move on. Tag him and draft a qb resign Dalton and transition to next era


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if they let him walk, Jerry and Stephen should be flogged in public.

It's too late. If they pay him we're screwed for the next 3 years. Dallas doesn't have the cap space and they'll have to rebuild. What's the point? The extension should have happened after 2018. It's pointless now. Good quarterback, bad team. We seen that with Romo for how many years? We're in worse shape with Dak getting paid right now than with Romo. Dak will literally get zero help due to our cap situation. Does he care? Not his job to care. Just cash in.