The backup (or mayber even the starting!) QB postion MUST be addressed!

JimDandy;2602008 said:
LOL. So be it. Just remember, we're all Cowboy fans. All the best in 2009!

That's the first thing we can agree on.

Look, we're all passionate about our team. We all say (type) some things we wish we could take back after we hit the enter key. So long as you walk, live and breath the :star: you're OK with me.
the DoNkEy PuNcH;2602014 said:
That's the first thing we can agree on.

Look, we're all passionate about our team. We all say (type) some things we wish we could take back after we hit the enter key. So long as you walk, live and breath the :star: you're OK with me.

Thanks. My apologies for offending you.
the DoNkEy PuNcH;2602025 said:
Haha. No worries. I don't get offended easily. I'm a journalist.

A journalist huh? In reading the work by many journalists who cover football, I often wonder why they are not hired as GM's and coaches, seeing that they always know what needs to be done to fix a team. :) (Just kidding).
Have a good evening.
JimDandy;2602071 said:
A journalist huh? In reading the work by many journalists who cover football, I often wonder why they are not hired as GM's and coaches, seeing that they always know what needs to be done to fix a team. :) (Just kidding).
Have a good evening.

A lot of people don't realize that journalists have to go off what they are told, even if they have to use the infamous "anonymous source" tag. Some choose to believe reporters are making it up, but reporters know if they burn their source, they'll never get information again.

Just an aside.

Anyway, good evening Jim.

BTW, not sold on Bomar. Would rather see Graham Harrell, Chase Daniel or Hunter Cantwell here.
JimDandy;2601986 said:
Agree with you about our line.. Agree with you about what round we'll draft a QB, even though we should go for on in an earlier round.

Oh and by the way - Fan62, just what boards have I been banned from? Josh Skidmark's is the only one I remember, and that is because I am NOT a pom pom waving homer. I would appreciate your ceasing to libel my name nor attempting to hurl a thinly veiled threat my way. I do not plan on violating any rules around here.

You lasted quite a while on the board I banned you from, but you were doing the same there as you are just beginning to do here. It was two summers ago and it was about the only board that would let you post for quite a while.

Now maybe you will remember. You or anyone else can PM me and I will tell you and them at least 4 boards you and your buddy have been banned from.
Now, you are doing the same here and it does violate the same guide lines as you are doing here.
Posting of material about controversial players, just to irritate others is not allowed.
fan62;2602088 said:
You lasted quite a while on the board I banned you from, but you were doing the same there as you are just beginning to do here. It was two summers ago and it was about the only board that would let you post for quite a while.

Now maybe you will remember. You or anyone else can PM me and I will tell you and them at least 4 boards you and your buddy have been banned from.
Now, you are doing the same here and it does violate the same guide lines as you are doing here.
Posting of material about controversial players, just to irritate others is not allowed.

No I don't remember, and I think you have exaggerated the facts. Regardless, I think you are out of line here. Don't throw out that I've been banned from 4 boards out in the open on this board, and then say for folks to PM you for the specifics. List the 4 boards that you claim I've been banned from. The only one I can recall is the homerish Josh Skidmark board. Let me guess, you were a mod there?

Tell me Fan, just who is the "controversial player" that you seem to think I'm posting about to irritate others, and hence violtated a board rule? Brad Johnson? Bollinger? Or even Romo?? None of them are "controversial". Two of them are plain pitiful and one can't seem to win down the stretch. What's so controversal about posting that? Many agree with me.

Look we are all diehide Cowboy fans, but do not necessarily agree on all matters regarding this team. I would appreciate it if you'd cease your false claims. There is such a thing as agreeing to disagree.

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