The Chicken Little postseason preview


Cowboys 24/7/365
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otero1;1857295 said:
Well at least you titled this thread appropriately. You are a chicken little, and a know-it-all to boot.
Wrong on both points, but I'm glad that Triumph was thrown into this thread. He has the BEST material! :D


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DallasEast;1857188 said:
Confidence is not the issue. Unilateral defeatism is.

What's the purpose of thinking that a game is winnable IF you say that the opponent is unbeatable? 'Homerism' is one thing. Waving a white flag before the opening kickoff is another.

Where did I say or imply that we'd get beat? I not once said anything about waving a white flag. Ever.
I dont know where you guys are getting this stuff that you're typing.
All I said is that alot of the talk on here is like we can do no wrong and that we're the best team in the league. It's a little ridiculous. All I'm saying is we need to be real here and realize that while we are a damn good team, but we're not invincible and this team has flaws.
You guys continuously take things to an extreme.


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DallasEast;1857188 said:
What's the purpose of thinking that a game is winnable IF you say that the opponent is unbeatable? 'Homerism' is one thing. Waving a white flag before the opening kickoff is another.



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I'm w/ NextGen and DBoys. There are many posters on this site that, like Jerry Jones himself, think that 1+1 CAN equal 3. The hard reality of the matter is, if you can't do algebra, you won't be able to do calculus; and if you can't do calculus you won't be able to be a rocket scientist, if that's your life long dream...


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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DallasEast;1856524 said:
The NFC Divisional round game is just a few, short weeks away. A preview of possible threads to come was in order and here they are…

“Chicago swept the Pack, but it’s impossible for us to do that!!!”

“Sure, Seattle lost to the Steelers, but they also lost to the Cards, Saints, Browns and Panthers!!! See??? SEE??? They’re better than us!!!”

“The Bucs are undefeated in the weakest division in the NFL and we’re champions of the NFC East, which may end up with THREE playoff teams, so that’s means it’s an automatic L for us!!!”

“We’ve beaten the Giants, twice even, by an average of 10+ points this year. That means we’re going to lose by 14!!!”

“Joe Gibbs eyeglasses scare me!!! We’re going to lose big time!!!”

The Saints are the scariest 8-8 team of ALL-TIME!!!!!! We’re DOOMED!!!!!!

…and that’s just the NFC playoffs. Wait until it’s Super Bowl week. :rolleyes:

:laugh1: :laugh1: :laugh1:


just trying to get better
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I could see how some here might think that the Cowboys would be doomed in a Super Bowl matchup with the Patriots , but does anybody really think that the Cowboys are doomed in the NFC playoffs?

With a poor performance and/or bad luck, the Cowboys could lose at any point in the postseason, but that's not the same thing as being "doomed."


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ZeroClub;1857898 said:
I could see how some here might think that the Cowboys would be doomed in a Super Bowl matchup with the Patriots , but does anybody really think that the Cowboys are doomed in the NFC playoffs?

With a poor performance and/or bad luck, the Cowboys could lose at any point in the postseason, but that's not the same thing as being "doomed."

I think for Dallas to get to the SB they have to be focused and playing good football. Playoffs are not always won by the best team you just have to be the best that day. I take none of our possible opponents for granted, each team who has made the playoffs has had some very good games along the way and talented players who can go out and have a big game. I do think if Dallas plays up to their ability that we can take it all the way to the SB but I don't see any of this as a given.


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NextGenBoys;1857506 said:
Where did I say or imply that we'd get beat? I not once said anything about waving a white flag. Ever.
I dont know where you guys are getting this stuff that you're typing.
All I said is that alot of the talk on here is like we can do no wrong and that we're the best team in the league. It's a little ridiculous. All I'm saying is we need to be real here and realize that while we are a damn good team, but we're not invincible and this team has flaws.
You guys continuously take things to an extreme.

I just read this entire thread for the first time, and I want to know: Whats the POINT to it. Where's the "news" in "we need to be real here and realize that while we are a damn good team, that we're not "invincible" and that we have "flaws"?????? You could say that about ANY team at ANY time, including Gods gift to the NFL, the Patriots!
You going on and on and on about the obvious, and the reason WHY THEY PLAY THE GAMES! If your point about Dallas "could lose ya' know" weren't a given, then just cancel the playoffs now and put the two most popular teams in SB!
You could say that in August. You could say that in mid-season. You could say that in the playoffs. YOU COULD SAY THAT GOING INTO THE FOURTH QUARTER OF THE SUPER BOWL WITH A 14 POINT LEAD FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!!!!!!! OF COURSE Dallas could lose!!!

BUT..................They COULD WIN TOO!!! The redundancy and overstating the obvious reasons why SPORTS EVEN EXIST is ridiculous here. I mean, no kidding "they could lose". We knew that since Cain threw the first pitch to Able. So, I ask again: Whats the point to your insistence that we all "realize" and get it through our heads that we better be "prepared for a fall"? I don't get it.
Like I said on another thread, if your a REAL Cowboy fan, the time for "we'll see" is over. This is as good as it's gonna' get, and as good as it's been for over a decade. Why can't Dallas Cowboy fans enjoy the ABSOLUTE, UNDYING, and TOTALLY CONVINCED notion that our team is going to win it all? Patriots fans do. Colts fans are allowed to think that. Packuh fans, Eagle fans, Steeler fans, all of them..............they get to beat the chests and "rah-rah" for their teams, and they do it LOUDLY. But God forbid a Cowboy fan REALLY, REALLY thinks that Dallas could do it all................

Thats where the "chicken little" tag your gettin' is coming from.


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DE, to be honest, this was a silly thread. There's no reason not to have any concern in the playoffs ... considering we haven't won one since 1996.

We have some injury concerns, and with Gurode and TO possibly out ... we could easily be looking at a first round elimination. Nothing's guaranteed.

I hope for the best, but who's to say?

You were always very level headed in your posts ... but this one reminds me too much of the 40-3 Pickle Bowl predictions.


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lewpac;1857935 said:
I just read this entire thread for the first time, and I want to know: Whats the POINT to it. Where's the "news" in "we need to be real here and realize that while we are a damn good team, that we're not "invincible" and that we have "flaws"?????? You could say that about ANY team at ANY time, including Gods gift to the NFL, the Patriots!
You going on and on and on about the obvious, and the reason WHY THEY PLAY THE GAMES! If your point about Dallas "could lose ya' know" weren't a given, then just cancel the playoffs now and put the two most popular teams in SB!
You could say that in August. You could say that in mid-season. You could say that in the playoffs. YOU COULD SAY THAT GOING INTO THE FOURTH QUARTER OF THE SUPER BOWL WITH A 14 POINT LEAD FOR HEAVENS SAKE!!!!!!!! OF COURSE Dallas could lose!!!

BUT..................They COULD WIN TOO!!! The redundancy and overstating the obvious reasons why SPORTS EVEN EXIST is ridiculous here. I mean, no kidding "they could lose". We knew that since Cain threw the first pitch to Able. So, I ask again: Whats the point to your insistence that we all "realize" and get it through our heads that we better be "prepared for a fall"? I don't get it.
Like I said on another thread, if your a REAL Cowboy fan, the time for "we'll see" is over. This is as good as it's gonna' get, and as good as it's been for over a decade. Why can't Dallas Cowboy fans enjoy the ABSOLUTE, UNDYING, and TOTALLY CONVINCED notion that our team is going to win it all? Patriots fans do. Colts fans are allowed to think that. Packuh fans, Eagle fans, Steeler fans, all of them..............they get to beat the chests and "rah-rah" for their teams, and they do it LOUDLY. But God forbid a Cowboy fan REALLY, REALLY thinks that Dallas could do it all................

Thats where the "chicken little" tag your gettin' is coming from.

I'm not saying we will lose. Far from it. If you go and actually read some of my posts I'm on record saying I think we will get to and win the Super Bowl. It's just the level of optimism around here doenst seem real. It seems many of you think it will be a cakewalk and that we're the best team ever. I just want you guys to realize that while we're the best team in the NFC its the NFL playoffs. Where any given Sunday any team can beat another team.

I just want the people that are making fun of anyone who shows the slightest bit of concern over our team to stop. That the playoffs are far from a cakewalk and we need to play better than we have as of late to make the Super Bowl. Thats all.

As I've said probably 90 times before, can you guys please actually read my statements, and stop putting words in my mouth and blowing it out of proportion.

If I'm getting a chicken little tag for thinking that the playoffs will be a tough battle that we need to bring our A game too, this board is ridiculous.


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NextGenBoys;1858080 said:
I'm not saying we will lose. Far from it. If you go and actually read some of my posts I'm on record saying I think we will get to and win the Super Bowl. It's just the level of optimism around here doenst seem real. It seems many of you think it will be a cakewalk and that we're the best team ever. I just want you guys to realize that while we're the best team in the NFC its the NFL playoffs. Where any given Sunday any team can beat another team.

I just want the people that are making fun of anyone who shows the slightest bit of concern over our team to stop. That the playoffs are far from a cakewalk and we need to play better than we have as of late to make the Super Bowl. Thats all.

As I've said probably 90 times before, can you guys please actually read my statements, and stop putting words in my mouth and blowing it out of proportion.

If I'm getting a chicken little tag for thinking that the playoffs will be a tough battle that we need to bring our A game too, this board is ridiculous.

I agree with you. I'll be as nervous as a hooker in church before our playoff game. I have watched this league long enough that you don't take any team for granted and some around here make it sound like none of these teams are capable of winning which is far from the truth. I do think if Dallas goes out and plays a solid game that the chances of winning are great but the NFL it is one game and move on or out so to take any team for granted is a bit silly.


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Yeah, but I was just as nervous before the FIRST Eagle game at home. I was also a little concerned about the Lion game, as we have a bad habit of laying eggs against those guys. AND...............I was nervous AFTER pre-season, all of September, and was still watching EVERY DOWN up until the Patriot game.

See my point? See what I'm saying? There's absolutely nothing wrong with watching your team so evaluate, cheer them on, or curse and holler.......whatever the case and game may be.

But it's not "sticking your head in the ground" and being "blind" about Dallas not being PERFECT if, after the body of work accomplished this season, to sit back and say "We're that good". "We should have no problem going to the SB". "I believe". If the playoffs started today, we've already beaten 3 of the teams that are in (Pack, Skins and the Gints twice). We beat last years NFC Champion in a thumping AT CHICAGO. That was only the third game of the season, before anyone knew that the Bears sucked. EVERYONE on this board was nervous about that game too when the schedule came out. We put quite the scare into the Patriots, the best anyone gave them before that Eagle fluke. We beat the red-hot Vikings easily, and Buffalo, Detroit and Carolina were all "still breathing" for a playoff spot until recently.

If that's not enough evidence in this NFC THIS YEAR to sit back and say to yourself "No problem", or "It's Dallas by a mile", then the barrel for you is empty. We know they could get beat. But I for one, and apparently many others are just simply not in the mood to hear that. True as it may be, why confess it out loud? Especially if your a Cowboy diehard and have been waiting for this for 12 years?

I'm not going to sit around the water cooler at work and say stupid stuff like "I gaurantee a Dallas SB Ring", or "No way Dallas gets beat". But I'm NOT going to sit around and listen to "You're way to overconfident about Dallas". Or that I'm living in some "dream world" and ignoring reality because I actually DO THINK that they're, at least, going to the SB. I'm not going to entertain conversations that pick apart EVERY REASON IN THE WORLD why we should "hold our powder" and "wait and see" either. I said it before. I said it again, and I'll say it for the last time: I'm afraid, much to your shagrin and rolling eyes, that I'm "All In". I've been "all in" since October. The time for "hold on a minute guys, lets wait and see" is over dude. The players aren't saying stuff like that. Wade and the crew ain't either. Jerry Jones ain't saying defeatist stuff like that. And I'm not going to say it least not out loud..


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lewpac;1858715 said:
Yeah, but I was just as nervous before the FIRST Eagle game at home. I was also a little concerned about the Lion game, as we have a bad habit of laying eggs against those guys. AND...............I was nervous AFTER pre-season, all of September, and was still watching EVERY DOWN up until the Patriot game.

See my point? See what I'm saying? There's absolutely nothing wrong with watching your team so evaluate, cheer them on, or curse and holler.......whatever the case and game may be.

But it's not "sticking your head in the ground" and being "blind" about Dallas not being PERFECT if, after the body of work accomplished this season, to sit back and say "We're that good". "We should have no problem going to the SB". "I believe". If the playoffs started today, we've already beaten 3 of the teams that are in (Pack, Skins and the Gints twice). We beat last years NFC Champion in a thumping AT CHICAGO. That was only the third game of the season, before anyone knew that the Bears sucked. EVERYONE on this board was nervous about that game too when the schedule came out. We put quite the scare into the Patriots, the best anyone gave them before that Eagle fluke. We beat the red-hot Vikings easily, and Buffalo, Detroit and Carolina were all "still breathing" for a playoff spot until recently.

If that's not enough evidence in this NFC THIS YEAR to sit back and say to yourself "No problem", or "It's Dallas by a mile", then the barrel for you is empty. We know they could get beat. But I for one, and apparently many others are just simply not in the mood to hear that. True as it may be, why confess it out loud? Especially if your a Cowboy diehard and have been waiting for this for 12 years?

I'm not going to sit around the water cooler at work and say stupid stuff like "I gaurantee a Dallas SB Ring", or "No way Dallas gets beat". But I'm NOT going to sit around and listen to "You're way to overconfident about Dallas". Or that I'm living in some "dream world" and ignoring reality because I actually DO THINK that they're, at least, going to the SB. I'm not going to entertain conversations that pick apart EVERY REASON IN THE WORLD why we should "hold our powder" and "wait and see" either. I said it before. I said it again, and I'll say it for the last time: I'm afraid, much to your shagrin and rolling eyes, that I'm "All In". I've been "all in" since October. The time for "hold on a minute guys, lets wait and see" is over dude. The players aren't saying stuff like that. Wade and the crew ain't either. Jerry Jones ain't saying defeatist stuff like that. And I'm not going to say it least not out loud..

Well you and I differ in our views of football.

I think we have the best team in the NFC, and think we have a good shot at the Super Bowl. And NOTHING would be sweeter than to knock off the undefeated Patriots. Oh wow. That would be THE most talked about Super Bowl of all time.

But I'm still cautiously optimistic about this season and hoping for the best.
Just a difference in our views of football and rooting for our team. Nothing wrong with that.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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DallasEast;1856524 said:
The NFC Divisional round game is just a few, short weeks away. A preview of possible threads to come was in order and here they are…

“Chicago swept the Pack, but it’s impossible for us to do that!!!”

“Sure, Seattle lost to the Steelers, but they also lost to the Cards, Saints, Browns and Panthers!!! See??? SEE??? They’re better than us!!!”

“The Bucs are undefeated in the weakest division in the NFL and we’re champions of the NFC East, which may end up with THREE playoff teams, so that’s means it’s an automatic L for us!!!”

“We’ve beaten the Giants, twice even, by an average of 10+ points this year. That means we’re going to lose by 14!!!”

“Joe Gibbs eyeglasses scare me!!! We’re going to lose big time!!!”

The Saints are the scariest 8-8 team of ALL-TIME!!!!!! We’re DOOMED!!!!!!

…and that’s just the NFC playoffs. Wait until it’s Super Bowl week. :rolleyes:


I feel ya!