The Chicken Little postseason preview


Nikola Tesla
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DBoys;1856550 said:
This thread coming from the same guys that said we would blow Philly out.

You guys are always right and everyone else is a moron.

pretty much thats all they do..

if you don't feel confident in this team you are a "chicken little"

The way we have played this month is disturbing.

The intensity this team had earlier in the season isn't there no more

Gangsta Spanksta

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:D We should keep some sort of chicken little list on this board, to bump whenever this team wins.


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DallasEast;1867308 said:

Actually, you're a joke. Only an egomaniac bumps up their own thread. Oh, and how wise and brave you were to predict negative reactions after a loss. I bow before your greatness! I mean, are you psychic or something? You should tell fortunes with powers that great. "Chicken Littles"? For like, noticing real live problems? Problems that Buck, Aikman and everyone outside of this forum are allowed to notice without being smeared as a hater or quitter? Better a "CL" than a delusional homer.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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bbgun;1867387 said:
Actually, you're a joke. Only an egomaniac bumps up their own thread. Oh, and how wise and brave you were to predict negative reactions after a loss. I bow before your greatness! I mean, are you psychic or something? You should tell fortunes with powers that great. "Chicken Littles"? For like, noticing real live problems? Problems that Buck, Aikman and everyone outside of this forum are allowed to notice without being smeared as a hater or quitter? Better a "CL" than a delusional homer.

I think he was being sarcastic. :cool:


Cowboys 24/7/365
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bbgun;1867387 said:
Actually, you're a joke. Only an egomaniac bumps up their own thread. Oh, and how wise and brave you were to predict negative reactions after a loss. I bow before your greatness! I mean, are you psychic or something? You should tell fortunes with powers that great. "Chicken Littles"? For like, noticing real live problems? Problems that Buck, Aikman and everyone outside of this forum are allowed to notice without being smeared as a hater or quitter? Better a "CL" than a delusional homer.
Settle down bbgun.

Negative reactions are one thing. Saying that the season is already over is another.

Egomaniac, eh? Good one, oh wise yet forever pessimistic one.


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DallasEast;1867409 said:
Settle down bbgun.

Negative reactions are one thing. Saying that the season is already over is another.

Egomaniac, eh? Good one, oh wise yet forever pessimistic one.

The point is that anyone who raises legitimate concerns is accused of giving up or saying "the sky is falling." It's a cheap stunt and it's getting old. Right now we're 0-0 and so is everyone else, and it's not subversive to note that "no TO" is a big fat worry.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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bbgun;1867463 said:
The point is that anyone who raises legitimate concerns is accused of giving up or saying "the sky is falling." It's a cheap stunt and it's getting old. Right now we're 0-0 and so is everyone else, and it's not subversive to note that "no TO" is a big fat worry.
No Terrell Owens is a valid concern, but does that equate to an automatic loss? The offense struggles without him, but does that mean that the divisional opponent will win if he's not on the field?

What if Terry Glenn is on the field?
What if Miles Austin has a better receiving day than what he threw out today?
What if our running game is on-track instead of off-track?

Valid concerns are valid if you balance them with every kind of contingency--and not just those which are only verbalizations of your own fears in the attempt to stroke others' insecurities.

Gangsta Spanksta

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bbgun;1867463 said:
The point is that anyone who raises legitimate concerns is accused of giving up or saying "the sky is falling." It's a cheap stunt and it's getting old. Right now we're 0-0 and so is everyone else, and it's not subversive to note that "no TO" is a big fat worry.

No it's not. I haven't read anyone raise legitimate concerns today. I've read about people wanting to quit the team and that the season is over. The real point is that right now the people at ES are probably laughing at some of our "Fans". There is a proper way to start a thread with legitimate concerns. Who says that some of us laughing at the Wussies, don't have legitimate concerns? Not that we can really address them right now, with all these guys wearing panties running around.

Joe a Cowboys fan

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As pleasant as this thread is I will say the Boys stank today and move on to a more deseving thread. Try noy to pull hair or bite while I am gone.


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DallasEast;1867549 said:
No Terrell Owens is a valid concern, but doesn't that equate to an automatic loss?

True, and anybody who thinks so is a fool.

The offense struggles without him, but does that mean that the divisional opponent will win if he's not on the field?

No, just a greater chance (not likelihood) of stealing a win in our house.

What if Terry Glenn is on the field?
What if Miles Austin has a better receiving day than what he threw out today?
What if our running game is on-track instead of off-track?

I expect nothing from Glenn. Today's rushing game would have been pathetic even for a July scrimmage. Were they even trying? Who knows. Today culminated a month's worth of shaky, so-so games. Hopefully, January will look more like November.

Valid concerns are valid if you balance them with every kind of contingency--and not just those which are only verbalizations of your own fears in the attempt to stroke others' insecurities.

But the "all is well, 13-3 crowd" is just as bad, and Lord knows they outnumber the CLs. I'd rather be wary than overconfident.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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bbgun;1867652 said:
No, and anybody who thinks so is a fool.
If that's so, why aren't you replying to posters assuming just that, bbgun?
bbgun;1867652 said:
No, just a greater chance (not likelihood) of stealing a win in our house.
True enough.
bbgun;1867652 said:
I expect nothing from Glenn. Today's rushing game would have been pathetic even for a July scrimmage. Were they even trying? Who knows. Today culminated a month's worth of shaky, so-so games. Hopefully, January will look more like November.
If Glenn can step on the field, I expect him to contribute.

You'll get no arguments from me about today's running game, but Gurode's absence did play a factor in the offensive line's execution (small as it may have been).

The team was trying, especially the defense. The offense's execution and playcalling was VERY off today. Does that mean that the offense will duplicate the same two weeks from now? That question will not be answered by anyone until the Divisional game is actually played.
bbgun;1867652 said:
But the "all is well, 13-3 crowd" is just as bad, and Lord knows they outnumber the CLs. I'd rather be wary than overconfident.
Again, being wary is one thing--and I'm not necessarily referring to you yourself. It's another to just write off the team right now, this instant. Confidence or even overconfidence in this team two weeks from now isn't unthinkable in my book. Giving up right now, today, is.


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DallasEast;1867764 said:
If that's so, why aren't you replying to posters assuming just that, bbgun?

I see one thread that fits that description, from a newbie with 77 posts. The vast majority of post-game threads fall under the "no big deal; we're 13-3; this game was meaningless" category. So-called CLs are dwarfed by pie-in-the-sky optimists.

Bob Sacamano

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bbgun;1867909 said:
I see one thread that fits that description, from a newbie with 77 posts. The vast majority of post-game threads fall under the "no big deal; we're 13-3; this game was meaningless" category. So-called CLs are dwarfed by pie-in-the-sky optimists.

so this game was important?

Bob Sacamano

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bbgun;1867930 said:
never used that word. try again.

you're saying that those saying today being a meaningless game means they're high in the pie or sky, whatever

as I expected, you have no point and are just trying to rub people the wrong way