The Cowboys finally have the coaching

Let me help you out here bud......
I don't like Dak as a person (total imposter) as he's an untalented parasite(Feeding off our Star) using the goodwill and an excellent PR team to keep the cash coming in while our team lingers in mediocrity and generations of talent/coaching are sacrificed!
Yes MM is his next victim along with whoever follows and this includes a wasted career by Zeke and many others who will never experience the glory they truly deserved!
7 years coming up....1 playoff win.....ENOUGH SAID!!!!!
I rest my case, your honor!!!!
So why don't you tell us what you really think.

Dak must have done something to you personally. Your post seems awfully personal in nature and nothing football related.

Did he do you wrong in someway? Do tell
So, get rid of Dak and we can have a chance, is that what you're saying? Because I'm pretty sure Dak is the best QB on our roster right now. So what's your plan exactly....start all over with a rookie QB? With no guarantees that rookie would be better than Dak? What if he's the next Ryan Leaf? So it's anybody but Dak, in your opinion. THAT'S SOME MAJOR HATE.
There is no plan. Just plain *****in like a girl at that time of the month
I'm a Kellen Moore believer. Dan Quinn calls an outstanding defense, and the players love him which IMO is half the battle for coaching. McCarthy is a worthless fat Garrett clone, but with two highly capable assistants handling pretty much everything except challenges and time management, I guess we can live with that.
Being a Kellen Moore believer is your first mistake
I think I'm starting to see where flat Earthers come from. It's the same "I want it to be true, so it's true." mindset. All evidence is against them, and they can prove absolutely nothing, but they'll spew foolish arguments and insults until the day they die. And the last thing they'll say is something like, "Electricity isn't dangerous. That's what they want you to think...Watch this!"
People can believe in something so much that they think is true, even though it's not. Like astronomers and their fabric of space theory.

:laugh:Yes, I just snuck one in on you.
Wow, absolutely wow!

That statement tells me everything I need to know about you as a person.

I'll survive........without your love.:muttley:
Some folks can't handle the truth and lash out well I guess I just met one!
I have watched the games for many years;
Every Super Bowl team the Cowboys had was led by a true leader at Quarterback.
Dak IS the problem. Romo was better, but was also part of the problem.
They had one common denominator that taught them to lose-Jason Garrett.
Dak is the problem. lets get rid of him. totally agree.

who you got? if you want to get rid of someone, the goal is to replace him with a better one. so who you got? what's your plan? or do you want just to bhitch about it?
Dude this statement makes everything else you bring up in regards to qb play pretty much laughable

ole noodle arm from Boise state is not and has never been considered the best qb here
Having him get hurt in 16 was a blessing although Dak would have taken the job soon enough anyway
ok, you have to realize who this character is.....he vehemently argued Tashard Choice was as good as Emmitt smith. I shiet you not. he wouldn't stop.

so this is no different. he actually claimed Moore was a HOF type QB....he did that, based on one throw that was intercepted no less. go figure

then again, he is an alcoholic, so non-sense to be expected
I know a little about football.
But I don't know that the Cowboys are a quarterback away alone this season. Generally, though, they tend to compete in every other position.
What I do know is that they won't win a championship with Dak. They might eek out something In spite of DaK if they get some breaks. Maybe even a trip to the NFC Championship.
you know a little about football. you claimed once you know about leadership. then it turned out you led a tee-ball team to a summer league championship in your neighbourhood....yes, you led men and you know what leaders are. you once held a football in Walmart, so you know football.

good grief man....what is wrong with you?
New decade, new forum, same old leeblair from the defunct Ranch.

Makes outlandish claim, gets easily refuted, changes the claim. :rolleyes:
oh, you know him well. remember his argument that Tashard Choice was as good as Emmitt smith. and that Moore is a HOF type QB...

but every forum needs a few village idiots.
Let them be leeblair as there happy with 1 playoff win and a total waste of a top offensive roster the last 6 years.
Remember Dak first then the Star for these lovely members of ours!!!
This is just the Toilet end of a 30-year run.......:rolleyes:
@PAPPYDOG and @leeblair sitting on a tree, K I S S I N G

come on you two, go reserve a room already


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