The Cowboys must be better at evaluating Defensive talent


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It is not ridiculous. It is a completely different situation from the Jimmy days. Heck, it was reported coaches want Horn over Surtain.
So what! Our current professional coaches have disagreed with little ole you and you're in an uproar about it. That's the case and point that you're ridiculous. Get over yourself and be glad the professionals have more influence on this draft than you. Your ego would blow it!.


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Honestly, I don’t think I really agree with the OP here. The reality is, we haven’t spent a lot of draft capital on defense as opposed to offense. They have drafted some solid defensive players, but no impact players save for maybe Lawrence. But what do you expect when there are virtually no top 10 picks in that bunch? But a lot of what they have drafted on defense has been adequate based on draft position.

I think they have been exceptional drafting on offense, partly due to their strong showing in the QB department, but also because they have hit on their top offensive selections. They have been simply adequate on defense.

The one pick defensively that really stings for me is of course Taco. You could question that pick without hindsight and his bust really hurts when you rarely spend a 1st rounder on defense to begin with. They really need to allocate their highest selections in the draft to defense to improve it. I think they have a good opportunity to do so this year.

So in short, I think the cowboys have drafted above average offensively and more or less average defensively, while spending considerably less capital on defense. Spend more on the defense to balance out the team, especially while you have a high powered offense locked up.


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I dunno, I can't remember the last time we had a 3rd round pick who panned out.
That's most likely due to having a non-football GM, along w/ his only being willing to hire nancyboys as coaches.

Scouts give their takes on players, they don't tell you who to pick. That's on the GM.


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That's most likely due to having a non-football GM, along w/ his only being willing to hire nancyboys as coaches.

Scouts give their takes on players, they don't tell you who to pick. That's on the GM.

Yeah and he has a chubb for Kyle Pitts. Hopefully if Pitts slides, he doesn't pull the trigger.


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A list of draft picks thrown at the defense the past couple of years.

Lee- 2nd
Dlaw- 2nd
Greg’s- 2nd
Hill- 2nd
Gally- 3rd
LVE- 1st
Jaylon- 2nd
Byron- 1st (gone in FA)
Diggs- 2nd
Taco- 1st (cut)
Safety- we don’t value this position

My point is it’s not like the FO hasn’t given them late picks on Defense, they have just picked the wrong players. Was that Marinelli’s influence? Of course he had input, but the Scouts and McClay have to be accountable as well. They must do better.

Now look at the offense.
Dak- 4th (got lucky)
Zeke- 1st
Coop- 1st
Gallup- 3rd
Tyron- 1st
Martin- 1st
Tfred- 1st
Connor- 2nd
Collins- UDFA that should have been a high pick.
Lamb- 1st
Schultz and Jar look like good players as well.

Everyone of these players have been successful and have been cornerstones for this team.

The drafting and evaluation has to improve on Defense. Hopefully Quinn helps with this and the evaluations turn around.

Pretty clear that nearly EVERY first rounder is used on defense. Marinelli was clearly the issue with most of these busted picks.

Taco and Hill you can definitely attribute to Marinelli and his dumb scheme.

Taking Zeke over Ramsey was probably the biggest blunder of all.


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Scouts aren't the problem. It's what this org does w/ the info is where the problem lies.

True. I agree but if not the scouting, imo where ever the lack of communication is taking place sure has a long history of both failed players, scheme, DCs and positional coaches.

If just to achieve average is the gold standard then there's some major issues.

My .02


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A list of draft picks thrown at the defense the past couple of years.

Lee- 2nd
Dlaw- 2nd
Greg’s- 2nd
Hill- 2nd
Gally- 3rd
LVE- 1st
Jaylon- 2nd
Byron- 1st (gone in FA)
Diggs- 2nd
Taco- 1st (cut)
Safety- we don’t value this position

My point is it’s not like the FO hasn’t given them late picks on Defense, they have just picked the wrong players. Was that Marinelli’s influence? Of course he had input, but the Scouts and McClay have to be accountable as well. They must do better.

Now look at the offense.
Dak- 4th (got lucky)
Zeke- 1st
Coop- 1st
Gallup- 3rd
Tyron- 1st
Martin- 1st
Tfred- 1st
Connor- 2nd
Collins- UDFA that should have been a high pick.
Lamb- 1st
Schultz and Jar look like good players as well.

Everyone of these players have been successful and have been cornerstones for this team.

The drafting and evaluation has to improve on Defense. Hopefully Quinn helps with this and the evaluations turn around.
I think part of the problem with their evaluation process is they don't like guys with attitude. You can get away with nice guys on offense but defense you need a few junk yard dogs.


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Don’t you think Parcells, McCarthy, Phillips, Philbin, Quinn, Marinelli, etc. have done exactly that? Yes, they are on the payroll but have guaranteed contracts and can and do speak their mind. They have skin in the game. Do you think Parcells was some puppet?

Your anti-Jerry, anti-front office agenda wreaks.
Exactly who has stood up to Jerry since Parcells retired? Even Parcells couldn’t influence Jerry enough to prevent him from signing TO. Jerry is the biggest obstacle in the way that prevents Dallas from fielding winning teams. His ego is a team killer. He doesn’t try to hide it either. If Jerry was cared more about winning than doing things his way, he would hire a real GM and he would stop meddling and undermining coaches.


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Exactly who has stood up to Jerry since Parcells retired? Even Parcells couldn’t influence Jerry enough to prevent him from signing TO. Jerry is the biggest obstacle in the way that prevents Dallas from fielding winning teams. His ego is a team killer. He doesn’t try to hide it either. If Jerry was cared more about winning than doing things his way, he would hire a real GM and he would stop meddling and undermining coaches.

Parcells said that TO would not have been there if Parcells did not want him to be there. Parcells said he never had any problem working with Jerry.
Jerry does not undermine coaches from what I have seen and heard. Closest I have seen is maybe forcing Garrett as OC on Wade Phillips. Don't know if Phillips wanted Garrett or not. My guess is Phillips didn't really care if Garrett was OC or not.


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Parcells said that TO would not have been there if Parcells did not want him to be there. Parcells said he never had any problem working with Jerry.
Jerry does not undermine coaches from what I have seen and heard. Closest I have seen is maybe forcing Garrett as OC on Wade Phillips. Don't know if Phillips wanted Garrett or not. My guess is Phillips didn't really care if Garrett was OC or not.
That's why Parcells never addressed T.O. by name, just called him "the player" when talking to the media. He wanted him so much. :rolleyes:


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That's why Parcells never addressed T.O. by name, just called him "the player" when talking to the media. He wanted him so much. :rolleyes:

What does that have to do with the price of bananas? You got nothing.
Parcells had his own unique ways of dealing with marquee players. Parcells' psyops.
Parcell already said TO would not have been there if he did not want him there.
You got your hate agenda to feed though. Absent facts, you start munching on imaginary rumors and guesses and resort to grasping at straws. Got to feed that Jerry hate.


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Taco was BPA over Watt. Drop the BPA agenda. Taco was a bad pick due to poor player analysis.
Taco had the talent , but he didn’t have the drive to be a better player.. Marinelli should have recognized this and should have seen through his BS.


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What does that have to do with the price of bananas? You got nothing.
Parcells had his own unique ways of dealing with marquee players. Parcells' psyops.
Parcell already said TO would not have been there if he did not want him there.
You got your hate agenda to feed though. Absent facts, you start munching on imaginary rumors and guesses and resort to grasping at straws. Got to feed that Jerry hate.
Your panties in a wad because you were so easily proven WRONG!. Parcells had T.O. forced upon him by Jerry and he had no say in the matter if he wanted to remain employed. Calling T.O. "the player" was "The Tuna" way of protesting the situation without getting himself in trouble with the bossman. I understand in your fantasy world Bill Parcell's had brass balls and answered to no man but in the real world, Jerry was the boss that Bill answered to and he had a certain amount of Jerry's decision(good or bad) dictated to him.


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Taco had the talent , but he didn’t have the drive to be a better player.. Marinelli should have recognized this and should have seen through his BS.
100% correct. Never ignore scouting reports.