The Dark Knight Rises *Spoiler Thread*

Joshmvii;4629734 said:
Batman did die. Bruce Wayne is just now finally alive and he left Gotham behind. The ending was the perfect ending to this Bruce Wayne's story.

I would say Bruce Wayne the billionaire playboy died as well. Now we are left with just a guy living a somewhat normal life.
Yeah, that's what I mean. Batman died, and he left behind the fake Bruce Wayne facade he had lived his entire adult life. The entire trilogy was about him finding a way to leave gotham behind and still have a reason for which to live.
Boom;4629600 said:
That would have been a perfect ending for me, as well. Or better yet, have Nolan "Inception" everyone again with Alfred looking up at the cafe and the movie cutting to black.

Oh my that would've been terrible. Once the scene happened where it was said that Bruce Wayne patched it 6 months prior I was like oh no oh no they are going to cut to the cafe and then stop with Alfred looking up.

If they did that I would've hated the movie. That ending works in something like Inception, not in Batman.
Romo 2 Austin;4629424 said:
Christian Bale (batman) said he would be in for a sequel. The only person that is not in for a sequel is Christopher Nolan although he would not be against another director taking up the spot of directing the franchise. The money this will make makes me believe that they will make another however the mass shooting adds doubt to my mind, they might decide to let the franchise rest due to that.

If not I predict a Batman & Robin movie followed by a Robin trilogy, that seems the most logical way to follow it up the ending of Rises that would bring us to around 2024 and at that point with Bales aging I could see them wrapping it all up with a Batman Beyond movie, that would make the franchise span 8 movies.

Bale has stated that The Dark Knight Rises will be the final film in which he plays Batman

Cowboys&LakersFan;4629920 said:
He must of changed his mind

No mate its just wikipedia anyone can edit it and put anything they want. I can go ahead and edit it right now and put up that The Dark Knight Returns is coming in 2015.
Romo 2 Austin;4629914 said: :laugh1: Okay.

The AZCentral article speaks to Christain Bale possibly wanting to do another Batman film, but only at the discretion of Christopher Nolan. It also refers Nolan's preference of not making another Batman film.
Romo 2 Austin;4629878 said:
Once the scene happened where it was said that Bruce Wayne patched it 6 months prior I was like oh no oh no they are going to cut to the cafe and then stop with Alfred looking up.

Once the scene happened where it was said that Bruce Wayne patched it 6 months prior I was like oh no oh no they are going to wrap up the ending in a pretty bow.
DallasEast;4629929 said: :laugh1: Okay.

The AZCentral article speaks to Christain Bale possibly wanting to do another Batman film, but only at the discretion of Christopher Nolan. It also refers Nolan's preference of not making another Batman film.

There you go R2A.
DallasEast;4629929 said: :laugh1: Okay.

The AZCentral article speaks to Christain Bale possibly wanting to do another Batman film, but only at the discretion of Christopher Nolan. It also refers Nolan's preference of not making another Batman film.

Those are just the first two results :laugh2:. Both more credible than wikipedia. The point is Bale isn't against another movie, which means regardless of Nolans involvement if enough money is thrown his way he will do it. I don't believe Nolan to be some saint so I believe there is undoubtedly a number that would get him to get involved.

Also since that got me curious-

for comparison Cowboyszone rank is 198,046. So I take NerdApproved as a credible source.
Romo 2 Austin;4629938 said:
Those are just the first two results :laugh2:. Both more credible than wikipedia. The point is Bale isn't against another movie, which means regardless of Nolans involvement if enough money is thrown his way he will do it. I don't believe Nolan to be some saint so I believe there is undoubtedly a number that would get him to get involved.

Also since that got me curious-

for comparison Cowboyszone rank is 198,046. So I take NerdApproved as a credible source.
Don't get it twisted. Credibility is subjective. If you're invalidating Wikipedia, that's fine, but don't throw "" as an alternative which thumps it. Come on. "" Really? And you're propping its credibility according to its site traffic statistics?

Okay. :laugh2: If you say so. Now the AZCentral has a certain credibility factor which cannot be ignored by anyone. It speaks to Bale's intent, not guarantee, to do another Batman film and why.

Hollywood has been around for decades. Actors and actresses have said the exact same thing about unknown future projects for just as long. Sometimes they hit the jackpot. Sometimes they don't. Anyone can guess what's going to happen, but the likelihood of it actually happening will only strengthen after something more tangible than, "I think I want to do it" occurs. Just my two cents.
DallasEast;4629947 said:
Don't get it twisted. Credibility is subjective. If you're invalidating Wikipedia, that's fine, but don't throw "" as an alternative which thumps it. Come on. "" Really? And you're propping its credibility according to its site traffic statistics?

Okay. :laugh2: If you say so. Now the AZCentral has a certain credibility factor which cannot be ignored by anyone. It speaks to Bale's intent, not guarantee, to do another Batman film and why.

Hollywood has been around for decades. Actors and actresses have said the exact same thing about unknown future projects for just as long. Sometimes they hit the jackpot. Sometimes they don't. Anyone can guess what's going to happen, but the likelihood of it actually happening will only strengthen after something more tangible than, "I think I want to do it" occurs. Just my two cents.

Well NerdApproved doesn't seem not credible on something such as Batman. :D

Tangible is money, this movie will make over a billion dollars, domestically most likely. Internationally many suspect it will gross another billion. Total around 2billion, although I believe the shootings may pull it back some. The movie after advertising and production came to about 300million that is a return on investment you do not get anywhere, let alone in hollywood where breaking even in the short-run is seen as a win since you turn a profit with tv rights, dvds etc; in the long-run. Even with the shootings it brought in 170m domestically opening weekend.

Bales agents have probably told him to be hesitant but show a willingness to produce a movie so he gets leverage in negotiations. He got $10m per movie in the trilogy plus I believe 5% of profits? (I may have that figure wrong, it might be less as I know he pulled in an extra 32million extra from bonuses on The Dark Knight). I am sure he would love to increase those numbers in future productions.

The thing about hollywood is they never leave money on the table, I mean the only time I can think of where a sequel would've made big bucks and it didn't happen was with Titanic but a sequel to Titanic would've been pretty much impossible.
Romo 2 Austin;4629957 said:
Well NerdApproved doesn't seem not credible on something such as Batman. :D

Tangible is money, this movie will make over a billion dollars, domestically most likely. Internationally many suspect it will gross another billion. Total around 2billion, although I believe the shootings may pull it back some. The movie after advertising and production came to about 300million that is a return on investment you do not get anywhere, let alone in hollywood where breaking even in the short-run is seen as a win since you turn a profit with tv rights, dvds etc; in the long-run. Even with the shootings it brought in 170m domestically opening weekend.

Bales agents have probably told him to be hesitant but show a willingness to produce a movie so he gets leverage in negotiations. He got $10m per movie in the trilogy plus I believe 5% of profits? (I may have that figure wrong, it might be less as I know he pulled in an extra 32million extra from bonuses on The Dark Knight). I am sure he would love to increase those numbers in future productions.

The thing about hollywood is they never leave money on the table, I mean the only time I can think of where a sequel would've made big bucks and it didn't happen was with Titanic but a sequel to Titanic would've been pretty much impossible.
You may eventually cash in on the what ifs based on speculation. Good luck. :)
DallasEast;4629960 said:
You may eventually cash in on the what ifs based on speculation. Good luck. :)

Well there is no question the movie will pull a massive profit :laugh2:
My favorite scene was the first fight between Bane and Batman. The intensity there was unparalleled. Batman just looked slow and desperate, but was not afraid and didn't back down until his...back went down.
Here are the reasons why I thought "The Dark Knight Rises" was lame. I'm not just blindly hating it. Hey, I gave "Batman Begins" an 8/10 and "The Dark Knight" a 9/10. But this one I had soooo many issues with. The Nolan-directed Batman movies are supposed to be the "realistic" superhero movies, yet I found myself having to suspend my disbelief over and over and over again.

1. Bruce Wayne has a broken back, with a vertebrae even sticking out... and he is healed by some guy punching him in the back? A couple months later he is climbing up walls and making impossible jumps?

2. Speaking of jumps, how incredibly cheesy and coincidental that all those bats flew by just as he was about to "Rise" out of that prison.

3. So you're telling me that a little girl makes that jump when no grown men can? And the reason is cause she had the willpower? Ridiculous.

4. So this is the most impossible prison ever to escape... yet they readily provide you rope to help you try to climb out of? And there's no security at the top of the hole if you do escape?

5. If you have all that rope readily available, why are these prisoners not repeatedly trying to make that jump over and over and over? Why wait to do it once every few months?

6. So Talia hated her dad- but for some reason, she wanted to complete his work?

7. Hated the coincidence of Gordon putting the deactivator or whatever it was in place one instant before she hits the trigger.

8. Hated the coincidence of Selina showing up right in time to shoot Bane right as he was about to kill Batman.

9. Hated the coincidence of Selina and Bruce Wayne just happening to show up at same place, same time, just in time to save a thief kid from getting beat up.

10. So Batman and Bane are are humans, yet are breaking columns with their punches?

11. So Batman is a human, yet he’s kicking a brick wall and breaking it with a hobbled leg?

12. So Batman took the time to make a design a HUGE bat out of fire when the city is on a time crunch to get blown up?

13. How come Gordon, Batman and friends could walk on that breaking ice and have a whole freaking casual conversation there?

14. So Batman, a human, can now apparently dodge machine gun bullets at close range, in the dark?

15. So Bruce Wayne and Batman, the two most visible and famous Gotham citizens, both disappeared at the exact same time eight years ago, and both reappear at the exact same time eight years later... and nobody puts this together?

16. So Bruce left Gotham to train for many years… then he came back... then he was gone for 8 years… then he is in a prison for several months... then he retires as Batman... so how long was he actually Batman? A year or two? Isn't Bruce Wayne is supposed to be in his 30s?

17. I thought this was a Batman movie.. how come we hardly saw any Batman at all?

18. Why the heck was Talia/Bane waiting months to detonate the bomb? What was the point? If she really wanted to kill all of them, why not just do it?

19. They show a shot of Bruce Wayne’s pictures of dead parents and dead girlfriend… then is asked out of nowhere at that exact moment, “where is Alfred?” to which he replies “he’s gone”... all heavy handedly hammer the point home that he’s alone now and to try to manipulate sympathy from the audience.

20. And as he’s looking sadly at his dead girlfriend's picture, he starts passionately kissing this woman he just met out of nowhere… and they have sex.

21. And by the end of the movie, he has hooked up with a completely different woman and spends his life with her… someone who was a thief the entire movie.

22. The disposition about Clean Slate was hilarious— a character totally explaining what it is in an unbelievable way so the audience knows what it is. "Clean Slate?? You mean the bla bla bla that bla bla bla??" with a gun to his head to a person who already knows what it is, why else would she want it?

23. I couldn’t understand half of what Bayne said.

24. Why did Alfred have to leave? He was concerned, and made up a lie (or was it?) about his Rachel, cause he knew that would make Bruce kick him out? Even though he’s cared for him forever? And Bruce knew he was doing it to protect him, and yet he was still forced to leave? None of this made sense.

25. So only 4 people showed up at the city's most famous citizen’s funeral?

26. I thought the bomb killed anything within a 6 mile radius? The city probably wasn’t six miles away when it exploded. And Batman, even if he put the thing on autopilot, most certainly wasn't 6 miles away.

27. On top of Bale's Batman voice being grating, he wouldn't ever close his mouth any time he was Batman. Also grating on the nerves.

28. Why the heck did Bane or Talia give a crap about Gotham? Neither of them are from there. Why is it so important to blow it up and make its citizens pay? If it's revenge on Batman, why, because he killed Talia's dad... the same person she hates and who Bane hates for excommunicating him? On that note, why is Bane so loyal to a organization that kicked him out?

29. How come Bruce Wayne gets his power cut off the same night he loses his money? Was he already a month behind on his electric bill at this point? No.

30. How did Bruce Wayne come up with the Clean Slate program?

31. So when Batman is surrounded on the bridge, there is just conveniently one of those car carrying trucks there that he just happens to fire perfectly at for the ramp to fall down so he can conveniently drive up to the fortunately placed streets.

32. How come Bruce Wayne can barely walk with a cane, yet he can dance like Fred Astaire without one?

33. How did Bruce make it back to Gotham from the prison? He has no money, and all the bridges into Gotham were collapsed.
There will be more movies made whether Bale/Nolan have any involvment in them or not. They would prefer to keep those guys around, but studio execs want to make money and a Batman, Robin or Nightwing movie can make some money. Even a less than stellar Batman type movie can pull in some cash although probably at a lesser profit margin.

You don't even have to guarantee that a movie will bring in money. Execs can be fooled into thinking they will have a hit or franchise in the making, which is how you end up with John Carter or Catwoman.

I do think there will be more movies that revolve around Batman that are made down the line. It is just a matter of time.
joseephuss;4629974 said:
There will be more movies made whether Bale/Nolan have any involvment in them or not. They would prefer to keep those guys around, but studio execs want to make money and a Batman, Robin or Nightwing movie can make some money. Even a less than stellar Batman type movie can pull in some cash although probably at a lesser profit margin.

You don't even have to guarantee that a movie will bring in money. Execs can be fooled into thinking they will have a hit or franchise in the making, which is how you end up with John Carter or Catwoman.

I do think there will be more movies that revolve around Batman that are made down the line. It is just a matter of time.
Bold-->Without question. What is questionable in the foreseeable future is whether Christain Bale will reprise his role later.

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