The defense failed because of its construction


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This is it..100%, I know most fans response to this is about players or even a player.."Trade this player", "Cut this player" its a sobering realization when you finally come to terms with the's not going to work...either the BASE LINE PLAN of this FO changes to a non marketing purpose plan or we will just continue to change the names on the field and sideline but never the results...
For many many years, I tried, and tried hard to believe it would be different. I was pretty much a homer. I'd feel we were starting to get it, and then BLAM, the MO tradeup. And now, the flatout refusal to address positions that desperately need it. Year after year after year.

I am ready to change back at any time, but the Jaylon's and Schooners, and the Escobar's and the Trysten Hill's and the Randy Gregory's and the Sam Williams's and Kelvin's would have to stop first. Because we are not going to get there as long as that is the ilk of the players we are taking in the 2nd round. Think of that, one 2nd round pick has worked out in the last 10-12 years, one. Diggs. That's it. You almost have to try to miss on that many picks.


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I would have liked for them too do more at LB but Overshown, LVE, and Carr was not 'horrific team building.'

Two of them got hurt. Ish happens.
LVE has been injury prone going back to college. There was no reason to believe he'd stay healthy, as he never has.

Overshown was a 3rd round rook, and I still have high hopes for him. Not smart to count on a 3rd rounder, in any event.

I suppose by Carr you mean Clark? Clark has a poor skillset. Easily attained info.

Horrific may not be a strong enough descriptive term.