The excited fan vs. the realistic fan


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Right, because you can tell the future... the eagles were barely if at all a playoff team the year they won the SB, and those odds went WAY down when Wentz got hurt, yet it happened. Just because you think it, doesn't make it reality. That is the realistic fact of the NFL, you don't know... which creates excitement going into the season along with the concern of recent history, but again, you don't know.


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Is there ever going to come a point when the self-appointed Realists are actually realistic about things going into a season? Or is it always just going to be a euphemism for “dissatisfied with everything”?

So let's hear it.

What should be the "realistic" view of this team heading into the 2019 season?


1st Round Pick
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I'm just bored with the Jason Garrett era of football.

Boring team, boring coach, we're just boring and the process that doesn't work is stale.


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Sorry, dude. I’m Team Optimist.

So then your realistic view of the season is optimistic. Let's hear it. 12 wins? NFCCG?

What's a fair and realistic outlook for this team from your optimistic perspective?


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for garrett and his cowboys you pretty much are what your record says u are win enough regular season games maybe make the playoffs and then one and done in the playoffs that is about as far as my optimistic out look goes when this team goes on the road and beats a good team in the playoffs then u can say they are a contender other wise they are what they are average team at best


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There comes a great barker, Jerry, who is perpetually expecting a Super Bowl. I love Jerry, but he is lost in mediocrity.
Some of you, too.
Blokes, goons, scholars, oafs ... You have every right to be optimistic. Yet
We are, realistically, a DT, a safety and a QB away from the Super Bowl.

Can you, assorted ruffians, offer honest views about your expectations in 2019??
Will ya?

1 and out in the playoffs.
Repeat in 2020.

I'm excited about the season and realistic about the season. Super Bowls are never a given so to expect it as if it is a sure thing is ridicules. On the flip side this is a very talented team with big players on both sides of the ball capable of making the big plays and so yes I think they clearly have a shot at making it to the SB. As I said I don't go into the season expecting it but I do go into the season knowing we have a legit chance at achieving it


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Stud DT minus a slow ineffective TE and we're there.


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I'm optimistic this year. I feel like you have to be to have some joy.

Offense should be better.
Fredbeard should be back and healthy.
Connor Williams should be stronger.
Contract year for La'el, should be more motivated.
Full year + an off season for Cooper.
Gallup and Dak should have better timing.
Kellen Moore hopefully brings some creativity and exploits mismatches.

Defense should be similar, give or take.

Quinn is a good addition.
D-Law hopefully is fully healthy.
Better rotational pieces at DT
Might have Gregory, might not.

I don't see why we should be worse than last year. I think we improved this offseason. Even before the draft.


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I like the optimism.
I liked it most in 1997. Then it got stale.

Ga'head, those indignant that their Super Bowl fantasies are questioned should really question the glaring lack of a franchise QB and a DT and safety. To Deny that is to deny reality.
I just don't get how you don't think that Dak is a franchise QB. All he does is win. And orchestrate last minute drives to win. He isn't a standard QB as we know them but he gets the job done. He has strengths and weapons the standard QB doesn't have. Devise a gameplan to take advantage of them. And he is a leader and a genuinely good person. We finally have a QB that is easy to root for and everyone wants to ride him out of town. I don't get it


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I've always liked how the word "realist" gets applied to football fans. Isn't realism rooted in being "left-brained" and more dependent on logic to assess facts and make decisions? Where's the logic in being a fan? It's total emotion and at times, defies logic.

What facts do we have to assess about this team?

Does the presence of the unknown about the one thing this team struggled with the most last season, the offense, that being an untried, unproven and inexperienced OC?

As a realist, the D looks to be about the same and they're not going to get a lot of help at 58. They'll probably get an OK pick but the D needs a difference maker. Adding Quinn can help but he must stay healthy and Gregory is an unknown. They're still weak on the back end. But the D is good enough to go to the Big Dance, providing the offense is the horse they ride.

The best seasons we've seen 07, 14 and 16 were all about the offense and the NFL is all about the offense with a good enough defense.

It is hard to have a feel for how this team will do with a completely unknown at OC. The only thing we know is that some people think he's smart and born to coach. If he doesn't struggle in his first year then he will be a true exception because he will be facing more experienced DC's with better defenses and I think there has to be a learning curve. The exception is that inexperience beats experience in the NFL, which is why they recycle coaches so much.

I can argue for each side of the realists' argument. Until I see some football for real, at least 4 games, I don't know what kind of season this team is going to have and after 8 games last season, my prediction would have been wrong. But don't ya just love the unknown and the unexpected?


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Am always optimistic this time of year.

11-5, div champs...and we finally make it back to the NFC Champ game.

If you want reality, check back at the end of August.


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A few additions. We lost slight depth and beez. But gained more than we lost.

O-Line should be healthy and complete. Our RB is playing in a contract year. Maybe our QB. That always means they seem to play better. Lol.

Should be a exciting year.


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Is there ever going to come a point when the self-appointed Realists are actually realistic about things going into a season? Or is it always just going to be a euphemism for “dissatisfied with everything”?

I see plenty of reasons on both sides of the ball to be optimistic about this season.


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After 20 plus years of futility the excitement has been driven out of me.
Now I'm a die hard Realist


Well-Known Member
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There comes a great barker, Jerry, who is perpetually expecting a Super Bowl. I love Jerry, but he is lost in mediocrity.
Some of you, too.
Blokes, goons, scholars, oafs ... You have every right to be optimistic. Yet
We are, realistically, a DT, a safety and a QB away from the Super Bowl.

Can you, assorted ruffians, offer honest views about your expectations in 2019??
Will ya?

1 and out in the playoffs.
Repeat in 2020.

I'm gonna continue to be a fan and look at the what ifs that will make our Superbowl a reality. When we win it all....jump on the bandwagon


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Can someone tell me, realistically, how healthy the team is going to be this year? Then I can tell you how, realistically, we will do.

And not just the Cowboys, how about the Eagles with Wentz?


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the largest detriment to winning the big dance, imo, is the lackluster head coach. has been for years. we've seen what he has as a coach and it's not much. good motivator? seems to be. good at x's and 0's? clearly not. innovative or creative in his play calling? clearly not. does he know anything about defenses? clearly not. i'm hoping this is his last year.