The Force Awakens was not a remake of ANH

No matter how you slice it, none of the opinions are complimentary. The bottom line isn't that, unlike Rogue One, there wasn't enough originality involved and too many of the same notes were hit yet again.
When Han said, there's gotta be a way to blow it... there's always a way.
I felt like JJ was insulting us.

Commercialism and pusilanimity (masses want something familiar which is the only conceivable way to make money) over art and courage (let's try giving the masses something different).
Commercialism and pusilanimity (masses want something familiar which is the only conceivable way to make money) over art and courage (let's try giving the masses something different).

Understood but the Death Star AGAIN and then JJs Khan with Spock yelling it... well... I am embarrassed for him
I pointed out the similarities in the past but most people just ignored it .. I kept saying it was yet another blockbuster reboot that Hollywood is known more for these days.
Interesting. I didn't think of it this way, but I did view it as a rehash of Ep IV. It's not better that it might be all three. While there were elements in it I liked, overall it was mediocre.
the problem with Star Wars is the the expectations,i doubt Disney will green light a script which goes off the beaten path,so far the 2 new movies is all about the same planet killing ship,
Eh I see all 3 trilogies going down the same path with the same messages. If anyone has read any of the books after the three trilogies can see it even though I think the new trilogy will white wash the differences by the light and dark side.
No matter how you slice it, none of the opinions are complimentary. The bottom line isn't that, unlike Rogue One, there wasn't enough originality involved and too many of the same notes were hit yet again.

Was Rogue One that original? I felt it hit many of the same notes we've seen before.

TFA had to be what it was, and I actually enjoyed it.
Was Rogue One that original? I felt it hit many of the same notes we've seen before.

TFA had to be what it was, and I actually enjoyed it.

It may well have hit some of the same notes, and some callbacks, but in my mind it was nowhere near as repetitious as the Force Awakens was.
Yeah it was a repackaging of "A New Hope".

But one realization that made me a lot less annoyed:

This movie was not made for me.

"A New Hope" is pushing 40. It's 10 years older than I am. The only real reason I got into Star Wars was because of the re-releases.

And essentially they're trying to cultivate the same thing with this generation's youth on the old tried and true formula.
Yeah it was a repackaging of "A New Hope".

But one realization that made me a lot less annoyed:

This movie was not made for me.

"A New Hope" is pushing 40. It's 10 years older than I am. The only real reason I got into Star Wars was because of the re-releases.

And essentially they're trying to cultivate the same thing with this generation's youth on the old tried and true formula.

Well that formula isn't exactly old and tried, since it's the biggest movie franchise around still. The classic tale of good vs evil will always be relevant in today's world.
Well that formula isn't exactly old and tried, since it's the biggest movie franchise around still. The classic tale of good vs evil will always be relevant in today's world.

*warp sound*

Star Trek would like to say high

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