The Future of the Daily Zone **** PLEASE READ ****

The New DZ with just links is fine.

One thing, though -- can you add it back to the Forum Jump at the bottom of the page? Now when you get to the bottom of the page to that Go button, the default is User Control Panel (since the DZ is no longer there).
Chocolate Lab;3501807 said:
The New DZ with just links is fine.

One thing, though -- can you add it back to the Forum Jump at the bottom of the page? Now when you get to the bottom of the page to that Go button, the default is User Control Panel (since the DZ is no longer there).

I fixed this .. in the future, I highly recommend you use the Support Zone to post bugs like this as it was extremely lucky I noticed your post in this thread.

Hostile;3501594 said:
We have been experimenting with exactly this and still may use it. Thanks for the input. It is greatly appreciated.

whichever you use, like what romo2austin suggested or mike, let me know, so i can start posting cowboys news again

just dont want to post something i shouldnt and get cowboyszone into trouble

but i do miss posting
cowboyjoe;3501874 said:
whichever you use, like what romo2austin suggested or mike, let me know, so i can start posting cowboys news again

just dont want to post something i shouldnt and get cowboyszone into trouble

but i do miss posting
Why are you missing posting? The original post of the thread tells you exactly what you can do. Others are posting the snippets and providing links.

Why can't you?
Hostile;3502585 said:
Why are you missing posting? The original post of the thread tells you exactly what you can do. Others are posting the snippets and providing links.

Why can't you?

Ughhh, you did look at the name of the poster you were responding to before posing that last question, right?

Hostile;3502585 said:
Why are you missing posting? The original post of the thread tells you exactly what you can do. Others are posting the snippets and providing links.

Why can't you?

i guess im an old foggie hostile, and sometimes, in not a techy in computer stuff, and takes awhile for me to figure out how to do it;

like for instance, i just got through posting an article on bloggingtheboys

and it posted full article, with everything else, not just the one article i wanted to post

so thats why i was asking for advice and help in posting

like romo2austin suggested, using a MOD whatever that is, so when you use mouse over the link, whole article pops up, without you having to click, leave site your at, and etc....

some snippets i did post worked, but some didnt;

so i was waiting; :cool:
DallasCowpoke;3502593 said:
Ughhh, you did look at the name of the poster you were responding to before posing that last question, right?


:D He got you there hostile,

again, im not a tech person, in computers, and takes me awhile to figure things out;

im sure there is a way, you can take an article your reading, cut out a section of it, along with the link and then post it,

like remember hostile way back when you tried to get me to use
[] and it took me like 3 weeks to get it down


only way i know how to do it so far, but im sure there is an easier way
is to copy paragraphs i want, post that, then copy lnk, then post that, then post headline,

so thats why was waiting for confirmation if there is an easier way to post articles,
cowboyjoe;3503887 said:
again, im not a tech person, in computers, and takes me awhile to figure things out;

im sure there is a way, you can take an article your reading, cut out a section of it, along with the link and then post it,

like remember hostile way back when you tried to get me to use
[] and it took me like 3 weeks to get it down

only way i know how to do it so far, but im sure there is an easier way
is to copy paragraphs i want, post that, then copy lnk, then post that, then post headline,

so thats why was waiting for confirmation if there is an easier way to post articles,

Someone needs to come up with a posting "fitness test" for you Joe, a'la Albert Haynesworth style, and until you pass it, you're barred from participating with the rest of the group activities here.

DallasCowpoke;3504075 said:
Someone needs to come up with a posting "fitness test" for you Joe, a'la Albert Haynesworth style, and until you pass it, you're barred from participating with the rest of the group activities here.


:laugh2: lol thats a good one dallascowpoke
I don't necessarily disagree with it, but why the thought process going this way as far as literature or news is concerned and not the same level of precaution with posting links to various media showing full games or members who are broadcasting or showing full games. Even users who are re-posting images in the media area.

It has been show in cases such as that of newzbin (

And other sites, such as torrents or other indexes that you don't necessarily have to host the content yourself but serve as a resource for finding it.

Any idea why this isn't being given thought?
tupperware;3504464 said:
I don't necessarily disagree with it, but why the thought process going this way as far as literature or news is concerned and not the same level of precaution with posting links to various media showing full games or members who are broadcasting or showing full games. Even users who are re-posting images in the media area.

It has been show in cases such as that of newzbin (

And other sites, such as torrents or other indexes that you don't necessarily have to host the content yourself but serve as a resource for finding it.

Any idea why this isn't being given thought?
With CowboysZone, we do not host any videos nor can we control what users do away from this site. I am quite familiar with several cases like you referenced and in every situation, the sites put themselves at risk because they were primarily focused on indexing or linking to illegal content and were usually profiting from it in some way.

Why hasn't anyone gone after Google, Bing and other search engines since there are millions of direct links to copyrighted content found within their search results? Simple .. it's not their focus and they will remove any links if they receive DMCA Takedown notices for them.

Reality;3504511 said:
With CowboysZone, we do not host any videos nor can we control what users do away from this site. I am quite familiar with several cases like you referenced and in every situation, the sites put themselves at risk because they were primarily focused on indexing or linking to illegal content and were usually profiting from it in some way.

Why hasn't anyone gone after Google, Bing and other search engines since there are millions of direct links to copyrighted content found within their search results? Simple .. it's not their focus and they will remove any links if they receive DMCA Takedown notices for them.

Because it's not something they're going to do. Google and search engines like it were commonplace before piracy or DMCA violations were widespread. Though this kinda thing even existed on local BBS it wasn't really widespread.

The same applies here in the sense that the site was created for the Cowboys and their fans but as long as there is a media section devoted to that kind of content I don't see the difference really. Any works that are not your own you do not have permission to use freely or post wherever you want unless you were given the consent by whoever holds the copyrights. It's not at all different in my opinion to that of news which was written by sporting networks and sites, it's just not media related.

Truly I don't care either way, because I like watching all the videos here, just curious how the discrepancy is being made.
tupperware;3504636 said:
Because it's not something they're going to do. Google and search engines like it were commonplace before piracy or DMCA violations were widespread. Though this kinda thing even existed on local BBS it wasn't really widespread.
It is naive to think that companies won't go after people simply because it is commonplace. Peer-to-peer file/music sharing was common for years before the music industry went after them and I regularly see DMCA takedown notices at the bottom of Google search result pages and that's while looking for general information about music and movies.

The same applies here in the sense that the site was created for the Cowboys and their fans but as long as there is a media section devoted to that kind of content I don't see the difference really. Any works that are not your own you do not have permission to use freely or post wherever you want unless you were given the consent by whoever holds the copyrights. It's not at all different in my opinion to that of news which was written by sporting networks and sites, it's just not media related.
There are writers, reporters and management personnel from several of the news/content sites whose content has been posted on CZ that have active user accounts on CowboysZone. We help protect their anonymity to keep them free of harassment. The Daily Zone changes were made to protect CZ from litigation law firms that have no personal interest invested in our relationships with news/content sites. Going after sites whose users post (aka: host) content is a lot simpler and easier than going after sites whose users link to that content. Even if they won a judgement on a linked-content case, appeals would drag on and on causing their costs in time commitment to greatly exceed any judicial restitution they would gather should they win in the end. The litigation based law firms are primarily hoping for settlement offers that require very little of their time (costs). Sure they will go to trial on a few of the cases simply to use them as examples but in the end, it's all about quick money to them as it always is.

As I said before, CowboysZone does not create, host or have any partnerships or affiliations with other sites that choose to host and/or publish audio or video files linked to by users on this site. There is a huge difference between hosting content and linking to it. While there have been some mostly non-US cases filed against sites, those sites existed primarily as a conduit to illegal content. There is no way we can police the internet nor can we vet every single destination link to see whether or not it violates the laws of some states or countries. There are way too many factors that keep it from being a cut and dry process since there are fair use laws to consider as well as some of the media sources may have given special permission to some of the people who choose to host that kind of content. All we can do is focus on content that users post on CZ since that is something we can control.

Truly I don't care either way, because I like watching all the videos here, just curious how the discrepancy is being made.
You obviously do since you are carrying on this conversation and will likely continue doing so.

Reality;3504882 said:
It is naive to think that companies won't go after people simply because it is commonplace. Peer-to-peer file/music sharing was common for years before the music industry went after them and I regularly see DMCA takedown notices at the bottom of Google search result pages and that's while looking for general information about music and movies.

There are writers, reporters and management personnel from several of the news/content sites whose content has been posted on CZ that have active user accounts on CowboysZone. We help protect their anonymity to keep them free of harassment. The Daily Zone changes were made to protect CZ from litigation law firms that have no personal interest invested in our relationships with news/content sites. Going after sites whose users post (aka: host) content is a lot simpler and easier than going after sites whose users link to that content. Even if they won a judgement on a linked-content case, appeals would drag on and on causing their costs in time commitment to greatly exceed any judicial restitution they would gather should they win in the end. The litigation based law firms are primarily hoping for settlement offers that require very little of their time (costs). Sure they will go to trial on a few of the cases simply to use them as examples but in the end, it's all about quick money to them as it always is.

As I said before, CowboysZone does not create, host or have any partnerships or affiliations with other sites that choose to host and/or publish audio or video files linked to by users on this site. There is a huge difference between hosting content and linking to it. While there have been some mostly non-US cases filed against sites, those sites existed primarily as a conduit to illegal content. There is no way we can police the internet nor can we vet every single destination link to see whether or not it violates the laws of some states or countries. There are way too many factors that keep it from being a cut and dry process since there are fair use laws to consider as well as some of the media sources may have given special permission to some of the people who choose to host that kind of content. All we can do is focus on content that users post on CZ since that is something we can control.

You obviously do since you are carrying on this conversation and will likely continue doing so.

Well if you're bothered by it I'll just be quiet. It doesn't take tons of effort for me to type up a half a dozen sentences to figure something out or to be genuinely curious about something. I still am a bit confused on what is really different between the two outside of text and actual content (Video, Pictures) Both can be controlled or disallowed as you've done with the news. An example would be to disallow linking to NFL related videos on youtube and instead linking to the site for a particular highlight. Or, rather than allow full games to be linked to, linking to Game Rewind. It's principle more than it is your ability to be able to realistically police it. Anyway, I'm done I'm not trying to talk you down or pretend I know best. I was simply under the impression there wasn't much of a difference between the two. Thanks for the answers anyway.
In a perfect world, CZers would be a bit more original.

There are some here who only post full articles or give only links.

I already know what the mainstream media are saying and writing.

I am primarily interested in what the average Joe or Jose or Josef are thinking.

Originality. And personal views and thoughts. Not regurgitated stuff from the media.

That is what draws many here, not articles and links that anybody can read in other venues.

Also, when did moderators start killing posts, particularly posts that disagree with what they say?
CowboyMike;3501556 said:
Well, the rss thing was the idea I put forward like what you're asking for. I didn't know you had already considered it. I've used it before in vBul at another site and it seems like a practical solution.

Possibly because it came from you.

Anybody else, the suggestion would carry currency. :D
WoodysGirl;3501046 said:
You can post a few lines from the article with a link...OR...provide a summary with a link.

Whole articles will not be allowed anymore.

Well, there goes your raison d'être.
I 100% support whatever it takes to keep CZ online and Reality free from lawsuit.

All that said, I rather wish we didn't see this snippet model used in the fan zone area as well. I can just avoid the daily zone or only read the "headlines" as I have no desire to see even 1% of the re-directs.

Is it possible to push all the snippets to the Daily Zone?

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